Chapter 163: Winner

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 163: Winner

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FYI, it's not just the roof now being repaired but the whole ground floor so I figured I might as well start pumping chaps during night and help out during the day and sleep for a few hours in the evening once the labourers leave~


Meeting with his father had rattled Yu Xiaogang slightly. Yu Yuanzhen had revealed his intention of bringing Xiaogang back. Even if the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan could barely endure Golden Crocodile's pressure, even the Second Priest of the fabled Elder's Hall would not be able to do anything once Yu Xiaogang himself returns to the clan. The man had also revealed that Liu Erlong's father would be talking to her regarding the same matter but seeing the woman's calm and somewhat terrifying countenance largely attributed to the shining bald head, Yu Xiaogang pursed his lips and didn't let himself get distracted anymore.

As usual, he would stay behind. His martial soul, like Tang Yuehua, worked on its own, and again, unlike Yuehua, even the domain of his martial soul was situated within the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon as opposed to Yuehua being the center of her domain.

Kun Chen took the lead and stood at the front. His very physique the depiction of confidence and this aspect only increased when Kun Chen failed to find Ja Sun within Bibi Dong's ranks. But Yu Xiaogang noticed something different this time.

Hu Lana and Tang Yuehua stood extremely close to Oscar while Jun'er stood in front. Meanwhile, Liu Erlong was behind Ah Yin and Bibi Dong. Keeping two control-type spirit masters was a bit.. bold, but Yu Xiaogang brushed it off. As usual, Tang Yuehua was too weak to participate in a battle of this caliber while his sources were now certain about Hu Lana's condition. It wasn't as if Hu Lana and Xie Xan hid the news of their pregnancy.

Again, a Spirit Douluo stood in between the two opponents.

"Prepare your martial souls!" The referee stated loudly, his voice booming within the arena while Ah Yin, Liu Erlong, Jun'er, Oscar, and Hu Lana activated their martial souls. Hu Lana's charm increased further. From the very beginning, unlike the beautiful and 'innocent' Bibi Dong and Ah Yin, Hu Lana was the center of many's attention. She simply looked gorgeous due to how her spirit energy now uplifted her charm to another level. With a bushy golden foxtail and long perky ears, Hu Lana's seductiveness was on a level highly dangerous.

Their team needed focus and this worked well.

Yu Xiaogang and other men and women of the opposing team fell into a daze as the Spirit Douluo shouted again, "Start!"

"Let this granddaddy feed you tofu!"

Oscar instantly hissed and his fourth spirit ring appeared over his arm. On two of his stretched hands appeared a strange purplish tofu. His fourth ability Phantom Tofu, once created would last for a day. Its ability was to grant the user intangibility for a minute and the effects would increase by a minute after every subsequent spirit ring. What really was strange about this ability was that Oscar had to feed the tofu personally because only in his grasp the tofu is tangible. Else, nobody can touch it.

His realm of self allowed him to create two tofus at once and he instantly brought the tofus towards Hu Lana and Tang Yuehua who bit on with a slightly depressed expression. Jun'er's and Oscar's expression wasn't any better while the remaining three girls had a short smile even without looking back.

The effect was visible as the duo's body turned translucent.


The opposing team finally broke out of their daze and with a terrible expression, Yu Xiaogang activated his martial soul. The dangerous dragon appeared instantly only for Ah Yin to smirk.



First and fifth spirit rings instantly created multiple strands of Blue Silver Emperor as Ah Yin controlled them expertly and let the tough and durable vines coil around the dragon before it could completely emerge with a great momentum. She looked completely in her element while keeping the dragon on the tight leash.

Yu Xiaogang's scalp tingled at the sheer strength of the restriction as despite only having a difference of one ranked title, his martial soul that would be dubbed as the stronger beast spirit was easily controlled.

Of course, this was without any Spirit Rings activated.

Or even the domain. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Before anyone could begin acting, two phantoms rushed past instantly.

Oscar's intangibility was a very strange skill. It came with heavier restrictions than one might have expected at one point. Being intangible meant having no form. This, of course, would be disadvantageous to the group for they will simply 'fall' into the earth. There were two ways this could be avoided.

