Chapter 272: The Strongest Creature (6); Upgrades... Upgrades Everywhere!

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 272: The Strongest Creature (6); Upgrades... Upgrades Everywhere!

Ja Sun quietly viewed himself in the calm reflection of the emerald lake. Currently, his spirit transformation had gone through great changes.

Right now, he stood at an impressive height of 3 meters but in his human form, he won't be taller than 2.3 meters. Instead of a pure silver coat, Ja Sun proclaimed a body of dark silver fur with pitch-black stripes all over. A slightly feline tail resembling a tiger grew out from his tailbone. The sides of his face, like usual, proclaimed sideburns of fur that grew out to furry and fuzzy ears.

From talons, however, Ja Sun now had paws, or at least, a compromise between human hands and paws. There was padding under his feet and palms but his fingers weren't shortened with reduced dexterity. Instead, he could elongate pitch black nails from the tips of his fingers and toes that were as sharp as one of the more renowned swords. Over his chest grew a single crystal right in the middle.

This wasn't a weak spot. In fact, of his entire body including the Vajra Gauntlets, this silver crystal with golden tint was the hardest substance on his body. From this crystal, Ja Sun felt what he did while engaging with the Sage's Third Eye a sense of comprehension.

But unlike before... Ja Sun felt that he was unraveling the world around him for all its mysteries layer by layer. Of course, nothing changed the fact that these layers were stacked in billions if not trillions fold but as long as he could understand it, Ja Sun felt satisfied.

'A sage that unravels the heaven... huh,' Ja Sun smirked.

Three emerald eyes with fierce golden pupils flashed gently. The emerald tattoo around his third vertical eye seemed even more prominent, crowning his forehead completely as his dark silver hair sprouted out similar to an untamed mane.

Behind Ja Sun was the phantom of his martial soul.

Instead of a giant beast on his four limbs, the Liger stood slightly larger than Ja Sun at almost 5 meters with his hands a bit longer and more bestial and a face that resembled a truly fierce kitty than a wolf. It completely resembled Ja Sun, thus, even in his True Spirit Avatar, Ja Sun wouldn't have to go out of his way to reform his combat system.


Ja Sun's Martial Soul had truly evolved!

"What is it called?" Ja Sun heard the lady of the lake as he focused on the maelstrom of elements deep within the lake. He knew she could sense him finally beginning to make out what she truly was as he grinned, "The Three-eyed Silver Sage."

"Hmm? Ja Yin proposed a name rather authoritative of her new species. Are you willing to adopt such a plain name?"

"It's just a name," Ja Sun mumbled, "And that's the essence of my martial soul. Three eyes. Silver. And a Sage."

The difference just didn't end with his appearance. His most basic affinities, skills, and spirit skills had shifted drastically!

But after battling with Di Tian, Ja Sun couldn't be clearer about the true potential of this martial soul didn't lay in the spirit skills. In fact, the benefit of his spirit skills came from enhancement to the body but everything came from the martial soul itself when enhanced with a spirit ring.

If this was a math equation, the situation is as simple as martial soul+spirit ring= Spirit Skill.

But his Sage martial soul allowed Ja Sun affinities with all the elements! Light, Darkness, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Space! His mind was currently working in how to understand the elements, mix them, and form something greater.

To him, right now, comprehension of elements, i.e., comprehension of the law came at a great priority. In fact, if he had one of those system traits from his previous world that compiled his own growth then his most basic 'panel' would have looked something similar to

Name: Ja Sun

Spirit: 70 (Constantly refined by Immortal Buddha King Spirit Core.)

Attained Realm: Self (Perfect Control of Spirit Energy and ability to create variants use of spirit skills.)

Immortal Herb: Yin-Yang Fruit (Core), Beautiful Silk Tulip, Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, Myriad Blood Mango

Name: Three-eyed Silver Sage

Type: Beast Spirit

Attribute: Spirit (Main), Light, Darkness, Space, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind.

Appearance: The Three-eyed Silver Sage's appearance is more similar to a humanoid liger with a mane. It has a buff body covered with dark silver fur with black stripes and a thick silver mane that looks lustrous. The three eyes on its body are bright green in color. The vertical, third eye often reveals a gentle glow. In the center of the chest is a triangular crystal entirely silver with a golden sheen that is the hardest spot on its body.

