Chapter 221: A New Path Unveiled (1)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 221: A New Path Unveiled (1)

Shout-out to Patryk Sikorski, World Monarch, and Cesar A. Bailon Segura~

Read 60 advance chapters here

Patre /Fanharem

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"Is he still not in?"

The western entrance of the Giant's Fortress was in a mess. Even Ja Sun's most capable subordinates were now having a bit of a hard time dealing with more complicated matters due to their inability to shoulder the responsibility of the decisions involving the matter but he refused to meet anyone. It has been two weeks now and Ja Sun had refused to meet a few elders of various clans who traveled to the Giant's Fortress to have a spirit ring for their young one. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

The quota each month is limited due to the damage already done to the forest and Ja Sun also had the task to let his presence calm the giants within from time to time else they are destroyed by their own internal rivalry.

However, it felt like Ja Sun was possessed. His replies were always snappy, and concise


He had rejected everyone including Oscar and Xie Xan who were planning to just kick back for the night.

"Motherfucker!" Ja Sun hissed, tearing the parchment in his hand before glaring in the direction of a pristine blue scroll that looked ageless in making. He went through the contents of the scroll again.

This was none other than the Divine Grace Array which also complied with the Spirit Bestowal Array. This array was the perfect resource to develop an organization to its peak. Even Ja Sun's personal skills related to the cultivation enhancement couldn't compare to what this array can achieve.

The Divine Grace Array required three major resources to be formed.

1) A mind-numbing input of soul origin.

2) A central control system powered by a divine consciousness of the level of a true god.

3) A good location.

The last one is simply to capital be not considered.

Essentially, the function of the Divine Grace Array is to increase the cultivation of spirit rings. But that was not all. The Divine Grace Array had a subsidiary function, too, but it depended on which direction of set-up Ja Sun will achieve. Both of these functions were already revolutionary and now Ja Sun even had plenty of inspiration on modifying the array and taking it to another level. However, it will take some time.

Regardless, this array cleared one doubt for him.

Soul Origin.

Ja Sun frowned. This was a new term entirely that did not exist in any of the tomes he had acquired through his trait. Even the creator of this array, likely Poseidon, came to find this term in some strange encounter.

Ja Sun didn't know how to feel about this. He loved pain. He liked finding new ways to induce and endure pain. But he also understood that Poseidon did not mean this at all. Instead, he hinted at someone or something which wasn't written in even the tomes of past douluos who can see the future.

And the worst part of it all was the Poseidon was giving him the silent treatment!

The galls!

All Ja Sun did was disrupt his supposed arrangements and capture him but that was no reason to be all pouty!

Scratching his cheek, Ja Sun slumped on his couch. His room was simply unraveled at this point as he sighed deeply and simply resolved to solve the mystery of the so-called Bringer of Pain in the future.

Truly, the more he knew, the more he felt confused and realized how little he knew. It sounded strange in his head, but this is where the situation had gotten him to.

"But... if we're following the opposite path of cultivation, and if I can create a simpler path that crudely translates to directly siphoning energy from the spirit beasts instead of absorbing spirit rings and the whole charade... what would be the benefits? Does it increase the speed of cultivation? Does it create more problems instead? Or does it add more skills? Where would the spirit bone fit into the equation then?"

Ja Sun tried to consider all the situation but he knew for a fact that each spirit master, at least, a capable one, will encounter fortuitous events that change the course of their cultivation. So even if he tries, he won't be able to consider every change and this limits his thoughts on even creating a new cultivation path.

However, one thing was true that this was a different path altogether with its own set of challenges and thus, it was interesting. Whether beneficial or not, only time will tell, but Ja Sun had now the mind to broach this subject sooner than later.

However, there was another project he was already past halfway and now seemed like a perfect time to complete it.

With a thought, Ja Sun produced the threads he had refined from Ground Devil's corpse way back in the day and he began to snicker.

His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was in a disarray. Being naked was an artistic choice. Overall, should any of his subordinates view him now, they will shriek in fright and leave their posts... or attack Ja Sun's crotch. There would be no middle ground.


The day of Tang Hao's engagement finally arrived but aside from Bibi Dong, Yuehua, and Ja Sun, nobody left. Even though all of them were invited, their situation was sensitive and someone had to stay in command and Ah Yin was resourceful enough to take up the surveillance of the forest while the rest of the members were temporarily divided into the remaining three gates except for the northern one since it was taken care of by Xie-Hu couple.

Meanwhile, as the leader of the area, Bibi Dong had to leave. And Ja Sun was happy to tag along and get a break from the work while it was Yuehua's brother's engagement so the trio was the only one to leave, keeping the defenses of the Giant Fortress strong still.

Ja Sun really wanted Ah Yin to come along, but she didn't seem interested in the event... at all. She barely knew the Tang Siblings and overall, she would much rather focus on her control of spirit skills. This had turned into a shame for Bibi Dong and Ah Yin. Meanwhile, keeping up with training, even Jun'er was showing signs of progress in this area, leaving the two women with pride utterly devastated.

The Giant's Fortress was situated within the territory of the Clear Sky Sect. Over the year of its establishment, there have been many changes in the distribution of population within the sect.

The Clear Sky Sect has expanded its territory notably and had begun to shift its subordinate clan away from the Giant's Fortress. To short-sighted individuals, this would seem like an act of fear done out of intimidation of Spirit Hall's strength. However, one look at the placement over the map will allow astute ones to realize that this was an act of warning.

Clear Sky Sect had distanced itself from the Giant's Fortress and also created a perimeter around it. Should Spirit Hall and Clear Sky Sect enter a period of confrontation, the Giant's Fortress will be first to be suppressed or even sacrificed. At that time, it will all depend on whether the leading party of the Giant's Fortress will have enough strength or not. Even Tang Yuehua's presence will fail to turn the situation without enough strength.

The trip wasn't long and Bibi Dong's subordinates wanted their leader to present their faction with an absolute impression so the carriage prepared for the trio was a sight to behold, too.