Chapter 210: Benefits of Divine Energy (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 210: Benefits of Divine Energy (2)

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"Until now, we have talked about Soul Origin, Spirit Rings, Law, the first step of comprehension during the breakthrough of rank 70 that may give you a rare ability of a sort unless you have already trained your control... now, I shall speak about a rare concept that the two of you have already touched upon.

Spirit Cores.

These are the specific points of concentration for particular energy that may be singular or a fusion of many other components. The prerequisite of forming these cores is not dependent on the quantity of said energy but the quality of it. This means the formation of a spirit core requires one to have reached at the quality of a Titled Douluo in one of the aspects or encounter a treasure that can enhance oneself to the stated quality."

Qian Daoliu's tone was soothing. At this point, Ja Sun didn't care if his secrets were always known to Qian Daoliu. He was learning a lot. Not from the conversation itself.

Ja Sun had reached a block in many aspects of his understanding and just Qian Daoliu's simple explanation had given Ja Sun a path to move on and discover more of these aspects of cultivation. Just Qian Daoliu's explanation on 'laws' was enlightening and made Ja Sun realize a treasure so great whose value he could not have understood until now.

But understanding the value of treasure did not mean he could utilize it. This calmed the urge to quickly leave and simply go crazy with various experiments.

After the rather simple explanation on Spirit Cores and admitting that he wasn't too knowledgable on the matter, Qian Daoliu began the next subject of the course which happened to be the path of godhood. This was none other than the path of ascension through Inheritance which Bibi Dong had encountered already. There were a few more points of discussion as to how a god never ascends alone so if Qian Xunji really became a god then it is predicted that some other soul had the fortune of becoming a god, or more.

Then came the short discussion where Qian Daoliu revealed that their continent wasn't the only point of human civilization. Although he only summarized it, Qian Daoliu constantly focused the conversation o the islands to the west that had minimal contact with the continent.

Once he concluded everything, Qian Daoliu calmly answered the questions the two had. Ah Yin had grown out of her moment of emotion and focused her queries on the discussion at hand, too.

"Master, so you think that this 'law' is something that a newly admitted Titled Douluo may not have a chance to comprehend but a genius Spirit Sage can?" Ah Yin wished to confirm this because she had lived more than Qian Daoliu technically yet she had never chanced upon such a mysterious aspect of the world.

"It's in the name of the Spirit Title. In reality, the form of optimized ability one gains by perfecting their control on spirit energy be it an enhancement in attacking power or something as plain and orthodox as being able to manipulate spirit energy to its finest moment and even control spirit skills to its finer details, all leads to a higher realm of understanding.

Realm of Self, to understand oneself by control. With the understanding of these skills, a spirit master with enough qualities can aim for a higher understanding.

Realm of Harmony, to become true to oneself and become pure in mind and body. To have understood oneself and be at peace with it will allow you to step upon the path of law.

Mind you, these steps are only methods of training. I reached the Realm of harmony when I broke into rank 99 and comprehended the Law of Comfort... but the major reason for this is my body, spirit, and mental fortitude reaching a divine quality."

"What is divine quality?" Ja Sun inquired.

"A higher form of energy in all the aspects- physical, mental, and spiritual."

"Is it needed to understand these laws?"

With a silent sigh, Ja Sun finally brought the Nightmare's Fantasy close to the divine energy. He wasn't biased but based on cultivation alone, Nightmare's Fantasy was stronger and had a higher chance of stabilizing its condition should anything go wrong. There was a chance that everything might go wrong but given the positive attitude of his Spirit Souls, Ja Sun felt that things did not have to be so gloomy.

The thin, violet, misty tendril slowly stretched towards the small golden figure. Ja Sun could feel Nightmare's Fantasy's excitement. The moment the tendril came into contact with the golden statue, Ja Sun almost passed out in pain. He could tolerate it. He did tolerate it. But the 'pain' wasn't the usual one. It was as if his skull was being ripped out of his head.