When the spirit possesses the spirit master, the spirit master's hair turns dark silver, and fur grows out of his forearms and legs. The feet and hands turn into sharp paws with dangerous claws with astounding tearing force and the ears of the spirit master elongate. The elongated ears are carpeted with fuzzy fur which gives it an animalistic characteristic. The body, too, bulks up considerably. In between the user's eye, a third eye appears with a vertical pupil belonging to the cat family. Dark stripes spread over the user entirely while a crystal emerges from the center of the chest that is fueled with a brilliant silver glow with hints of gold. A liger's tail, too, emerges from the tail bone.

{Imagine a ssj5 transformation, for fur location, I mean.}


1) Increases comprehension towards all the elemental attributes. (Passive)

2) Increases comprehension with spatial attribute. (Passive)

And, he had defeated the overlord of another continent revealed from the memories of the Evileye Tyrant as Ja Sun found his ability to govern elements, especially space, more pronounced. Heck, he learned a few abilities like imbuing spatial attribute to a mental attack and the ability that he couldn't learn, i.e, the attack Tyrant Eye used to converge space, time, and evil attribute at the cost of his life force just to obliterate the very soul origin of the enemy...

Ja Sun got it as the spirit bone skill with an additional domain.

At this point, if it was someone else, they would have gotten dizzy with the number of abilities he had gained and had yet to master.

But as they say, one step at a time.


"Hey, is Sun and Moon continent really moving towards this continent?" Ja Sun inquired while laying close to the Emerald Lake.

"Give or take a few thousand years," The Lady of the Lake replied.

"Do you have interest in conquering that continent?" she continued.

"Come on, if I had such interests, do you think I would be lazing about here? I'm just making use of your connection to the elements and increasing my own comprehension of them. See? I've even opened the necessary domain."

Ja Sun waved his hands. His left arm was covered by a white tiger gauntlet with black stripes and his right arm was covered by a black tiger's gauntlet with white stripes on its surface. A Dark grey domain expanded only around him.

The Sage Domain that could only be used with both his arm spirit bones that increased the comprehension of every living being. Its effects were slightly worse than the Evil Sage's Third Eye but Ja Sun felt that this domain gave him more flexibility to what he wished to understand.

After a few seconds of silence, the being within the lake commented, "You have yet to pay for the essence of the Silver Dragon King I provided to you. Unlike the Golden Dragon that benefitted Ja Yin the most, the essence of the two dragons thoroughly refined your martial soul and your physique to the point you can match a few of the stronger spirit beasts with, of course, Ja Yin being the exception due to her unmatched Ultimate Strength Attribute."

"Her name isn't Ja Yin."

"Her name is not for you to decide. And, do not evade your payment. My patience and benevolence have its limits, too."

"Benevolence? Don't make me laugh." Ja Sun laughed despite saying so, feeling especially carefree, "You just haven't gotten to the point in what you really want. But sure, Life Gold, at this point is basically another rock for me."

Ja Sun took out the portion of the Life Gold he had promised as an advance and dropped it into the lake.

Strangely, despite something entering the lake, its surface had not a single ripple and Ja Sun commented on the observation instantly, "Is your ability to manipulate water passive at this point."

Chuckling, pleasantly surprised, she replied, "Good set of eyes. I wonder what else you've observed till now."

"Well, I do have three eyes," Ja Sun shrugged and continued to lay with hands behind his head.

After a few minutes of silence, Ja Sun commented, "About time we discussed the origin of cultivation."

And just like that, a creature in human body but with a mind more terrifying and brutal than beasts enjoyed the following conversation with a genuine and sincere smile as he knew better than most that strength could not substitute knowledge.


A/N: Honestly, I did plan Di Tian's defeat and Ja Sun's evolution including the origin of cultivation adapted from various other cn but I had not planned to make Ja Sun Op in terms of cultivation.

However, had I not pushed Ja Sun to rank 96, it would have been dubious since Ja Sun has almost absorbed three million-year-old spirit beasts. Just this should push him to the peak. I kept it at rank 96 because he hadn't directly increased his cultivation.

Anyway, now that Ja Sun is op in every sense, I will try to develop his surrounding characters more. Like Zi Ji, Bi Ji, Ja Yin (Wang Qiu'er), Xiao Bie, and others. I think the beast world has a lot of fun potential but even then, I'm scared of screwing it up.

It wouldn't change the fact that at some point, Ja Sun would have reached this stage and I figured that deliberately suspending this upgrade would have made the story bland. Now that the upgrades are out of the way, I can slowly explore Ja Sun's current strength and change in character, too, as already seen from the scene with Ah Yin, too.


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