Chapter 196: Settlement (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 196: Settlement (2)

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A total of four days have passed since their arrival to the Giant's Forest. The men from Spirit Hall had arrived the next day after the main group's arrival. These members were tasked with setting up preliminary defenses, camps, and the scouting of the Giant's Forest. Even if Ja Sun wanted to set more missions, he knew that before digesting his previous gains completely, he wouldn't be able to actually grow stronger. Strength mattered little to him, but it was the accompanying survivability that truly had Ja Sun enticed. He wanted to see a lot more and the stronger he is, the longer he can explore and even survive the consequences of setting up rather dangerous missions.

"Ahh~ The temperature here is just right. Ka-ul, I bet Little Yin and Xan are fuming!" Hu Lana giggled. Her coy expression, her very existence tugged on the souls of those around her. Even Ja Sun couldn't deny the woman's charm but he had known her to be a better friend. The current situation could testify to it.

Leaning against their chairs, Ja Sun and Hu Lana basked in sunlight while everyone else had their tasks.

"Well, well, I told you didn't I? Just doing nothing and staying under the sun in such a lush environment is great," He chuckled, his eyes narrowed. Hu Lana would play her pregnancy card to get out of all the responsibility. Ja Sun, meanwhile, had Nightmare's Fantasy take up the night guard duty and shamelessly appointed himself rest during the day.

The two of them glanced at each other before breaking out into a laugh as they tapped their mugs against each other. The bluish fluid splashed out a bit and they drank from their mugs again.

"So? So? Come on, Xan said that you still haven't told the guys anything. You can trust me! Come on, tell me a little. How does it feel to get it on with Little Yin and Sister Dong?" Hu Lana's voice wasn't low. A little further away, the remaining group was buried in various technical issues. While the members of the Spirit Hall fortified the forest and set the perimeters, Bibi Dong and her team had taken managerial position and also had to deal with envoys of subsidiary clans around them as they wished to probe information about Qian Xunji's whereabouts and even try to have exclusive deals regarding the spirit rings of the giants within the forest.

Hu Lana's words made others feel more attentive. Bibi Dong shot Ja Sun a warning glare but felt entirely helpless as he had his head supported by his silver arm behind his neck while he drank to his heart's content.

"Let's see... You know Ah Yin is just shy in front of others so there's nothing much to tell about her. She's a freak," Ja Sun mumbled seriously and Hu Lana nodded.

"Of course, of course," her gaze gleamed with interest. The thought of Ah Yin acting lewdly would definitely be a sight!

"About Dong'er," Ja Sun purposely raised his voice while Bibi Dong flinched. She felt a little relieved that until this point, she could counter all of Ja Sun's moves.

"She's more interested in the same things as you. You know," Ja Sun smiled meaningfully and Hu Lana's cheeks flushed before she started laughing. She didn't mind being 'exposed' of her desires, especially when it came to a like-minded friend of hers. She talked more about this stuff with Ja Sun than Xie Xan only because they were two peas in a pod.

"I'm going to kill the two of you!" Bibi Dong glared coldly as Xie Xan sweated, "Sister Dong, at least let Na'er give birth to our child. Then, you can do whatever you want!"

"How could you?!" Hu Lana's expression turned mournful, "Brother Ka-ul, you have to seek justice for this abandoned, single mother!"

"I don't know, the world is better off without a pervert," Ja Sun traced his chin.

"Tsk," Hu Lana clicked her tongue and she shot Bibi Dong a glance, "But Sister Dong, there's nothing shameful about it. We talked these things out, right? See? Even Little Yin doesn't mind."

Ah Yin finally opened her eyes. She was sitting on the ground surrounded by blue silver variants a little further away.

"Sister Dong hasn't done anything. She wants to get married first..."

"Don't tell that to others!" Bibi Dong shouted with a flushed expression.

Hu Lana's and other girls' eyes were wide at this time.

'What a vixen!' Hu Lana gaped as she glanced towards Ja Sun with pity.

"Hey, it's not that bad. She is preparing by watching me and Ah Yin," Ja Sun smiled.

"I don't peep on you two either! Shut up! I want silence for the next half of the day!" Bibi Dong ordered instantly and Ah Yin and Ja Sun glanced at each other, amusement flickering in their gazes.

"Um... Brother Ka-ul," Tang Yuehua spoke up, "Did you give Speed Clan's head's offer a thought?"

There was a wry smile on her lips.


It took two weeks for the preliminary defenses to be completed. Bibi Dong then continued to divide her members to guard various locations around the forest. Since she did not question the loyalty of her group, she found realized that it would be a pity to not have her own members take charge in the various points of entry.

Bibi Dong, Xie Xan, and Hu Lana took the Northern Entrance of the forest. Xie Xan and Hu Lana were a package deal and Hu Lana even needed a little more protection than usual so she would assist Bibi Dong in paperwork... an act that both, the employer and the employee found bothersome. Meanwhile, one of Bibi Dong's best managers, Xie Xan, was happy to be free from work as he patrolled the region and began cultivating again.

Ja Sun was made to take care of the eastern entrance alone. Both, his skills in paperwork and battle were greater than the norm, especially the latter. So Bibi Dong felt that adding more individuals to the east gate would be redundant and with Ja Sun's reputation, he could easily employ underhanded tactics to take control of the various forces under him.

There was no doubt that many of these members of the Spirit Hall acts as an agent of information for the other elders of the hall. With Qian Xunji gone, the internal conflict of power was merely delayed by Qian Daoliu's apprentice, and everyone guarded against Bibi Dong, making them send many of their best spy networks to the Giant's Forest.

