Chapter 171: Truth

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 171: Truth

Ja Sun had previously thought of keeping this information but a moment's thought also made him realize that this information was like a ticking bomb. Bibi Dong had just decided to trust Ja Sun over her master and if he didn't use this opportune moment, he might end up regretting it later.

"Well, Redstar explained to me that even he is fearful of Slaughter King's influence. In reality, his martial soul is called Unending Bat. Unlike its name, Redstar only has a total of ten lives. Each time he dies, his spirit energy gains a great boost and he would then return to life to advance quickly... he admitted that after his fifth death at your hand, he quickly climbed up to the stage of Spirit Emperor," Ja Sun recounted the story calmly, "However, the Slaughter King doesn't just kill. He absorbs. So the mysterious entity, in Redstar's words is the perfect counter to his ability."

Ja Sun looked around before he looked at Ah Yin.

"Why don't you set up your domain? We might need more privacy."

Ah Yin nodded. Although Bibi Dong wanted to be the only one to hear this information like usual since she was the only one privy to every teammates' ability, too, she couldn't say anything about Ah Yin. She was close to Ja Sun and her not only because of their basic relationship but even through her status.

Once Ah Yin set her almost indistinguishable domain, Ja Sun sighed softly and continued, "Redstar also admitted to many other things. One of them being the fact that Hint of Evil is sponsored by the Spirit Hall. Or more precisely, the current Supreme Pontiff."

Bibi Dong's gaze flickered but she remained quiet. Qian Xunji had taught Bibi Dong to look at the world from the view of benefits most of the time. The moment Ja Sun spoke of this matter, Bibi Dong did realize that controlling an Evil Spirit Organization had a lot of benefits not excluding the fact that an orthodox faction like Spirit Hall could directly control the number of Evil Spirit Masters. And she also recalled how the Hint of Evil had been used to undermine the Star Luo Empire to bring about a balance of power in the continent.

"I understand," Bibi Dong urged, "Please, continue."

Seeing this reaction, Ja Sun was a bit relieved. If Bibi Dong had lost her head and began doubting Qian Xunji and indirectly, began to doubt her own character, Ja Sun would never have continued.

"He then explained the influence of Hint of Evil. How it has infiltrated almost all the Clans and Sects using either indignant members or external elders. The prime example is none other than Ground Devil Douluo who was an external elder of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan."

"Later... all he had to say was a few things and proposed a trade. Well, I proposed the trade. He couldn't snatch it and incur master's wrath. And none of his subordinates have the strength to deal with me. And our team being the Spirit Hall's faction of geniuses also prevented Redstar from acting against them to force my hand.

I traded the 100000-year-old Bone that was found from Ground Devil's body... but it was a counterfeit, so clearly... he might be quite angry. Angry enough to suddenly appear..."

"Then why won't he appear when I'm still here?" Bibi Dong frowned.

"And what did you trade the counterfeit for?" Ah Yin inquired curiously.

"Well... spirit bone in exchange of spirit bones, of course," Ja Sun shrugged and their gazes gained a rather enchanting splendor. In their eyes, Ja Sun was now a treasure trove... a literal one. But Bibi Dong got out of this dazed state and continued to wait for her answer.

"And he couldn't act against you since you are Supreme Pontiff's disciple."

Narrowing her eyes, Bibi Dong snorted, "So you are using me?"

"Basically, yes," Ja Sun admitted honestly, "And I wanted to take this moment to reveal something that Ah Yin, Redstar, and my master already knows."

"What?" Bibi Dong leaned forward. Until now, there wasn't anything Ja Sun had spoken that actually threw her off.

"When you assisted me against Ground Devil..." Ja Sun held a soft tone, "You sensed it, just as I did, right?"

"You... possess twin martial soul, just like me," Bibi Dong looked at Ah Yin as she shrugged, uncaring of this matter entirely. But it was important for Bibi Dong.

"And you also understand the attribute granted to it," Ja Sun sighed and smiled lightly. Bibi Dong felt a little weird seeing his expression.

"Apparently, that signature of energy was also caught by master and Redstar that viewed the confrontation at the time and they deduced my identity... well, the more I think about it, the more I have come to realize that master knew my identity from the very start," he glanced at Ah Yin as if saying that her secret wasn't hers, too.

