Chapter 180: Distractions

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 180: Distractions

"Patriarch Tang, I'm sure you're familiar with my personal disciple and her valued teammate," Qian Xunji smiled and gestured the two to take a seat on the side couch while Tang Peng and Qian Xunji continued to sit in front of each other. Although a little uncomfortable sitting in such a close proximity with Ja Sun in front of Qian Xunji, she ultimately agreed.

"These two..." Tang Peng looked at the duo and his gaze focused on Ja Sun, "Of course, I know. I keep track of every man or woman with the galls to reject me."

Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong blinked. Gui Mei, by now, had left the room again. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Please don't keep us in the dark," Qian Xunji smiled, and keeping to the point, something he didn't while in front of his daughter, Tang Peng narrowed his eyes, "It was a simple proposal. Tang Yuehua is at the age of marriage and I haven't found a suitable candidate other than Dai Taiyin or this Silver-armed Freak here."

Bibi Dong raised her brow at the news. Her pink pupils gave Ja Sun a sidelong glance while he felt emotional.

'Somebody finally recognized my synthetic arm,' he sighed internally.

"I see, this isn't a topic that I'm authorized to deal with," Qian Xunji brushed it off calmly but Tang Peng frowned, "A Supreme Pontiff doesn't have authority to set relations with other factions? Even I married the women of Attack, Speed, and Strength Clan to stabilize our relationship. Is it that all the men of the Supreme Pontiff find it disturbing to be close to women?"

"Surely, you jest. Not disturbing but simply distracting," Qian Xunji replied, causing Bibi Dong's eyes to narrow down, "And I'm sure my disciple didn't visit me for a simple errand."

This time Bibi Dong didn't let Tang Peng interrupt and spoke up.

"Yes, master. I came here to discuss the resources we want the Clear Sky Clan to offer in exchange for what they have asked."

Tang Peng's expression instantly turned pleased. He, of course, knew about their demands. Although the Spirit Hall had lost a match, every faction knew it now that they had simply given it up. The match against the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan would have turned out a lot differently if every member of the team was present. However, Tang Peng still had confidence in his younger generation.

For better or worse, the Clear Sky Clan held the title of the strongest Tool Martial Soul.

As Bibi Dong explained the demands, Tang Peng listened with a calm expression. Even Qian Xunji's expression didn't reveal the slightest trace of anger or indignation.

"Hmm, I understand. Since this is a competition hosted by Spirit City, of course, we will value all the trades equally. Since this is a transaction, all we have to do is find something of equivalent value to demand in return. Isn't that all?" Qian Xunji inquired. With how he had taught Bibi Dong, he felt that she would have come to the same conclusion. So, if she did come to this conclusion and still decided to approach then the trouble should lie in...

Qian Xunji waited and his doubts were confirmed as Bibi Dong continued.

"We have discussed the remuneration we want wagered in return but it needs master's approval. Since this was Ka-ul's idea, I want him to explain everything clearly."

Qian Xunji nodded.

"First of all, since no Spirit Bones were demanded, we struck off this particular resource from the list of items that can be gained from the transaction," Ka-ul began, "Since the 'bet' is nothing more than a transaction where the match will be the 'negotiation' and the winning faction will gain the rewards for the already approved cost free, it needs to be considered that what the Clear Sky Clan wishes to gain can be generalized into resources, property, and items of historical importance. Resources in the form of information regarding various techniques and blueprints for training grounds.

Property in the form of Trading Rights within the Independent city developed by Spirit Hall Spirit City.

And items of historical importance such as various artifacts that belonged to some other ancestry. These items fell in the hands of the Spirit Hall by chasing down evil spirit masters."

In reality, Spirit Hall had used various righteous reasons to plunder resources, too. But seeing Ka-ul so eloquent, Qian Xunji agreed with his father's foresight. The young man knew how to maneuver around political shitholes without getting a single splatter on himself.

"Just say what you want," Tang Peng frowned.

"Something that is a property, a resource point, and a location of historical importance," Ja Sun calmly smiled, "The Giant's Forest."

Tang Peng's expression froze and Qian Xunji grew visibly interested.

"Say that again?" Tang Peng spoke coldly.

"Or you could reform your demands," Ja Sun continued to look at Tang Peng, "The Spirit Hall will not be taken advantage of just because the Clear Sky Clan has a title of the Strongest Martial Soul. And, if the clan is bold enough to demand resources that can fill other's vaults for years, it should be bold enough to present an equivalent exchange."

"Say, what you wanted, again," Tang Peng stated again.

"Supreme Pontiff," Ja Sun looked at Qian Xunji, dropping the responsibility calmly, "I merely suggest an equivalent value. As my team leader stated, we're here for your guidance. Not to offend clans and ruin relationships. Please advise us what to do."

With that Ja Sun calmly sat down and Tang Peng's gaze now fell on Qian Xunji whose brows twitched.

"Hmm, it is an understandable reaction, Patriarch Tang. But it is as the young man said: A fair deal. In response to your wishes, we demand full control of the Giant's Forest. Of course, you hold the right to refuse."

"And Yuehua let you be so presumptuous?" Tang Peng suddenly glared at Ja Sun and a massive pressure descended on him, forcing his shoulders to let out a creaking sound but what surprised everyone, including Ja Sun himself was that for the first time, he could physically endure a Titled Douluo's pressure. It was clear that the benefits from the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng were more than he could have expected when it came to refining the body.