The Southern Entrance was jointly taken care of by Tang Yuehua and Liu Erlong. Alone, they made the perfect team. And Yuehua could persuade Liu Erlong at times and their martial souls didn't actually suppress each other.

Finally, the Western gate was controlled by the remaining three members. Ah Yin took the first day to reveal her no-nonsense nature in terms of politics and asked Bibi Dong to identify the spies before kicking them out. Of course, there were voices of discontent only to be tied up. Her task was simple, guarding the forest, a major chunk of it, possible only by her due to her Blue Silver Domain and that is why the western entrance also gained the infamous title of Blue Silver Hell amongst the various members of the Spirit Hall.

Oscar and Jun'er, meanwhile, shared their tasks of paperwork. After Qian Daoliu's insistence of having Oscar reach rank 70 as soon as possible and even disregard his foundation meant a clue towards his incomplete core. So, Oscar was already planning to take leave with one of the members and get his spirit ring. The Giant's Forest now proved to be a greater target in his mind.

The main difference right now was that the five other members had used their immortal herbs to exchange for a suitable spirit bone from Ja Sun. He was now down six spirit bones of various qualities and two more spider-type spirit bones for the 70000-year-old Clone Devil's Right Leg Bone. Its ability was simple allowing clone-type abilities to use the spirit bone skills and it was definitely worth two spirit bones for Ja Sun.

Bibi Dong knew it and didn't wish to sell her goods short, too.

Of all, Oscar wanted to exchange his herb for Jun'er, too, since none of these spirit bones matched his situation or increased the effectiveness of his supporting ability. He did consider taking an attack-type spirit bone for last measure means but Ja Sun felt that it was a pity to waste one entire slot for an attack skill. He firsthand understood that the spirit skills and spirit bones did not mean the entirety of it. So Ja Sun willingly took out a battle technique from his reserves. It was his own creation the gentle tactics, without the addition of the Clear Sky Nine Absolutes, of course.

The immortal herb's worth wasn't even equal to the original Gentle Tactics but if he doesn't give Oscar a discount who had control over his spirit energy at the same level as himself then who else would a discount go to?

Xie Xan?


Until now, the envoys of the Clear Sky Clan and the White Tiger Imperial Clan had yet to come over to discuss the trade for the spirit bone that they had won. Even Yuehua was somewhat surprised by the situation.

In total, the five spirit bones he won from Ning Fengzhi during the competition were gone and out of the four spirit bones he duped from Redstar, only 3 remained.

Right now, Hu Lana had two spirit bones, one already absorbed and the new one gained kept in safekeeping until she gives birth.

Xie Xan had an external spirit bone in the form of eyeballs and now an attack-type spirit bone related to a sword. This was the rarest spirit bone Ja Sun had and was gained from Redstar. It was useless to him but he did trade it with the thought that someday, a member of his group would be lucky to have a value enough to exchange for a spirit bone. Ja Sun never considered Xie Xan that lucky...

Liu Erlong had three spirit bones. She had already absorbed the Lava Salamander Left Arm Bone but she was waiting to break through her bottleneck of the sixth spirit ring and then absorb the two spirit bones for maximum effect. One of these bones was none other than the Exploding Mantis Left Leg Bone that Ground Devil had absorbed previously while the other one was gained from Yu Yuanzhen's body, the Dragon's Child Spine an inheritance spirit bone of the Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan that now fell in Ja Sun's hands, too, through his trait.

Just the thought of dangling another 96000-year-old spirit bone in front of Liu Erlong made Ja Sun chuckle. Of course, he couldn't just reveal his trait.

Tang Yuehua exchanged for the Spirit Bone with the simple purpose of having a trading right with Ja Sun in the future.

Jun'er got a great Hellhound Spirit Bone, too.

Ah Yin only had the Devil's Bark Left Foot but she was waiting for her chance to come in the coming year. Plant-type spirit bones are rare, similar to weapon-type spirit bones.

Bibi Dong now revealed to have attained an external bone on her back in the form of wings, a skull bone, too, which she didn't get a chance to use. Now, two more spirit bones were added but to Bibi Dong's ambitions, these spirit bones were treated as a back-up. She first wanted to try her hand at the Death Spider Emperor dwelling in one of the central areas of the Giant Star Dou Great Forest.

With this, the group was truly settled. They would scout within the forest in their free time and cultivate. Ja Sun, on the other hand, had his clone controlled by the Death Astral Combatant Core take care of the paperwork while he himself retreated to start practicing his art of medicine making.

His refining skills had reached a bottleneck after finally constructing two energy-based guns for Yuehua and Oscar for protection purposes. Now, he wanted inspiration from the hints of arrays in the art of medicine making.

Just like that, months passed. Hu Lana was already in the late stages of her second trimester. Bibi Dong was solidifying control around the forest and had also started taking in the various aspiring cultivators for spirit rings at a moderate rate.

Many poachers began to hate Ah Yin since she seemed to have control over the entire forest, making them unable to find more giants to kill for profits as sharp tendrils of blue silver variants would cruelly drill into their flesh as an act of warning. Not even the various members of the Clear Sky Sect were excused from this treatment.

It could be said that controlling the Giant's Forest with an iron first was a combined effort of Ah Yin and Bibi Dong. This was even more necessary for Bibi Dong. If she wanted to truly compete with other elders, she needed a profitable base, and turning the Giant's Forest to its former glory was something that could be done now that she knew Ja Sun's 'other' skill-set.

Every time she thought about it, Bibi Dong would have her heart lit in excitement. There were two reasons. It was a great secret that Ja Sun willingly explained to her and over a mug of beer, no less! Just this act of trust made her feel quite gleeful. The second reason was the skill itself. It truly was something that could assist the growth of the Giant's Forest at a greater speed!