Chapter 200: Clear Fun

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 200: Clear Fun

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Ja Sun, Tang Yuehua, and Clear Phoenix walked within the Giant's Forest silently. This was Yuehua's first visit into the forest as Ja Sun took the time to move around the forest from the outer region and then make his way towards the inner region to let the Clear Phoenix scope the entirety of the forest with potential spirit beasts. After the second session of meditation to communicate the fact that she could tolerate a higher level of spirit beasts, Yuehua never stopped meditating and communicating with her enlightened martial soul.

"It's been quite a long time since I used the mental acupuncture technique on you but you've made remarkable progress only by meditation," Ja Sun smiled.

However, fully knowing her odd friend and mentor, Yuehua smiled in response. She needed a bit of cheering up and felt that Ja Sun was the best person to look forward to for a fun, even if strange and bizarre, time.

"But?" She stretched on the conversation with a somewhat cheeky smile.

"But that progress is nothing comparable to the Mental Acupuncture Technique." He shrugged in response.

"It's all about pain with you, isn't it," She pouted slightly while the Clear Phoenix chirped, aimlessly taking off to the sky while flying in a circular path... like a contended flying dog.

"It's about the gains," Ja Sun mused.

"Oh, really? Is that the same excuse when you pester Little Yin and Sister Dong?"

"Of course," Ja Sun grinned, "You should see the looks on their faces... they love my gains." He lied while feeling a sense of clarity and pain inside. He... was going through a dry spell. The world of Spirit Masters can be harsh in more ways than one and being a tree before a woman, Ah Yin didn't feel as lustful as an actual human would. Such activities did bring her pleasure but to her, reaching the peak of her strength was a greater goal before she can find herself attracted to various other circumstances. Meanwhile, nothing was needed to be said about Bibi Dong. They were in a relationship only for the name. Even she was quite busy since her task was to oversee everything, unlike Ja Sun, who completed the goal of putting the giants under his thumb in a matter of days, even getting some materials from the easy reward.

Despite the smile, seeing his shoulders somewhat drooping and already knowing meanings of a multitude of bodily postures, Yuehua was somewhat stunned. This wasn't supposed to happen. How could the two of them feel depressed at the same time? Shouldn't he be the one to cheer her up and she be the one to cheer him up if the situation demanded only when she was feeling good, too?

Two depressed individuals hanging together... can never be a good idea.

Steeling herself still, knowing that she owed the man more than she could count for, Yuehua forced a smile, "Brother Ka-ul, your jokes are always tasteless."

'The sarcastic undertone ought to cheer him up... that's what Sister Lana, Erlong, and even Jun'er use!'

"You're... right," Ja Sun sighed, feeling a hit. Just trying to keep up with Erlong was a bit taxing, hence, he didn't argue verbally but took a more childish way and slapped her stomach as he would spank her ass and just skedaddled out. It cheered him up, but the thought of a dry spell brought him down again.

It wasn't related to his mental fortitude at all, but the areas where he wanted to keep himself and tough and the areas he wanted to reveal his vulnerabilities in. Being vulnerable to Ah Yin was a pleasure in its own sense and she was the same... only when she didn't enter her stage of heat... for the powah!

Seeing the effect of her words on the otherwise shameless and impervious Ja Sun, Yuehua was left scrambling for pieces. nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Are you feeling alright?" She finally broached the topic as the Clear Phoenix clopped down at this time. She had grown after absorbing her second spirit ring and was almost a meter high with her wingspan reaching four meters in length. The regal black griffin began to trot around, sometimes hitting the thicker barks of the tree playfully and clawing against the sturdy roots with her glimmering black talons.

"Just so-so, to be honest..." Ja Sun clicked his tongue.

"I-I see..." Yuehua fell silent.


The odd griffin now began to peck at the thicker and steel-like leaves of the Giant's Forest.

"What you're looking for? Or what I'm looking for?" Yuehua complained as she hurriedly followed. Seeing the giant without aggression, even the Clear Phoenix only revealed slight cautiousness and paced behind them.


"Aaahhhhhhh! You're too dirty!" Yuehua screamed at the top of her voice. It was unknown if she referred to Ja Sun or the female giant with two heads as she closed her eyes in a hurry and covered her nose.

"You know, you're not being kind to other species. It's not like that they can clean themselves up," Ja Sun snickered and seemed unfazed by Yuehua's severe glare as he patted the Clear Phoenix's head while she closed her eyes and nuzzled up to his palm.

"Come on, we can probably find something deeper into the forest," Ja Sun hurried and Yuehua hesitated.

"But... aren't all of them now 10000-year-old or above?"

"Don't worry about that," Ja Sun pulled her by her sleeves, dragging her away unwillingly.


"Please! No more! I beg of you!" Yuehua was dazed, feeling that the trauma would last with her forever.

"Come on, you aren't the least bit curious about the body of this variation? There are two penises! What about the female versions? Do they get pregnant twice simultaneously? Do they have two"

"Do not complete that sentence," She whined, falling to her knees with a despairing look on her face as she certainly imagined the things Ja Sun just said when she didn't want to do it at all.

"Please, Brother Ka-ul... it's already been four days... let's go back," Yuehua groaned as Ja Sun sighed.

This was the end of the fun exhibition, it would seem. Nonetheless, Ja Sun didn't remember any other variation he had seen so it was a good time to end things on a high note, too.

The duo began to track their path back, not in a particular rush. Over these days, as she found herself more and more lost in giant genitalia with odd diseases and whatnot, she had also forgotten about her problems. She opened up a bit more, willingly chatting about her childhood while quite attracted to Ja Sun's recollection of his past since he barely talked about them. There was only one story known about his past and that was how he had killed the father of the child who would come and feed him secretly.

But knowing more about his escapades in Balak City, how he met Yu Xiaogang, how Liu Erlong had won the war's merit rank through the sheer force of her background at the time, everything was attractive to Yuehua.

She never knew about the organized war and Ja Sun's ability to break politics in bits and pieces to reveal objectives and motives hidden within was a great deal of insight, too.

"Huff... we're finally here," Yuehua smiled as they reached the southern entrance of the forest.

"I won't be entering so this is where I'll drop you off," Ja Sun smiled, "Thanks for putting up with me."

"This isn't like you, Brother Ka-ul," Yuehua chuckled, "Anyway, Sister Lana and Brother Xie should have returned by now so I look forward to my trip to the Star Dou Great Forest with you."

"Yeah! We'll see more spirit beasts' penises," Ja Sun nodded solemnly, causing Yuehua's lips to twitch as she seemed a little hesitant, too.

"Uhm... I want to thank you, too... the news of Brother Hao's engagement... was a hard one to accept. This helped a lot to clear my mind."

"Disgusting genitals have this effect. Wait until you see a dashing one and then that's all you'd think about!" Ja Sun raised his thumb with a grin as Yuehua surprisingly chuckled, "That's what you think, Brother Ka-ul. Still, I hope we can have... well, fun and not go through that disgusting tour next time around."

She crossed her arms.

"Oh, yeah, Brother Ka-ul, when do you think I can ask your assistance to use the Mental Acupuncture Technique?"

Knowing that pushing a single aspect of oneself to the limit was detrimental than effective, Ja Sun didn't want Yuehua to commit the same mistakes as him, "Well, after you reach Spirit King. That will be the appropriate time to continue your practice."

"Again, let's have fun on the next trip, too," Yuehua smiled and nodded, finally taking her leave.

"Right... that really was fun... now, I will take the chance to bring Erlong, too. Her reactions will be the best," Ja Sun turned around and thought silently. While within the fortress, Erlong shivered uncontrollably.