Chapter 266: The Strongest Creature (1)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 266: The Strongest Creature (1)

Far in the middle of an unknown ocean, within a resplendent hall that held murals of a trident wielding warrior calming men, beasts, and sea alike, a towering, shimmering golden trident revealed a sonorous, aching cry that made the hearts of listeners shudder in with a tinge of guilt. The entirety of the island within which the Trident was erected shook. Waves rose and soon grew outward, forming natural disasters.

Within the shaking hall, in front of the trident that was beginning to lose all its glow and slowly turn dull, a peerless woman with almost silverish hair with an ocean blue sheen couldn't help but stand there with a dazed expression. Confusion wrought in her expression while she gazed at the spot in the middle of the crest of the trident that would fit a rather large pyramid-like object.

She could feel a sense of loss from that very spot.


Similar to the mysterious island with the golden trident, in a vast forest covered by a gloomy sky lay erect an entrance to the cave through which only a few select individuals may enter a spacious underground world. Similar to King's Lair, the world had not only spatial natural arrays but blood array, too filled with a whiff of slaughter.

The True Slaughter City.

Unlike before, all the added decoration of the city had been dissolved by the tsunami of acidic blood that Ja Sun had caused in his wake, killing every single sinner of the city. Yet, the array itself would never harm the original construction, allowing the sinners of the continent to enter the location should they wish.

However, with the distinct lack of corruptive order under the so-called Slaughter King, the city had truly turned into the paradise of outlaws where only strength made right. No matter the status, beauty, or wealth. If one had the strength, they would be only happy in here.

Deaths occurred daily but these were the lightest of crimes ever committed in a location known as the Paradise of Sin.

Yet, on this fateful day, buried deep into the ground lay a fleshy, blood-red orb that would beat akin to a human hear, tore out a pale, almost snowy-white arm. A terrifying aura filled the Slaughter City in that very instant.

"He dared destroy this King's palace..." A somber whisper echoed, "His blood... is what I desire the most. But how dare these insects rule what is mine?"

A blood-red sword chimed and let lose a slaughter intent that made every citizen of the city fall on their knees, clutching their chests as many hearts burst in that very instant!


"How dare you... pee on me, boy!" Qian Daoliu rumbled but there remained no intent behind his words, making Xie Yue giggle happily. Xie Xan, on the side, with a new diaper, had his body covered in a cold sweat.

"Grandmaster, let me change him. Lana truly didn't mean that you need to do this when she asked you to look after Yue'er," Xie Xan stated hurriedly while the pee that drenched Qian Daoliu evaporated while the Grand Priest scoffed, "Show some spine. Besides, this is on me. I chose to come here since I was already within the Star Dou Great Forest.

And, aren't you Dong'er's more capable worker? What are you doing wasting your time here?"

Xie Xan handed the man the fresh pair of diapers and sighed slightly, "Well... I have been taking some breaks in between to keep up with my training and also look after Yue'er. Lana is usually tired after" This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"She asked you to stay here because you've got a good head on your shoulders," Qian Daoliu sneered, "Don't mix truth with falsities."

Xie Xan finally shrugged. With Ah Yin strangely disappearing a little after a week from her return, Bibi Dong had started moving some resources and funds. Xie Xan, who usually handled such matters was informed very little about it except for the fact that knowledge related to this should not leak in any matter or form. Of course, besides the top three, Xie Xan was one of the most capable members of the team to rely on. Sure, Liu Erlong's martial strength surpassed his, but she didn't hold anything over him when it came to written work.

There were also Oscar, Jun'er, and Yuehua, but their paperwork was related to more diplomatic stuff and the formation of passes and tokens to enter the Giant's Forest.

Qian Daoliu's arrival was a surprise, but Bibi Dong seemed pretty determined to keep her actions a secret from the top of the Spirit Hall. If she knew more about Divine Intent then she would come to understand how fruitless this action really was, however, Bibi Dong was also in the luck that Daoliu didn't seem keen on uncovering every single thing the team of his two disciples is upto.

With a smile, Qian Daoliu added, "But it's always a gratifying sight to see a parent willing to take care of their offspring. It's unfortunate that Ka-ul and Yin haven't learned anything from you and Hu Lana."

"Them?" Xie Xan chuckled and sat down seeing that the grandmaster didn't mind the lack of formalities, "I heard that the two will only have a child when one of them is the strongest... how crazy is that."

"Huh..." knowing full well... or only assuming the supposed strength of his disciple, Daoliu muttered in a factual tone, "So, soon."


A large crowd of spirit beasts surrounded the Emerald Lake in the center of the King's Lair. Aside from the vegetation, almost all the spirit beasts had recovered. Those who were capable of the human form took such forms whether they liked it or not to accommodate larger spirit beasts under the cultivation of 100000 years that were unable to temporarily turn into humans.

These past four days, the Emerald Swans of the King's Lair had overworked themselves to heal every injury on the bodies of the spirit beasts including the two remaining foreign spirit beasts. Yet, the two beasts from the Extreme North had not returned. Zi Ji protectively sat in front of a golden sphere within which lay a Golden-furred beast. She would constantly look in the particular direction where a colossal body of a pitch-black dragon lay.

Di Tian!

Yet, the body was unmoving.

He wasn't dead or a spirit ring would have appeared by now... however, the spirit beasts didn't dare go near the location. They could still feel that sheer bloodlust radiating from that very direction, indicating that the assailant had not only survived but managed to remain strong enough to shock everyone present to the point of numbing them.

