Chapter 303: Snacks Worth The Wait

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 303: Snacks Worth The Wait

Ja Sun had to admit... Hu Lana went above and beyond this time. His creation of Golden Wardrobe Rings simply opened a world of lurid dressing Hu Lana didn't think was possible and now she took the chance to 'craft' a rather appealing design for Ah Yin and Bibi Dong for this occasion since they weren't able to come up with anything themselves.

So, while Ja Sun admired the duo's current outfit, he was made to strip and asked to lay back, allowing the two to admire him, too. It may be a little wrong to say but Ja Sun's bestial form was slowly growing on them. It was hardly the slightly more engorged cock or his buffed physique. He was quite buff for a human in his human form and his penis was a sight then, too. But... Ja Sun in this form had some instinctive weak points. For instance, the fuzzy bestial ears covered by his long dark silvery mane.

As he sat back, the sheer fluff of his hair acted as another layer of cushion and now that it was untied, thick silver locks fell over his face. A carpet of silver fur covered his body but left his chest, abdominal muscles clear and covered around the root of his cock. A silver, glimmering stone stuck out from the middle of his chest, too. This wasn't any of his core, but a physical change in his body and the medium with which Ja Sun comprehended aspects of reality laws better than others.

Ah Yin instantly had the mind to reach out for his head and pet his ears. That made him melt every time! Meanwhile, Bibi Dong found her heart, and her quickly dampening decency throbbing constantly with anticipation. To spirit masters, the pain of losing one's virginity barely counted for anything given how many painful experiences they suffer in the first place.

But more aroused than them was the beast in front of them sporting a full mast as he looked at their illicitly covered bodies. Letting their hair down and losing most of their jewelry except for the necklace around their neck, the two wore translucent baggy pants with a silver and violet waistband similar to the more professional workers of the red light industry. Ah Yin's threaded and translucent pant had a bluish tint while Bibi Dong's was violet as their naked and fleshy mounds were clear to be viewed by three of his eyes. Yet, more enticing than this was the ensemble of thin threaded chains around their slender torso as many chains curved down due to gravity and even lined around their visible breasts and perky nipples.

{A/N: basically arabian nights pants but translucent and many chains around their body that fail to cover them spectacularly.}

Acting as a single unit, with their arms across each other's comely and curvaceous waist, Bibi Dong and Ah Yin smirked as they found Ja Sun all but drooling at this point, most pleased with the design one of their more perverted teammates chose for them. "Enjoying the view?" Bibi Dong inquired, unconsciously straightening her back and jutting out the slope of her larger breasts. Violet had indeed opened the eyes of Ja Sun's teammate as to what Mt. Tai really is but Bibi Dong remained confident in her appeal. After all, confidence is usually the key more often than not.

Seeing this, Ah Yin rolled her eyes and her arm around Bibi Dong's waist tightened somewhat alongside the only 'artifact' on Ja Sun's body.

"Ugh," Ja Sun groaned as his body shuddered for a second and his cock throbbed with aching need. The trio gazed at the coiled, slender blue silver vine around the base of his cock as it made the veins over his shaft more pronounced.

"I think he does," Ah Yin smirked and then let go of Bibi Dong before crawling on the bed as her modest but succulent breasts dangled down somewhat alongside the chains around her body. Her slightly colder and refreshing hand grazed through his right furred thigh, making Ja Sun's furry hind claws curl in excitement, and Bibi Dong quickly followed the suit, letting her hands graze past his left thigh with an almost revering expression as she gazed at the slowly enlargening cock to her sight.

Of course, the closer she got, the larger IT loomed. She'd taken this member for a ride many times already but today was admittedly special. Her breathing grew hotter by the second as her spirit energy within began to grow more excited. Her lust-filled pink pupils grew eager as she cupped a hand under his soft and fur-layered ball. Honestly, she preferred this slightly regal-like set of nuts over a slagging nutsack and as her free hand still rested atop his thigh, she planted a soft peck over the base of his cock as it jerked a bit, "So painful," she whimpered and looked up with her eyes widening slightly and a smirk developing over her full lips, "Want you wife to take care of this? Yin really likes to tease you~!"

"Says the one who has that Firebird Elder wrapped around her fingers," Ah Yin smiled. It was no secret that one of the most notable females Titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall had fallen for Bibi Dong for reasons mysterious to outsiders but secrets like that barely existed within this room. Ja Sun chuckled as he heard that.

"She's right, Yin... I do want this taken care of," Ja Sun stretched out his hands and stroked their fair cheeks as he also sneakily pressed their other cheek against his veiny shaft much to their exasperation.

"You know," Ah Yin nuzzled her cheeks against his cock a fair bit, "We just tied the know. I think we can be more... direct." Her sapphire pupils matched his gaze as Ja Sun looked thoughtful.

"Hmm... then instead of actually starting ahead... would the two of you... you know... dance for me?"

Bibi Dong and Ah Yin looked a little surprised by the request.

Understanding that he'd have to briefly explain what he wanted, Ja Sun hummed and smiled, "I mean... these clothes would go to waste if we don't make a proper use of them NOW," he emphasized that last word, "And... it would be sexy to see you two of all people around me... to dance for me."

Her hands behind her back, her head swaying to the tune as she played with her ravishing bubblegum-blonde locks, Bibi Dong crouched over Ja Sun's cock precisely. Her knees spread apart. Her baggy pants soiled in her own juices as she rubbed her entrance against his drooling tip. Her hips jerked back and forth, sometimes lowering a bit to clench the mounds of her wet snatch and have it spread open against his mind-numbing cock by swaying her hips around to get a good measure of it.

Ah Yin wasn't free, of course. As Bibi Dong began to slowly ooze lustful pheromones from her poisonous streams within her body, something that Ah Yin and Ja Sun didn't reject but accepted, she realized another source of such lustful 'aura.'

Ja Sun.

How Ja Sun could produce pheromones of such high nature was something Ah Yin and Bibi Dong were well aware of. His first poisonous external spirit bone!

But they were too subdued by the aroma. The attractive scent that showed them the wonders of their primal instincts that left the tree turned human presenting herself to her man, not over his cock like the predatory arachnid but beside him. While Bibi Dong had the solace of his tip to rub her out and press her treasured nubbin, Ah Yin had no such fortunes and her vines wouldn't work either. Her fingers dug into her beautiful pink slit. Four fingers dug into her light pink and soaked entrance as her juices sprayed out, drenching the sheets over the mattress while Ja Sun viewed both of them.

He hadn't moved once. His hands rested behind his head, pushed into his mane. His lustfully charged and pointed gaze shifted from Ah Yin to Bibi Dong at equal intervals as his breathing had long turned into rough, forceful pants. But he waited, the patient predator he has always been. He would enjoy the two preys soon, but until they can hold out a semblance of sanity, until they can continue this utterly debauched scenario, and until they can continue to please him with their lewd moans... he would wait. These two were snacks worth the wait.


A/N: I hope the real foreplay was entertaining enough and I sincerely pray that I can manage to bring my A-game while writing about the actual consummation the next chapter.


Alternative Title: Yuehua Got Dem Tunes!


Shoutout to Hmmmbot!!

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