Chapter 232: The Abnormal Birth of Death

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 232: The Abnormal Birth of Death

A/N: Gn~


"Three spiders killed within their eggs, only the fourth one hatched"


Ja Sun dodged the sharp sickle-like leg of the giant spider and it suddenly turned small only for his sixth ring to glow as his sixth skill: Timeless shield was activated, devouring his spirit energy constantly while the small spider felt trapped within a strange space in front of Ja Sun.

Timeless Shield forms a space under Ja Sun's control that continues to stretch within without any change in the real world until Ja Sun continues to supply spirit energy. Of course, this skill could be overcome by attacks that have more momentum than the speed of division of space within that small region or the attack itself is so mighty that it tears space itself.

Even though the spider was still 'moving', it didn't look any different in the real world and the spider's size remained the same while it had already begun to grow inside.

Ja Sun smiled and then looked around. He was within the world of silk and within, three eggs were laid in front of a giant corpse of a Death Spider Emperor with a sense of pressure no less than Qian Xunji.

"Three eggs... and you're the fourth. An ordinary Death Spider Emperor only lays one egg over its life... but that's the record till 100000 years of age or cultivation.

This means that the corpse, logically, is far beyond the level of 100000 years."

Ja Sun turned on his foot and grinned at the struggling spider. He was already tugging on the spirit energy stored within the Sigh of Immortal. The energy required to keep a 100000-year-old spirit beast had already exhausted his entire reserves within his body.

His gaze focused on the Spider as he continued, "But what is more interesting to me isn't the Spirit Bone I can sense within the corpse... not at this moment anyway."

He then looked at the giant array set around him. Not only did this array held one single skill the Death Domain permanently using the three eggs and the corpse as a source of energy that seemed almost inexhaustible, there were signs that indicated that the array was used for one another thing.

"It's ingenious," Ja Sun commented while he recorded the base array with glowing eyes. His movements recorded by the spider and its struggle only growing further.

"Hmm, soul origin extraction. A quicker approach than mine but the result is an inferior product... ah, it's countered by just using the soul origin on the direct descendant. Hmm?

Then what the hell is this?" Ja Sun frowned and traced one portion of the array until his eyes popped wide open.

"This... is way different than that... but the result is similar. Only varying with its quality."

Ja Sun instantly thought of one technique that had lost its use on him The Reincarnation Technique. He once thought that the technique was a scam and tried it once in his last world but ended up here after his death. According to the technique, it works only once on every soul. The array claimed the effects for the time being based on...

'Soul Origin... could Reincarnation Technique mean that it works once per soul origin. Even if the worlds are different, doesn't mean that I haven't used some techniques from before.'

Ja Sun narrowed his eyes and then looked back at the tiny spider caught in his net, "Three eggs... destroyed from within. At least, metaphysically... one superior corpse... and one spider enjoying all the benefits too good to be true.

In fact, the spider would have consumed the giant corpse and the eggs but it hasn't. Hmm, insightful even when compared to other spirit beasts."

Ja Sun snapped his fingers and the restrictions on the spider disappeared. It instantly enlarged and screeched as if Ja Sun had looted its cradle and beaten the shit out of its parent!

"You're that corpse..." Ja Sun's second spirit rings instantly formed hundreds of feathers as he used the curtain of glowing feathers to dodge the spider's giant web, "The three eggs are unsuccessful attempts and your fourth one turned out right. You cheated death," Ja Sun smirked as the gold in his three eyes glowed brightly.

The shock from his mental energy instantly stunned the spider while Ja Sun rubbed the back of his head, "The quest is only to make your spirit soul... and I'm too impatient to wait for diving into your memories... Why would a potential demi-god of a spirit beast try and cheat death?

Why doesn't Ah Yin remember what happened during she turned human? Maybe you can help me understand it."

The domain of this spirit beast already prevented other predators from encroaching the region so Ja Sun patted the giant furry head of the Death Spider Emperor with peace in mind.

Ja Sun's view changed instantly. Continuous use of the Mental Acupuncture Technique had allowed Ja Sun to achieve quite a bit in that regard. Of course, Yuehua would only feel varying levels of pain at times, but Ja Sun already had quite a bit of mastery in the regards of injecting mental energy in the right spots of consciousness to spill not only pain but also dive into someone's consciousness. Of course, this would be his first time doing this but why not use it on possibly one of the oldest creatures he'd ever come across?

Of course, he'd find something juicy, right?


'Juuiicccyyyy!' Ja Sun looked at a ravishing woman covered with purple fur. Her skin was flawless and her body enticing despite being covered quite a lot.

The sky was blue and open, unlike the gloomy spider nest and in front of the woman were four giant eggs.

"And these are all yours?"

Ja Sun and the woman turned to look at the very picture of power. A giant of a man, bulky without even seemingly trying. Focused gaze and a short-trimmed dark beard. He wore a plain dark cloak but the presence around him was great. Surpassing even the likes of Qian Xunji and thus, himself.

"Yes," the woman nodded without any expression on her face but her voice was sweet and strangely calming.