Ah Yin frowned, a little nervous while Bibi Dong waited silently.

"Man, I haven't actually used my real name in a while," Ja Sun traced his chin.

Since it was his secret to speak of, Ah Yin remained unperturbed.

"What is it?" Bibi Dong frowned, now beginning to feel a little impatient.

"My real name is Ja Sun," like a bandaid needed to be ripped quickly, Ja Sun stated clearly, "As in the Evil Grandson with a large bounty. And that's why... Redstar sought me out. To first try and rattle me and then do his biddings."

Bibi Dong leaned back. Her expression pensive. There was a little anger and reluctance on her face as she pointed at his right arm. She, of course, knew who Ja Sun was. The young deserter who managed to injure her master at the awakening ceremony itself.

"Show me your martial soul," she looked at him.

"What would that change?" Ja Sun questioned in return.

"Nothing. But, this way, I would know what you're speaking is the truth, and may believe what you have to say next," Bibi Dong replied. Eerily calm. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Ja Sun unwrapped the bandage on his right arm and revealed his Evil Title. It looked like an ordinary tattoo but Bibi Dong had once felt the Evil Attribute emanate from Ja Sun clearly. She, too, possessed such an attribute, and even though this was quite an abstract energy, those who possess it can feel it clearly.

"I... understand why you must have felt like keeping this to yourself, I mean, between you two... but you also should have known that if I didn't expose the fact that you hold a 100000-year-old spirit bone... then there are not many things I will choose to divulge about you."

Bibi Dong lowered her head and spoke softly.

"You... wouldn't lust after any 100000-year-old spirit bone?" Ah Yin suddenly inquired.

"At least, those that belong to you guys," Bibi Dong looked up, a hurt look on her expression, "Why? Even you have a spirit bone?"

But not minding such a look, Ah Yin smiled soothingly, "Just noting this fact down for the future."

Just because Ja Sun gave away his secret didn't mean she had to do the same. Ah Yin was more fearful of the Spirit Hall should they know about her real identity because it also represented a relatively easy crimson spirit ring.

"But you can understand why I kept it and that's the main point," Ja Sun didn't shy away from Bibi Dong's gaze. His smile all but receded. "I never intended to hurt you. Not like this..."

"Oh, then how?" Bibi Dong suddenly chuckled, but seeing his sincere expression, her eyes reddened momentarily.

"Then Grandmaster... did he know?" Bibi Dong's expression grew worse.

"No, he didn't. To the world, Qian Xunji found you accidentally. Before leaving, Qian Xunji wanted his privacy so he made his father promise that he wouldn't be observed constantly.

Only Redstar is privy to all this information because he was present."

Bibi Dong slowly shook her head. Then she frowned. Many emotions passed through her face as she continued to exchange glances with Ah Yin and Ja Sun.

"So... you are titled an Evil Cultivator, too..." she couldn't believe any of it now. "My mother... was one, too... my father's and master's actions weren't any better either... and my supposed caretaker is the head of the evil organization and died by my hands once..."

She suddenly fell forward. Her eyes rolled up as her head buried into the bed and she fell from the chair entirely.

"Yeah... this seems reasonable."

Ja Sun sighed.

"See to her, meanwhile, I will keep others busy."

"Like hell you're leaving me alone," Ja Sun glared at Ah Yin as she smiled sadly and patted his cheek, "I'm no good. It's a sad thing to hear such a past but you're better at talking... and making her laugh. Anyway, I only have a problem with you making other plants laugh. However, insects are also pests... keep that in mind..."

"Just be clear," Ja Sun rolled his eyes.

Pulling him into a sudden kiss, Ah Yin whispered, "I mean, don't forget that I'm also here."

"Then stay," Ja Sun smiled.

"Nice try," Ah Yin walked out.

Groaning, Ja Sun picked Bibi Dong and laid her on the bed. Then he began to browse through his rewards. The sword would be refined into materials.

The Vajra Ore would be instantly melted into his Vajra Gauntlet once he regains his ability to use spirit energy in higher volume. The Xue Royal Crown was quite useless to him, too, aside from the materials and crystal gems gained from it.

