Chapter 248: Plans

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 248: Plans

Ah Yin slowly sat up. Although she didn't expect to feel so great, her first question revealed her line of thought.

"Is it seven days already?"

Her conditions allowed her to revive in seven days if she is left with the most major component of her being and it didn't mean her vital organs. With her body reaching the peak of the human realm, Ah Yin felt that as long as her soul is intact, she would live unless she wishes to commit suicide!

While she inquired Petals, Ah Yin took a quick scan of her internal situation, and much to her surprise, her Yin-Yang Pure Core was without the slightest fracture. She could sense things better and her sea of consciousness was completely filled with a golden ocean with a beautiful golden core imprinted with a wavy blue pattern rotating in the center.

Blinking in surprise, Ah Yin quickly scanned her situation thoroughly and ignored the sleeping Petals for later. Her punishment of leaving her host undefended would come later.

'What... happened?' Ah Yin felt stunned. Is she still the same? It felt like her strength had risen by multiple levels and then it hit her... she survived.

'Wait a minute, if I died then and the Tribulation still blessed me... could it be that my immortality is seen through by the heaven?' She frowned, still unaware of what actually happened. However, just the fact that her body had reached its peak greatly pleased her. It saved her a great number of resources and the same was the case for her mental core.

The thing is, Ah Yin always found rivalry with Ja Sun and more so with Bibi Dong. However, she also knew that the two freaks had twin martial souls which meant 18 spirit rings. In Ja Sun's case, his other martial soul only had a single effect skill but for Bibi Dong, this meant an advantage of nine more skills and all of these would certainly grow in quality once she adopts more spirit souls... the thought depressed her momentarily.

For the moment, Ah Yin calmed herself down. She was reeling, Ah Yin realized. Strength didn't matter to her at the moment and it was simply a coping mechanism as she observed Ja Sun silently sitting next to her cross-legged as if nothing happened but being with him the longest, she realized in an instant that he was absolutely pissed... no, speechless. Like the time in Balak City where she made 'that' joke.

She could easily discern the similarities between the ocean blue marks on his forehead and her core. The mark on Ja Sun's forehead pulsated vividly, as if reluctant to leave his body while he continued to slowly work them off.

'Wake up and fill me up with what happened after I died,' Ah Yin snorted coldly as Petals shivered and woke up, 'And since when do Spirit Souls sleep?'

"Oh, I thought that humans can do it so probably I can, too, in this form. Turns out, I can... ah, yes! Report!

You wouldn't believe what happened after you fell unconscious!" Petals yelped while Ah Yin grew surprised.

She didn't die?

Still, Ah Yin didn't interrupt and heard everything. From the suspicious sword made of golden flames that instantly allowed Ah Yin to realize the identity of the secret helper to Ja Sun finally emerging yet she frowned.

"There's something missing," Ah Yin pointed out. A trace of dissatisfaction appeared on her lips and she glared at Petals, "What are you hiding!"

"Eh? Me? Hiding?! Doesn't like me at all," Petals looked away weakly as an exasperated expression appeared on Ah Yin's face. She was just bluffing. After all, Ah Yin simply wasn't so trusting to easily accept everything told to her and Petals was simply too gullible to understand this simple concept existing between a superior and the subordinate.

Under Ah Yin's glare, Petal teared up and spoke in between sobs, "He said that if I tell you... he will replace me... *sob*"

"Like hell he will," Ah Yin scoffed as she realized who this 'he' happened to be and crossed her arm. "He needs to get through me to get to you. Didn't we already defend against a Tribulation capable of ending beasts mighty? Speak up, have some guts already!"

Petals nodded as she iterated how she was caught in Ja Sun's bloodlust and his dazed confession.

Ah Yin's brows rose in surprise.

'Tribulations really are filled with blessings... my time has come for some payback!' Ah Yin grinned secretly, more than happy to capitalize on the opportunity but she forgot that emotions are easily read within the sea of consciousness as Petals inquired, "Are you... blushing?"

"Shove it!" Ah Yin snapped, "I don't blush. And you don't ask me things like that!"

"But I have seen Ja Sun and you"

"We. Don't. Speak. About. That." Ah Yin emphasized every word and then pulled her consciousness out. Standing up and changing her clothes to something more comfortable, Ah Yin walked up to a purplish-blue stalk of bamboo with eleven sections. The Thunder Hell Prison Vine didn't attract lightning anymore. Instead, it gave a sensation of vastness similar to how her mental energy felt at this time.

'Ocean of Gold mental core and now this... just how terrible one needs to be to attract this devastating of a Tribulation that comes with unending benefits...' Ah Yin didn't mean personality or actions but the grudge itself. She glanced at Ja Sun and then looked at the vegetative Thunder Hell Prison Vine again.

In fact, Ah Yin wasn't sure if this was even a Thunder Hell Prison Vine anymore. The Tribulation was clearly made of water attribute and it seemed to have mutated the vine in the same attribute alongside the lightning attribute to the point that it no longer needed lightning every single moment to quench itself.