"Tang Yuehua did not interfere in this matter. Since she is not participating in the conflict directly, she also does not have the right to change the compensation we acquire," Bibi Dong spoke calmly.

"And, I would request Patriarch Tang to think calmly. Once the Spirit City protects a hunting ground, we do not isolate it. We allow the spirit beasts to grow inside and stop the rogue spirit masters from needlessly hunting spirit beasts," Qian Xunji's spirit energy exuded and neutralized Tang Peng's force.

"Should we win, I can go as far as to promise the Clear Sky Clan's younger generation the entry to this forest without any cost after they reach their bottlenecks.

There have already been many reports of this... Evil group, the Hint of Evil, striking various protected grounds. The Giant's Forest has faced losses and right now, the forest only holds historical importance but not its monetary value."

Tang Peng's expression changed as venom flickered in his eyes the moment he heard the name Hint of Evil.

'But wait... kids... hmm, little blank pages that can be impressed as whatever I wish...'

Ja Sun suddenly imagined himself wearing shades and a sleeveless jacket while sitting behind a drum set as a group of children, no older than seven, in similar attire, began to rock hard.

'That... could be good, right? Having my own team of absolute destruction... Now the question is, will Bibi Dong and Ah Yin agree to have four children each?'

Needless to say, Bibi Dong opened another level of Pandora's box inside Ja Sun's mind.


Once Ja Sun and Bibi Dong returned, they soon got the confirmation of the deal. It was set. For this match, the Spirit Academy rejected every other faction that approached them to gain something from the Clear Sky Clan, causing quite a few grunts of dissatisfaction. But the news that a property was the part of the bet shocked many higher-ups. It should be known that just like how the deal of Spirit Bones was extremely tantalizing, a property can be equally desirable.

"Did your men assist in persuading Tang Peng?" Qian Xunji inquired while leaning back on his couch.

"They did offer a few words of advice, mostly financially related," Redstar replied calmly.

"I see... there are still two days until the final competition and the distribution of the prices. If Bibi Dong wins, there may be a special match against our faction and the clear sky clan to break the tie since the probability of the White Tiger Clan defeating Bibi Dong's team is quite low.

At most, we will begin three days later. So, for your final mission, I want you to dig out everything you can find on Ka-ul. He has amassed quite the wealth and has proved beneficial to the Spirit Hall many times already. But now he's getting closer to my disciple."

"And you of all people find it disturbing?" Redstar smiled, no, more like sneered.

"Not disturbing. Distracting. Ka-ul is good enough. He isn't like Ah Yin who shy away from political matters. In the future, Ah Yin may become the leading member of the Elder's Hall and Ka-ul's relationship with her will benefit Dong'er, too," Qian Xunji rubbed his forehead slightly, "Just do as you're told. I want to know everything you can find out to ease my worries."

"Hmm, I see," Redstar nodded and disappeared.

Since he wasn't directly asked to expose Ja Sun, Redstar didn't speak out of turn. Although scammed, Redstar only felt that Ja Sun's probability of taking on Qian Xunji and winning in due time had risen. The fact that he could return from the Slaughter City in a month paused his own plans of netting revenge against Ja Sun.

To Qian Xunji and Redstar, both, Ja Sun was a great asset.

Qian Xunji hoped that Ja Sun would become a linchpin to Spirit Hall, and Redstar hoped for Ja Sun to become a pivotal factor in Qian Xunji's eventual fall.

For that, of course, he would have to make the two oppose each other.

'I do hope that he has explained to Bibi Dong everything or all of it would be for naught...'

Redstar moved out of the arena and basked in the slowly rising sun over the horizon, clearly intending on enjoying the pleasures the nature around him had to offer.


Bibi Dong and others made final preparations for the match. She didn't need a call-out to keep the matters of Tang Peng offering Yuehua's hand in marriage a secret since Yuehua herself didn't want any misunderstandings at her own expense.

Bibi Dong relayed the final limits. She and Xie Xan wouldn't release their domains and according to Erlong, her and Ah Yin's domain acted against each other so only one of them could use it at a time. Ja Sun, again, hoped to go bare and he truly expected an S-ranked mission now. Seven clear sky hammers with him only using his fists... it seemed difficult even to him, and exciting.

This time, they would take one of the most basic approaches. Two members on Oscar, keeping him safe from others as he would provide recovery tofus. Bibi Dong will assist in Liu Erlong reaching the center of the opposing team to separate them and then tag along with Ja Sun to take care of opponents.

Finally, Ah Yin will need to divert as many attacks as possible. Since she could easily be targeted this time around, everyone had to keep on moving. They needed to choose their targets and take them out one after another but this in itself was quite a dangerous method because it will give the opponents the time they need.

Clear Sky Clan had already shown many techniques other than their Spirit Abilities. The members of the clear sky clan are geniuses and Ja Sun didn't doubt that some of them may even have a Spirit Bone.

"Sigh... isn't it better to just release all the poison? They will have to back down eventually," Hu Lana mumbled.

"I don't want attention more than necessary. Revealing the true strength of poison will only make it harder for her in the future. Sure, the competition did not allow external methods, but in real life and death battles, her opponents would know about her poison and make appropriate preparations. Presently, she kept the potency of her poison even from Qian Xunji!

And, if she unleashed the full potency of her poison, she might not even have time to heal them before they succumb to their untimely deaths.

"Let's go," Ah Yin spoke up and walked towards the door as Hu Lana shrugged and followed. Everyone walked out of the office and made their way towards the viewer's area.

Their match was the first one of the day to kick things off with a bang.


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