"The King says that you will be helped," the man began, "You will get the method to prolong your life. But in return, you will lose your cultivation. You will have to reach your current level again and that means..." While saying so, the man tossed a scroll and the woman caught it.

"Eleven Tribulations, I know. I've lived longer than you and survived ten of them already," the woman replied coldly.

'So, both of them are spirit beasts. The group I found back then could turn human-like at their wills, too.' Ja Sun thought silently but he couldn't move easily in his current state. While he could view them, he had no body despite watching everything from the level of eyes he ordinarily has.

"Did... the King say when we will be able to..." The woman didn't complete her sentence but the man's eyes snapped wide open and the entire forest shook.

"Don't question the King!" The man growled ruthlessly. Although the woman claimed she lived longer than the man, his strength placed her at an instant disadvantage without even taking any other action.

The phantom's kind expression shifted once again and he glared at Ja Sun, "It's you!"

'Oh, well, time to skedaddle!'

Ja Sun rolled his eyes, tearing the weak shackles that bound him as he got back to the real world only to find the giant, stunned spider squirming. It suddenly collapsed with dark purplish blood coming out of its orifices.

Surprised, Ja Sun hurriedly began pushing in his spirit energy into the spirit beast to stabilize it and checked the time.

'29 minutes left...' Ja Sun nodded to himself and collected the prize within a few seconds. He had promised to help Bibi Dong with the beast, the spirit soul, and the spirit bone but that didn't mean he would hand out any other spoil of war. Heck, he was feeling a bit gracious and wouldn't fight Bibi Dong for the spirit core in the Spider's body that she could use during her breakthrough...

After all...

Ja Sun just got his first million-year-old corpse and spirit bone!

The moment Ja Sun removed the three eggs and the corpse, the domain disappeared and he continued to keep the Death Spider Emperor stable at the edge of her death.

The beast's brain had been fried and Ja Sun now knew that her mind was bugged from the very beginning. This made him question the integrity of the minds of those around him...

Yeah, unless he inspected their consciousness, he wouldn't be able to rest easy.

But that didn't stop him from finally spreading out his divine intent to its full extent and contact Bibi Dong to return as quickly as possible and alone. Something she did quietly or else Yue Guan and Gui Mei would have followed no doubt.

"But I never got to find out why this spider wanted to escape death... could it be because of tribulations? Why don't humans face them... or is it that we're simply not at the point yet. And I didn't get to find out about the situation regarding the event when a spirit beast turns human. Could be nothing but the secret itself is so tightly guarded..."

Ja Sun mused and then his thoughts moved towards the Bringers of Pain and finally settled on one figure he never did see.

'The King.'

He thought for a moment, 'Could this be Violet's mysterious master who found her?'

He then shook his head. This method to extract and use soul origin was already provided by this king. Why wouldn't he or she be able to help Violet when her situation required her to cultivate as a human but without spirit rings to progress her Soul Origin?

'Or... could it be that Violet wasn't worth helping? Even the Death Spider Emperor was given this method quite late in her life.'

Ja Sun finally felt a little welcomed by the Star Dou Great Forest after knowing the situation a little better.

Bibi Dong soon arrived and sat in front of the spirit beast while Ja Sun extracted the spirit soul.

At first, Ja Sun's and Bibi Dong's plan was to defeat the beast and then persuade her to agree to become a spirit soul. That was the least likely situation to occur so Bibi Dong was ready to have a one-sided contract where the Spider soul will lose its more intricate value where it assisted in the utilization of spirit skills.

But after doing the same for Charm Queen in Hu Lana's situation, Ja Sun realized that he could revive spirit souls using the life aspect of his Life and Death Cauldron mental core.

The same would be used for Bibi Dong.

"Huff... alright, don't you dare steal my spirit bone!" Bibi Dong warned as Ja Sun leaned down to peck her lips, "Now why would I take that as a reward when I'm going to have you?"

"I never agreed before marriage... you just assumed!" Bibi Dong frowned as Ja Sun cackled, "Oh, I want you pure until our marriage in the most traditional sense now. Still wouldn't stop me from doing it..." His words caused Bibi Dong to gasp in surprise.

"You don't mean"

"Think fast!" Ja Sun grinned, beginning the process as Bibi Dong couldn't say anything more and closed her eyes.

Ja Sun, meanwhile, shrugged.

Of all the slots for spirit bone, he already had a skull bone. Two arm bones and the Right leg bone of the clone devil that he traded with Bibi Dong.

Now, he only had one slot for the torso bone and the one for the left leg.

'We'll see what kind of spirit bone that spider has... let's check out the loot from the weaker corpse.'

While Bibi Dong was going through the initial phase of fusion, Ja Sun went through the corpse and let a surprised snort.

"Damn... that's lucky and interesting enough... maybe this spider's past and rebirth have something to do with this..."

Ja Sun muttered while harvesting a left arm bone and right arm bone.

Two spirit bones from the same spirit beast!


A/N: The wiki of bibi dong says that her arm bones come from the same spirit beast so I decided to have a field trip with the background of the spirit beast! I hope it wasn't know, out there.


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