Finally, Ja Sun was interested in the Heaven's Carving Technique. It was a technique to inscribe runes, arrays, and formations into spirit essence tools that also adds the four elements to it. It was quite a broadening knowledge for him. There was also the 11000-year-old Flash Snake Right Arm Bone that... was useless to him.

The two S-ranked rewards were the One Blood Incarnation Technique that was a clone technique that didn't require a spirit ring but a large amount of blood. And this technique produced a clone with a mind of its own so it was quite a hassle for Ja Sun. The last reward was a Might Douluo's Fist Art, a technique similar to Death Astral Combatant that forms a pseudo core but a physical one this time...

'What... the fuck? All of these are useless...' Ja Sun almost shouted. Even Evil Egg came as a use to him but this... he wouldn't even need to use any of these except for Heaven's Carving Technique which wasn't even an S-ranked reward!

As Ja Sun continued to silently wait beside Bibi Dong, he couldn't help but sigh again. He had never known about his parents and it is stories like these that make him stop investigating such matters in the first place.

Mother... raped and killed. Father betrayed and killed. Her master being the culprit and raised her for reasons that now seem incomprehensible. And his association with Hint of Evil, as far as Redstar suspected, didn't seem as simple as controlling the strength and amount of Evil Spirit Masters.

"I'm awake," Bibi Dong suddenly whispered and attracted Ja Sun's attention. Slowly turning around, Bibi Dong curled up under the blanket as she faced Ja Sun, "You... should have never told me about my past. Even if I attacked you... you should have kept it a secret... that's what a good friend would have done."

"But I'm not a good friend now, am I?" Ja Sun reached out with his hand. The back of his palm touching her forehead, stroking her gently as she looked away, "You... suck."

"It's a screwed up story, yeah," Ja Sun added, "But you still got us. You now know everything that you should know. Confronting your master or not, is up to you."

"Confront him...?" Bibi Dong mumbled, a little dazed as she still shivered under the blanket.

A natural expression of fear and apprehension touched her face and she looked at Ja Sun pitifully. "You're supposed to comfort me after that screwed-up story!" She screamed suddenly.

Ja Sun only raised his brows in surprise but didn't find much anger to reply with. Instead, he continued to stroke her forehead. He himself didn't know if it was good enough or not, but he felt that if he leaned back and did nothing, then he wouldn't even be worth as a friend. At least, he was trying, he thought internally.

"I'm no good with comforting. I only know that you will have my support. It's clear. It's concise. Even if you expect others to betray, I'm the only one who you will count on."

Bibi Dong suddenly caught Ja Sun's wrist, "Then show me," she replied before pulling him into the blanket. Before Ja Sun could complain, Bibi Dong hugged him fiercely and buried her head. It was a simple gesture but when he felt Bibi Dong's shivering body, he thought for a moment before coiling his arms around her.

"What... am I going to do?" Bibi Dong whispered. Her voice cracking as she evidently began to tear up.

"You'll figure something out," Ja Sun replied. Well, if this was his origin, he wouldn't give two flying fucks about it. Who fucked who. Who gave birth. Who died and who lived... it wouldn't matter to him. And maybe, deep down, it didn't matter to Bibi Dong, too. What terrified and confused her was Qian Xunji himself. The man who lived. She didn't know how to face him now.

"Yeah... I will figure something out... I always do," Bibi Dong consoled herself as her fingers tightly clenched Ja Sun's clothes, "But... just stay like this. You can go back to Ah Yin tomorrow..."

"Well, I can stay like this for two days, if you want," Ja Sun shrugged. Not like he had to do anything.

"Fine," Bibi Dong replied before turning silent. She didn't speak anymore and continued to remain in his embrace before the duo slept away peacefully. Meanwhile, Ja Sun's clone sneaked around and kept a close eye. It was clear that Ja Sun could only remain half-asleep.


A/N: Given how martial souls work based on the bloodline, I always thought that the act of Bibi Dong having two spider type martial souls is a bit contradictory when compared to the theory Dugu Bo stated above the martial soul coming from parents. So I thought of this orgin for Bibi Dong early on while writing this fanfiction.


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