"What the fuck is happening to your head?!" Ah Yin instantly woke up as she saw Ja Sun spasming next to her with his Nightmare's Fantasy Skull bone appearing on his forehead and slowly pulling itself up as his flesh, too, stretched forward. Ah Yin instantly set her domain and concentrated to cover up the spirit energy wildly pouring out of Ja Sun. In fact, Ah Yin focused the entirety of her domain on Ja Sun, concentrating the strength of the entirety of the vegetation of the Giant's Forest to cover up Ja Sun's energy and try to heal him but when she tried the latter, her expression froze.

There was no injury on Ja Sun's body. Although... his skull bone was being ripped out due to some reason, Ja Sun's life force wasn't depleting but instead growing stronger. His spirit reserves were rising yet without a spirit ring, all it could do was get suppressed and emerge when Ja Sun does form his seventh spirit ring.


The skull bone freed itself from Ja Sun as the violet headgear in the shape that formed around Ja Sun's tattoo began to give a glow as a strange breath escaped its presence. A pressure that Ah Yin was the most familiar with for she had once reached this state only to give it all away to experience a new life.


The skull bone only remained away from Ja Sun for a few seconds. Its physical appearance remained the same but Ah Yin was well aware of its transformation. The moment this strange evolution ended, the skull bone drilled into Ja Sun's body. Still conscious but dazed, Ja Sun issued a burst of maniacal laughter as his head almost exploded with pain and possibilities he understood at that moment.

"Fucccckkk!" He screamed. This was a realm of pain that... he only would try to find on weekends, not before his friend's marriage!

The strange transformation lasted for a couple of seconds itself. From ripping out, evolving, and then drilling into the skull again... it was as if the skull bone had been refined by something pure to its utmost limits and then some.

"What happened?" Ah Yin helped Ja Sun up as he took a deep breath.

"I..." Ja Sun mumbled when he conjured a golden needle that exuded massive pressure in the form of mental energy but it was quite strange, too...

"I think my cultivation is fucked if I don't start killing spirit beasts to enhance my spirit out for extra spirit energy as a support..." Ja Sun blinked. Much to his bittersweet sensation, his mental energy had taken the step to the peak of mortal realms as Ja Sun felt the fina blockade suppressing him intently and it was at this time he felt another presence, causing him to look in the direction of the major canopy where Qian Daoliu seated.

Their gazes seem to meet despite the forest in the middle of it as Qian Daoliu raised the bowl of supper in his hands.

"Now you are capable of seeing what I see. You have a long path but from now on, I will not be teaching you anymore but we will share topics of interest and discuss them for days on a later date, my evil disciple. Congratulations. May you have the chance to step on the path forward."

Ja Sun nodded silently and then looked at Ah Yin with a sly expression, "Oh, were you worried?"

Only for a slap to greet him.

"I'm worried that I will not ever get a good night's sleep!"


Qian Daoliu retracted his presence. It was as he just stated. A new world had been strangely opened to Ja Sun but it was much soon than he expected of them.

"But I also said that in this level, all of us are students. We can learn from one another. Thank you, Ja Sun, I now understand that indeed, Divine Energy cannot be borne by living beings that are not ranked 99. I don't know how he got it but... it can refine something as dead as spirit bone... no, in fact, spirit bones, like everything else, can have a chance at growth, too... just that this growth needs a valuable material known as divine energy... hehe, it makes sense... now I understand why the god's trials can so easily raise a person's cultivation and..."

Qian Daoliu spat with a cold expression as he felt his ambitions being reignited, "control it so easily."

"Tang Chen is nowhere to be found. Oh, Saixi, although I no longer feel for you, should I finally take the next step forward, just to spite you and complete my fun, I will surely make a trip towards you... until then..."

Qian Daoliu cracked a smirk, "I will let the younger generation take advantage of you."