Chapter 229: All Venom (1)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 229: All Venom (1)

"Elder Chrysanthemum. Elder Ghost."

Bibi Dong bowed to her seniors and her team followed her gesture in the same manner. In front of the nine members were two extraordinary-looking men. Both were tall and revealed a sense of unbridled might.

Of the two, more flamboyant was Yue Guan, the Chrysanthemum Douluo. He had his golden hair neatly combed and his physique was covered by a golden armor inscribed with a black pattern. While the armor was made from extraordinary materials, in itself, Ja Sun realized that the armor was no spirit tool.

Next to Yue Guan stood a dark-haired man with a pale face and black totems on his face. A stream of black mist continuously revolved around him, making the man and his dark armor look gloomier. Standing together, Yue Guan and the Ghost Douluo Gui Mei presented an interesting contrast.

Behind them were a total of forty well-armored spirit masters. All of them above the ranks of Spirit Emperor and the leading ten spirit masters were Spirit Sages!

"My, my, don't be so formal now," Yue Guan smiled but his expression seemed forced. His eyes constantly shifted from Xie Xan to Hu Lana and then others except for Tang Yuehua. Gui Mei, however, focused on Ja Sun only.

His voice was coarse and low, "Let's make a move. This is a dangerous endeavor. I hope you are fully prepared."

"I am," Bibi Dong nodded with a smile.

"Let's go," Gui Mei stated, keeping it concise only for Yue Guan to butt in, "Now wait a minute. We all have traveled for quite long. Let the Knights rest for half an hour while we catch up."

"We can talk while walking. Move," Gui Mei turned around without giving Yue Guan another glance, causing the blonde elder to groan in frustration as the group began to move.

"Bibi Dong, will you still not tell your elders how you found so many riveting flowers~!" Yue Guan sniffed exaggeratingly, and then his eyes fell on the newlywed couple, "Especially the Yearning Heartbroken Red and the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum!"

Xie Xan's and Hu Lana's expressions froze for a moment.

"Elder Chrysanthemum, I can't go on sharing my secrets now, right?" Bibi Dong smiled but there was something strange hidden in her gaze, "After all, I am sure master trusts my judgment and lets me know everything in time."

Misunderstanding Bibi Dong's hints as Qian Xunji's current disappearance, Yue Guan sighed deeply, "Although the Pontiff still isn't located, but the probability of him returning is high. Even though he did not inform you of this decision, he had already set everything in your favor."

"Right," Bibi Dong nodded, "And I am grateful for everything."

"How do we deal with the Death Spider Emperor?" Gui Mei interjected this time as Bibi Dong grew somber, "The poison of every Death Spider Emperor will be different. My mixed poison is now inclined towards affecting hormones and less towards corrosion. So, the first thing I will have to find out is the composition of this spider's poison. And then, I will need a demonstration of its domain and confirm whether we both have the same base of domain or not."

Everyone here understood that no two domains are the same even if they are gained from the same source. While Bibi Dong has the Death Domain just like a Death Spider Emperor, it needs to be understood that Bibi Dong has also absorbed six spirit rings that have affected her domain and poison. So, they needed to confirm smaller details of their opponent's skills this time before attacking the Death Spider Emperor.

For this, ironically, the group needed to trap the spider in a net of their own.

"That location crawls with more spider-type and other insect spirit beasts. You should cultivate well... your Clear Phoenix likes bugs more than other spirit beasts and if lucky, we might just be able to help you breakthrough, too," Ja Sun glanced at Yuehua and she nodded. It wasn't like they would be able to hunt the spirit beast in a matter of day and it would do well for her to cultivate more.

But Ja Sun had other thoughts.

He wanted to confirm many things and one of them was the possibility of an Enlightened Martial Soul directly absorbing a piece of soul origin... after all, it can shed soul origins, too.

"You wouldn't mind if we wish to assess your teammates by letting them take care of a few spirit beasts, right?" Gui Mei questioned and Bibi Dong merely smiled in return.


"Are you done?" Liu Erlong tapped her foot against the ground constantly with an irritated expression while Ja Sun sat in front of a corpse of a Nether Spider lying on its back with dark green blood flowing despite heavy burns on its body.

"Why the impatience?" Ja Sun questioned, focused on the black spirit ring. Beside him were the Bright Goddess Butterfly, the Nightmare's Fantasy, and the Charm Queen who was allowed to follow Ja Sun by Hu Lana so that he can keep their disguises with less effort and also help them grow while conducting his on-site experiments.

"Because!" Erlong huffed, "I don't want to lose to the rest of them."

Ja Sun grew silent and looked at the quest he was already undergoing. Now that he knew what he wanted, and was also within the realm of possibility, creating a quest was simple.

[Objective: Form a Soul Origin Crystal and then find an enclosed location privately to pump your fist in.

Optional Objectives:

1) Complete the quest in one week.

2) Complete the quest in three weeks.

3) Complete the quest in one month.

4) Complete the quest in six months.

Mission Rank: C/A/A/B/C

Mission Rewards: Corpse of a 9800-year-old spirit beast/ Corpse of a 69000-year-old spirit beast/ Corpse of a 57000-year-old spirit beast/ Corpse of a 28000-year-old spirit beast/ Corpse of an 11000-year-old spirit beast.