With a soft sigh, Ah Yin gently placed her hand on the bamboo and whispered, "I'm sorry you lost your sense of self. This is purely for the purpose of my strength and not anything personal."

In the next second, Ah Yin snapped the bamboo in half. Although a spirit beast of the 100000-year-old in quality, it didn't have any resistance whatsoever. The bamboo was definitely hard but it was also a spirit beast and with no mental resistance barely came any physical resistance. Of course, Ah Yin hadn't killed the spirit beast yet. Plant-based spirit beasts have outstanding vitality and if Ah Yin plants the section of bamboo again, it will become an Immortal Herb.

This was Ah Yin's intention in the first place. A Thunder Hell Prison Vine is a disaster but this Mutated species was gentle and Ah Yin safely stored the section of it before looking at the rooted section of the bamboo. Her seventh spirit ring appeared again and luxurious black and white petals began to eat away at the small Bamboo until


A shockwave passed through Ah Yin and Ja Sun. While it didn't do anything to Ah Yin, Ja Sun was about to be pushed back but beautiful blue silver vines tore from the ground and completely surrounded Ja Sun, stopping him in his place.

"Nothing... it's just... it's the first time someone almost died for me. Even in my previous life, it was the opposite so..."

"The fool," Ah Yin scoffed.


"You're a fool." Ah Yin whispered, "I killed you back then and revived you. That makes me the owner of you. So be a good pet and" Ah Yin yelped as she felt something press up against her as she was making the whole dominatrix speech. Smilingly, she added, "Exactly."

"Yes, ma'am," Ja Sun groaned.


"Well done. Leave." Bibi Dong remarked indifferently as Firebird Douluo's body shivered. But instead of saying anything, she left promptly.

At this moment, Bibi Dong felt something and frowned, "Who's there?"

"Huh? I thought my domain grew stronger. It's amazing that you could find me," Ah Yin appeared out of thin air and looked towards the door where the Firebird Douluo went out from, "And how did you find such a weird woman? She was actually excited when she was treated so rudely... actually, might as well keep Ja Sun and her away from one another."

"Ah... Yin? You're back?!" Bibi Dong stood up with excitement clear on her face as she observed the blue-haired woman for a moment only to feel shocked by her growth!

"You're already rank 80?!"

"Oh, more," Ah Yin smiled, "But I felt that before anyone, I should report my arrival. Isn't that right, tutor?"

Rolling her eyes at the remark, Bibi Dong scoffed, "Tutor? Me? You're stronger than me. Anyway, I don't care. It's been close to two months already. Where is he?" Bibi Dong hurriedly pulled Ah Yin down to a seat and inquired with expectations clear in her eyes. Blinking at the sheer change in her expression from before when she treated Firebird Douluo impassively, Ah Yin shrugged, "He's... out there, collecting his own reward that Master pointed out to."

"What?" Bibi Dong frowned, "I thought we were supposed to help him."

That was the original plan. Ja Sun helps Ah Yin and Bibi Dong grow and have them assist him for his own growth yet things changed when Ja Sun got two new 'toys'. Not to mention, Ja Sun felt a little spooked by God's abilities and wanted to have some 'alone time' to regain his bearings. Of course, this didn't mean anything good for the denizens of the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Not to mention, I'm the one who actually helped him! Hehe, hear this out and you'll have something to tame him later," Ah Yin grinned as Bibi Dong grew puzzled.

Yet, when Ah Yin began to describe many things, excluding a few obvious discoveries such as her being a spirit beast and whatnot, Bibi Dong's eyes widened in pure shock.

Compared to what Ah Yin and Ja Sun went through, the little political targeting of Firebird Douluo felt... nothing.


"He really said that? That's really cute. Good find, I'll use it once he returns!" Bibi Dong grinned.

Anyway, Ah Yin's growth was good. It served the rouse Bibi Dong's competitive nature and also as a wake-up call to every other team member. If Ah Yin and Bibi Dong can do this, then they needed to strive for the better regardless of the situation.

"Oh, and Ja Sun said, no matter what happens, don't let Tang Yuehua breakthrough until he returns and let her accumulate her spirit energy alongside an Immortal Herb." Ah Yin added.

"Really? He's giving an immortal herb for free?" Bibi Dong was surprised.

Ah Yin's expression darkened for a moment and scowled, "No, the bastard disappeared after saying this... it's coming out of my own reserves. Anyway, I also wanted to discuss something else with you... how would you like if I began developing another territory under Giant's Fortress?"

Bibi Dong glared at Ah Yin, easily seeing through her intentions, "You want manpower, don't you? But I need to understand the full extent of the benefits this new territory can gain us."

Not the least bit embarrassed, Ah Yin smiled, "Of course. For starters, that location has the potential of many Immortal herbs but can rarely be visited by others who are not poison-type spirit masters, plant-type spirit masters... and Ja Sun."

Bibi Dong blinked.

"Tell me more."


Shoutout to Peter Yang~!

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