Chapter 280: The War isn't External

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 280: The War isn't External

A/N: I feel that it was a mistake to leave this fic alone for such a long time but then the other part of me feels it was the right decision else I may have discontinued it. Anyway, I'm back but due to my absence, my skills may have diminished and I hope to get comfortable around the cast I presented as I write. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)


Aside from their daily shenanigans, living in the forest had become the norm for the new Beast King. Others might argue it was only because of the cluster of beautiful women around him, two of whom felt needy towards him and Ja Sun laugh at this

And of course! They're right!

What kind of a pathetic excuse Ja Sun would be if he didn't even understand that?

Violet's sheer devotion, Ja Yin's constant need, Zi Ji's eye rolls and scoffs but secret glances, Bi Ji's complicated expressions and dilemma, and Xiao Bei's rather curious nature and carrots despite her being a 100000-year-old mother. Ja Sun's life could only be more exquisite if all this is added with Ah Yin, Bibi Dong, Yuehua, and Erlong.

'Am I being too greedy?' Ja Sun couldn't help but muse as he watched the snow-white round cocoon thumping periodically as if having a life of its own. He sat in silent contemplation, many thoughts rushing about his head... but, in the end, it is what it is. When life gives you lemons, you squeeze them hard!

It has been days since they arrived in this location and the only thing that stopped them from moving was none other than Xiao Bei's daughter that was in her cocoon of transformation. The state could last for years that Ja Sun simply didn't have.

Oh, he'll definitely live longer, but with each passing day, he just wanted to see Ah Yin and Bibi Dong again. He may never reveal it to Ja Yin but the bitch in heat act was working. He didn't even know if it was an act or if Ja Yin was truly falling into that role. All he knew was that he needed to do something Quick.

And like always, whenever he fell into a troublesome problem, Ja Sun turned to his arrays. He had nine spirit rings each with more than one spirit skill so that was a good thing and he also had quite a number of spirit bones and two external spirit bones.

As the lady in the lake stated, he would need quite the time to master the pieces of law these skills actually were and develop his foundation from the level of master to Grandmaster, Great Grandmaster, and higher.

But that never meant he couldn't just employ Arrays. If there is a law for it then Ja Sun had definitely reached the realm of master in this profession at the very least. After all, the realm of a master was connected with intuition. When someone is a master in a particular law, they would get constant ideas about a particular problem, and right now, as Ja Sun looked at the bright cocoon and was motivated by the sheer need in his body, his brain overloaded with ideas!

Due to the spirit rings, he had gained from the Evileye Tyrant, Ja Sun had his ninth spirit ring accustomed to an ability with the attribute of time. Like him, the Evileye Tyrant had many, many attributes. The number of tentacles of this species represented their strength and the color of the individual tentacles revealed the beast's affinity with certain elements. The monarch of this species could wield space and time alongside the virtue of his sheer mental abilities to contest with Di Tian for a time but in the end, the beast was slightly weaker and more useful to Ja Sun.

So, at the moment, Ja Sun had the thought of using the attribute of time to start making much-needed measures for what he wanted to achieve. Setting up the desired mission that would give him more resources on the act, Ja Sun dove into the process... the path, like usual.


While Ja Sun had started to make a move of his own, the entirety of the spiritually cultivating faction of humanity was on move.

The election of the new Supreme Pontiff came with many, many changes.

Some of which were reported to an embarrassed Bibi Dong as a short-haired, purple-headed woman planted her face into the ground while kowtowing and letting her muffled voice reverberate through the awkward off of Bibi Dong. This woman was so shameless that it made others except for Ah Yin and Hu Lana quite ashamed to look directly at her and they took in the various sights within the room.

She was none other than the Firebird Douluo. The woman had once desired the position of Pontiff but had been put into her place by Bibi Dong rather easily and had revealed a certain side to her... a very strange side. It would be a lie if 'punishing' Firebird and her taking everything in great strides didn't make the group recall their most perverted member...

So, it wasn't only Ja Sun who had gained a pervert, the group was quite pushed out of their comfort zone with Firebird's constant presence.

"As you have commanded me, master, I have been taking great care of the Giant's Fortress. With your instructions, I traded the newly discovered spies after your departure for more raw materials to strengthen the defenses in light of recent events."

Bibi Dong couldn't possibly hold any personal station after becoming a Supreme Pontiff. After all, the entirety of the Spirit Hall and Spirit City was hers to rule. But Giant's Fortress represented her first base. A backup. It also surrounded the species of recently flourishing giants that were great leverage against the strongest clan of the continent The Clear Sky Clan. These aren't the things Bibi Dong could let any other elder screw up with their deficiencies.

She needed complete loyalty and even if it threatened to enter the realms of depravity, Firebird Douluo represented this completely. Even now, to test the limits Firebird would be willing to get shamed in, Bibi Dong ordered her to kowtow in her usually tight clothing and report regardless of anyone's presence while her team was still here and... Firebird did it. With a heavy flush, a perverted grin, she sunk to her knees and found her thighs quivering as she reported everything in extraordinary detail, going as far as to reveal the things that weren't needed to extend the time of her punishment.

With the security of the Giant's Fortress increased, Bibi Dong sighed softly and nodded. "Good work. Leave." She remarked pointedly and Firebird's voice only grew fervent, "Yes, master!"


But things were clear to the group.

Their teacher...

Their Sister Dong was baring her teeth at the entirety of the continent itself. With a strength of a Titled Douluo in her palms, multiple ones at that, there aren't many things she wouldn't dare do. In fact, she sent the Chrysanthemum Douluo with Hu Lana and Xie Xan while Gui Mei, the Ghost Douluo silently followed and protected the team entering the Star Luo Empire to discuss the terms.

As for the actual terms that the two Empires had sent, Bibi Dong had shown the papers in her very pristine trash can a long time ago. She would be a pathetic fool to actually buy any of that shit.


"Patriarch, this is a letter from Lady Yuehua..." A girl delivered a handwritten letter as Tang Peng smiled. "Ah, that girl remembers who her father is after all! I'll read it over wine in my leisure... she has such a way with words that eases my mind and soul."

And indeed... Yuehua had quite a way with her words. And as much as she can ease people... she can also achieve the opposite and finally, she did what she was asked.

What Yuehua told to console herself was that once sent to the arms of another man in all but name at this point... she didn't actually have any reason to reject the request of one of that man's lovers when she had been a wonderful caretaker, too... and it's not like her words will truly cause chaos in the family, right?


It's just her, little Ol Yuehua...

Tang Peng sensed two deeply aggravating spikes of energy, together which can threaten even an old Titled Douluo like him.

"Old Bastard! Today, I'll see if it's you or me who the heavens prefer!"

"Father! Enough of your nonsense! Even a man like I, Tang Xiao has limits!"

Tang Peng: "...?!"


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