Time Limit: 365/7/21/30/180 days]

Ja Sun expected more from the rewards. He truly did. After all, this experiment will be a true game-changer and that's when it dawned on him. He was no longer forming quests on someone else's work or inheritance. He was creating his legacy and the probability of his work not being recorded anywhere else at least, in the coverage of his trait was quite high.

What could even his trait do when the mission he formed was this different besides providing him another corpse since his research was propelled by them in the first place?

"Relax," Ja Sun sighed softly, "What are you even talking about? You're the strongest fighter in our group, well, aside from me. You won't lose to anyone."

No questions asked.

Then, all these pretenses can rightfully be dropped.

Her Giant's Fortress will become her core strength and her foundation. Her personal strength and teammates will become her path to that seat. After all, the title of Supreme Pontiff meant to be the ruler of the third-largest organization including the two empires 'counseled' only by the Elder's Hall.

"Hey, you're late~!" Hu Lana waved and her expression grew even more pleasant as the Charm Queen returned to her with another increase in 400 years of cultivation. As for Ja Sun?

'The Bright Goddess Butterfly is already over 25000 years in cultivation while it's getting harder to suppress Nightmare's Fantasy breakthrough into the ranks of 100000 years...' Ja Sun thought deeply.

He had great expectations of this particular breakthrough.

Not only was he planning to ride the momentum of Nightmare's Fantasy breakthrough but also absorb a core he longed to devour The Bloodline core of the Three-eyed Golden Lion. The level of nourishment it would bring to his martial soul can only be imagined.

"Hmph, show me some respect," Erlong scoffed with a smug grin, "I'm the best!"

"No, you're single. Your breasts are the best thing about you," Hu Lana patiently explained, causing Ja Sun to snicker while Erlong instantly exploded, "Shut it!"

"Tch, can't even handle the truth when it's not bitter but milky sweet..." Hu Lana mumbled with a pout while Erlong's blush deepened. She glanced at Ja Sun only to find him staring at her breasts which made her tremble further.

"Stop looking!"

"Geez, what are you shouting about?" Ja Sun cleaned his left ear, "Remember Violet? The Lamia you were chasing a few years ago? Her's are bigger..."

As he said this, Hu Lana hurriedly rushed back, not willing to be caught up by the coming blast of fire.

"What...?" Erlong fell stunned, much to Lana's shock. The dragoness' head lowered as she looked down in the direction of her proud assets and her shoulders uncharacteristically slouched, revealing her depressed state.

"Sigh, Erlong. Look at me," Ja Sun held her shoulders as she looked up.

"What?" She pouted.

"Violet's maybe bigger. But yours are perkier!"


'There it is,' Lana sighed in relief. She almost expected that someone had taken over Erlong with how she acted for a minute there.


"Why are we stuck in the same tent again?" Ah Yin complained with a soft sigh as she looked around. Bibi Dong, Lana, Erlong, Yuehua, Jun'er, Oscar, Xie Xan, and a cooked Ja Sun with his hair still a bit grizzled.

"Because we can't risk any moment of weakness. The Holy Knights of the Spirit Hall are filled with various spirit masters that often have superiors. Some of them might just be asked to assassinate us," Bibi Dong replied.

"To be Spirit Emperors and Spirit Sages means a level of talent... isn't it a bit strange that all of them are in such a high concentration present in this particular aspect of Spirit Hall?" Yuehua questioned and Bibi Dong sighed.

"No... none of them are talented. In fact, they are stuck at either rank 61 or rank 71... remember those competitors within the Spirit City?" Bibi Dong leaned back, "The holy knights comprise of these men and women. The spirit hall has a method, which is better left unexplained, that allows one's talent and potential to explode at once.

Not many survive this procedure, of course, and those who do, can never rise from their predetermined rank. In fact, those below rank 61 are sent outside of Spirit City to various Temples. And only the spirit masters accepted from the outside lead these knights."

Everyone grew silent until Xie Xan remarked candidly, "So, they are fodders."

"Yes," Bibi Dong nodded.

"... then I should stop chatting with them and making friends with them... right?" Oscar's lips twitched.

"It will be in your best interest," Bibi Dong smiled bitterly.

"Alright, we will start testing the Death Spider Emperor tomorrow for its skills. Believe me, once I breakthrough, all of us will end up benefitting... after all, a Spirit Ring from a 100000-year-old beast, not to mention my own Spirit Avatar will provide great benefits in hunting similarly ranked spirit beasts for the rest of you."

Ja Sun could barely suppress himself from smiling and adding Heh, only now?

He already had such a hunt to his name in the form of Ground Devil. Even to this day, the intensity of the battle woke him up at night with a raging... urge to sleep back again.

But he knew... this is the kind of smugness that would revoke his kissing rights, too. And Ja Sun was fully aware of the difference between foolishness and risk-taking.

Risking your life over attaining immeasurable strength? A worthwhile risk.

Speaking out of turn and having to return to the days of jerking off by oneself Stupidity... Foolishness.


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