By having the ability to fly, or keeping oneself up using their martial soul.

The second option was once again, the originator of the ability.

Hu Lana was completely weightless at the moment as Oscar pulled her and ran quickly. His hair stood at their ends as he passed the frightening dragon while taking to the sky on the equally intangible was Clear Phoenix. Being her martial soul, Clear Phoenix was equally intangible but it didn't affect Yuehua's contact with it.

One minute.


Kun Chen let out a howl while his skin began to layer in the form of a resplendent diamond while seven spirit rings emerged around him. By now, only a few seconds had already passed.

"Do it!"

Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes and Ah Yin instantly shot ahead while letting go of the dragon as it opened its maw to let out a pillar of lightning. The attack, instead, didn't connect as the Dragon's body was moved by the sudden retraction of the grass. Aside from Liu Erlong, even Jun'er had shot past leaving the crimson devil-like visage facing the lightning tyrant dragon alone.

"About time," Liu Erlong cackled, her claws being covered by thick licks of ultimate fire as her first spirit ring glimmered around her.

"Feather Tail Sword!"

A golden sword shot out from the middle of the opponents targeting Oscar as he suddenly ducked while the blade passed through Hu Lana.

"Hey!" Hu Lana scowled.

"Again!" Jun'er screamed and Oscar ducked again while the golden sword stabbed through Hu Lana from behind. This was a homing skill and Hu Lana's eyes turned cold.

"I'm doing it!"

"Why isn't clear phoenix this awesome..." Hu Lana mumbled. The two opponents had already returned to opposite sides.

Tang Yuehua couldn't help but fall into a daze as she too, was surprised by the sheer strength of the similar type of martial soul.

Her Clear Phoenix was the size of a larger dog at the moment and it was only because of it being a Phoenix could it bear to lift Tang Yuehua. However, the dragon was clearly larger. A few meters large in fact. And too ferocious.

At that moment, golden lightning erupted around the dragon's man while its domain disappeared. In fact, Yu Xiaogang was pale as a sheet of white paper and suffered from the overdraft of his spirit energy. Even his pupils turned golden at this point while his fifth spirit ring continued to let out an eerie glow.

However, Liu Erlong stood her ground calmly.

"Invincibility or not... the skill probably doesn't affect the injuries already taken, right?" Her grin was wicked as she focused on the areas where her ultimate fire still burned.

One of the many advantages of being a monarch of elements and being loved by certain elements is...

Her gaze flickered fervently and the flames on the Dragon's injuries began to spread and it let out a painful growl once again.

But it shot forward nonetheless while Liu Erlong rushed, too.

'It's useless,' Yu Xiaogang's eyes brightened, 'Dragon Pearl Invincibility grants the martial soul and the user complete Invincibility from any damage after the activation for 5 seconds!'

This skill had completely drained Yu Xiaogang and it was a struggle to keep his martial soul active.

However, revealing its brute might completely, the dragon smashed into Liu Erlong, making her cough up a mouthful of blood before sending her back due to recoil.

'Infernal King's Crunch!' Her second spirit ring brightened. The force of the recoil was too great and within a few seconds, she would be pushed out of the ring. Pained by her right arm broken, her left one only safe due to the absorption of a spirit bone, Liu Erlong used her second ability to stop herself from completely falling out.

Flames emerge from her feet and turned into the giant maws of the Infernal Dragon King in the form of Ultimate Fire as it bit down on her. The flames didn't hurt Erlong at all while the momentum was transferred successfully.

"Finish her!"

Yu Xiaogang spat coldly. If their support members were still up then he could have gotten more spirit energy but the support masters were the first to be targetted alongside the team's greatest strength Kun Chen. By now, if there were some individuals doubtful of Hu Lana still, all of them could only remain silent within the viewer's seat.

On the other hand, still holding the pearl in its mouth, the dragon charged forward again, unwilling to give Liu Erlong the time to regain her composure. Unfortunately, a killer instinctively kills and a thief unconsciously swipes pockets.

Liu Erlong's expression turned menacing!

'It has been years since I left that godforsaken valley! And yet...'