The explosion in that strange contained space, in fact, lasted for two days!

For the remaining two days, neither Ja Sun nor Di Tian moved.

Di Tian, obviously, was unconscious and his vitality was too weak. The fact that he could survive the tremendous explosion of a divine artifact could be chalked up to his prime true dragon physique... but how could even Ja Sun survive such a suicidal attack?

Their speculations came to an end when Di Tian's colossal body moved with an echoing rumble.

The grating sound of something dragging across the surface of the King's Lair couldn't be clearer but it wasn't Di Tian's body directly that was getting dragged.


Ja Sun looked back towards the Silver Pole sticking out of the lake alongside other 100000-year-old spirit beasts with a thoughtful expression.

"Well, I think I can get you out... however, the circumstances are lenient and would allow me to also understand this array. You don't mind waiting, right?"

A hint of panic flashed in the eyes of the Three-eyed Golden Lion but Ja Sun seemed to have willfully ignored it and nodded with a kind expression, "Truly a kindred spirit. You are more beautiful than that devil of a dragon over there... hmm, just you wait.. I'll get you out of this sphere in a month... no. Three months!"

Ja Sun felt that he had just heard a gentle but amused chuckle. Still, he sat down right then and there, his cold voice reverberating with divine intent, "If anyone of you wants to fight me, just attack. I might get bored so refreshment is always welcome."

Then as if he was the owner of this land and the beasts were his tenants, Ja Sun ordered calmly, "I don't intend to, however, hurt anymore. You are free to live or leave."

This was an absolute lie.

"And I don't particularly side with humanity."

This had some truth to it.

"Oh, Zi Ji, if you truly understand that I'm the new God around, then bring back Bi Ji. If not, keep on brown-nosing Di Tian. Anyone who can bring back Bi Ji before Zi Ji will get a treasure that can save 100000 years worth of cultivation. So, if I were you, I would make use of my generosity.

Finally, any spirit beast who brings a new tribe of the 100000-year-old beast will also gain a similar treasure. Remember, don't disturb the family of the Sky Bull Python, Titan Ape, and that humanoid bunny spirit beast. I will meet them myself."

Although Ja Sun hadn't adopted the role of their leaders... he had a use for these spirit beasts so he wasn't afraid of encouraging them.

His words stunned everyone for the umpteenth time, including the mysterious entity within the lake.

The first to move, surprisingly, was none other than Zi Ji!

She gave Di Tian's unconscious body one last look before taking off in that very instant. She adored Di Tian for his strength but loved Bi Ji as her only sister. The sight of the defeated Di Tian and Ja Sun's incentive did wonder to her thoughts. Although she may put resistance on the surface, just this act revealed how easy it is for the world to be ruled by true strength and proper benefits.

A few beasts returned to their nests seeing that Ja Sun meant what he said. He wasn't attacking anymore and they didn't have a leader. Instead, they had a conqueror whose will shall be followed whether they chose to stay here or not.

Funnily, no ideas of rebellion even rose in the minds of others for Ja Sun hadn't only defeated Di Tian but crushed the entire forest by himself. How could they even fight back? What finally began to earn their respect was the lack of casualties from their side aside from trees.

Many other beasts were quick to leave the King's Lair. The greed on their faces revealed that they weren't escaping but trying to make use of Ja Sun's terms.

"Hmm... didn't even wait for me to reveal a few immortal herbs. What an impatient bunch. That leaves the two of you. You're from the Extreme North, right? You're welcome to my property but could you state your intentions?"

Ja Sun inquired without looking back.

Just as the little Ice Jade Scorpion was about to blow her top off, Snow Empress placed her hand on the scorpion's shoulder and remarked, "You have great strength and knowledge. I merely wish to learn from you about the beasts within you."

"Is that a sexual pun?" Ja Sun mused.

"No! You vile human!" The Scorpion finally spat.

Not minding the attitude since Ja Sun was sure that beasts didn't really go through etiquette training... something Yuehua would find pleasure in doing later, which Ja Sun made a mental note of, he shrugged, "Information is even more costly than resources. Bring your tribe to stay here and I might consider."

"It's not possible. Cold suits us," Snow Empress retorted.

"Don't you guys bring chill with your very presence? Either bring something of equal value or I'm not telling you anything."

The cold refusal frustrated Snow Empress to no end. She may be courteous right now, but even she knew that without appropriate strength, she would have forced him to talk anyway. Now, it wasn't an option.

Turning on her heels, Snow Empress left alongside the Scorpion.

Greeny, however, flew over to him and rubbed his head against his foot as if to curry favor before squawking and flying away.

Now finally given some private time, Ja Sun looked at the aggrieved emotion in the eyes of the Three-eyed Golden Lion and scoffed, "Don't be so dramatic. I've just defeated a troop of continent destroyers! Unraveling this array is my form of rest. And oye! Get your asses to heal Di Tian already. He's no longer useful if dead... I need his fucking scales, too. The moment Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear returns, have him claw off Di Tian's scales."

His orders spread throughout the forest. The bear had yet to leave and he returned pretty quickly like the most loyal servant that had just betrayed his previous owner and began to work while the entire tribe of Emerald Swans started to treat Di Tian starting from his mangled and mushed insides, which they had to pull out with the Bear's assistance... which eventually landed in Ja Sun's storage ring a prime resource for a luxury banquet.


Shoutout to Brody McDermott, and gnawingteeth!!

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