Her body let out a tremendous wave of spirit energy. She was reminded of her home the moment she met Yu Xiaogang's attitude. And if that wasn't enough, seeing Yu Luomian certainly sent her over the edge.

"Bunch of fucking snakes!" She shrieked loudly, blood pouring from her mouth as her horn extended greatly. She poured the entirety of her spirit energy into her fifth spirit ring. In fact, she bypassed the time limit of activating Horn Obliteration by actively converting her spirit energy into potent particles of Ultimate Fire that shot out into a terrifying ray of fiery light that impacted against the dragon.

It couldn't be damaged but it certainly could he stopped.

Yu Xiaogang's expression turned desperate while Liu Erlong's turned manic.

The final second passed almost after the collision.


Yu Xiaogang suddenly coughed up blood as the dragon was entirely pushed back. Its scale constantly broken and the deep pillar of Ultimate Fire almost pierced a charring hole in its body when

The Martial Soul was suddenly called back while Yu Xiaogang dodged in a hurry. His entire body was drenched with sweat and his upper body was even covered with blood. His martial soul had been damaged extensively and he simply didn't want to risk it dying... again. Not after his martial soul became so amazing.

Meanwhile, the laser of fire tire a small hole in the base of the arena and set it aflame.

"Hehe, see. It's easy enough to kneel, right?" Liu Erlong continued to stand, revealing her tremendous tolerance to pain, second only to Ja Sun in their team. Her fleshy wing was almost torn off from her back and her right arm dangled limply. But the bloodied smile sent shivers down Yu Xiaogang's spine.

"Come on, say my name," Liu Erlong slowly began to step towards Yu Xiaogang while he recalled his meeting with her.



Liu Erlong screamed and stomped his face instantly, smashing his head on the hard stage.

"Say. my. fucking. name!" Liu Erlong's roar resounded in the silent, awestruck arena. The more she said these specific sets of words, the more terrible the expressions of the two elders became. Meanwhile, Qian Xunji observed everything with a narrowed expression. He was surprised by how the match took turn into such a situation but he didn't intervene and with the terrifying spirit energy locking on the two elders of the Dragon Clan, he didn't let them act out either.

Liu Erlong removed her foot from Yu Xiaogang's face. His nose bloodied and his eyes barely open.

"Liu..." the dark-haired youth gasped, "E-erlong."

"Damn right," Liu Erlong scoffed, unceremoniously kicking Yu Xiaogang off the stage before sucking in deeply. The surrounding licks of flame instantly gathered around her and disappeared into her mouth.

'Damn... so many sucking jokes...' 'He' had his lips pursed. He didn't regret his decisions usually... but seeing his team having so much fun... maybe he did?

With the match decided, the injured captain of the opposing team was quickly taken away while Qian Xunji called out the winners of the match and ended the internal competition with a rousing speech that acted as a dessert to the wonderful dish served in the form of Liu Erlong wrecking her opponent. The fact that she wasn't even the captain of the team was emphasized by Qian Xunji to simultaneously raise Bibi Dong's reputation a bit further while he also commented on how great of a member of the Spirit Hall Liu Erlong was which made the Patriarch of the Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan feel as if he had been smacked across his face.

With how Liu Erlong declared her 'allegiance,' the two members of the clan could only act silently now. They didn't have the high ground to act against the Spirit Hall.

After all, Spirit City is bound to be filled with informants of other influential factions of the two empires and today's result will reach far and wide. Similarly, the results and information of various teams across the continent would soon reach Bibi Dong's desk to allow her to think of various strategies.

In two weeks at most, the finals would begin at the designated location and 33 Teams from the entire continent would enter into a round-robin type competition that will finally redistribute various moveable assets across the entire continent, and for this, preparations were needed to be made.

Qian Xunji entered into a small phase of closed-door cultivation just like his father. The news regarding Ja Sun was still not known.

The group continued to meditate. For the moment, without Ja Sun's ability to coax spirit beasts, Bibi Dong didn't want anyone to breakthrough just yet. That particular skill is rarely used but it didn't mean that it may not come in handy. Not to mention the fact that Bibi Dong wanted the team to come up with better strategies using their current sets of skills since they have been leaving out a lot.