Chapter 317: Devouring Dragons (4)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 317: Devouring Dragons (4)

Their appointed time and location were a bit far from Erlong's place of meditation but when she felt that he should have arrived by now... he hadn't. She waited and when unable to wait after a few minutes, returned to the same location only to find the lizard fooling around with Beast God. The galls!

But as furious as she was, it only took one smile from Ja Sun to disarm her. After all... she was just waiting for the right moment and he certainly seemed to be oozing something... fragrant. Poison, she regarded, but not the kind that would numb her. Instead, it simply roused her body and her desires. Its quality wasn't high or fatal and Zi Ji let herself experience this, too. Tonight was supposed to be her filling for new experiences, after all. But... she looked somewhat changed. Physically. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

While letting her body accept the rousing scent that certainly seemed to convince the kind of night Beast God... no, Ja Sun had planned for the night, she allowed him to silently appraise her. A sensation she felt quite pleasing as she promptly jutted out her curves... and a little something extra as Erlong gaped. Not minding their gazes, she found her own dark purple orbs attracted to the three-eyed divinity in front of her.

It was becoming increasingly clear that the title of Beast God... meant very little to him. His accomplishments may have attracted her at first, but then again, she reasoned that something must attract her before she is even interested enough to find the many faults he seemed to have induced within her. He was different than Di Tian...

Power, strength, accomplishments... these aspects refine a personality. They bear a great burden on one's core. It makes who a person is. Not him. Strongest yet carefree to a fault. Strongest yet willingly chuckling as he is pinned against a tree. Strongest yet he bears more insults without any scowl than the weakest of 100000-year-old beast much less Di Tian who would not entertain her current behavior. These are the kinds of things that Zi Ji would have found... admittedly, repellent. But she had the time to compare and felt helpless. Had she been carefree while motivated enough, would she even care if she was defeated?

Zi Ji reckoned that she would have cultivated far higher. At least, she would have cultivation similar to Bi Ji but first, she was affected by Di Tian's sense of prestige... and then her own scorn. She'd seen another dragon getting violated today. Dragons are certainly a strong species, just their resistance to elements makes that clear but... they were not infallible. She wasn't.

But she reigned in these thoughts quickly. It was easy to get lost in the gloom and she had a good and bright example in front of her why she shouldn't let slight things bother her.

"Do you like it?" Zi Ji inquired... a little nervous. Her changes could be considered somewhat drastic. To be exact, she wasn't looking for human pleasures, and given her real size, she knew that it was unreasonable to demand Ja Sun to turn his dragon tamer into the height of a mountain... so she decided to make slightly inhuman changes to her current physique didn't make her a beast. For someone like her... it was merely a slight shift in the 'cosmetics.'

But then again... her current form may just be pushing some boundaries that she may not be aware of. Humans could be fickle that way... at times beasts, too.

Her question certainly didn't stop Ja Sun and Erlong from gawking. Previously graceful-looking but dangerous Zi Ji was gone and instead stood a more... breed ehm, Hybrid one... like Ja Yin and Violet. There was no doubt in Ja Sun's mind that the duo alongside himself and maybe even Erlong were the inspiration for her current form and he loved every speck of it.

There she stood, taller than usual at the height of two meters. Why she didn't just get taller than him, Ja Sun wouldn't understand... it would have proved a refreshing experience for him, too, after all. But he took it as they came. She wore nothing and didn't reveal a look of embarrassment if she felt such. Starting from the top, her ink purple hair almost shifting to pitch-black remained the same just like her purple glimmering eyes that now sported vertical pupils similar to Ja Sun and were more susceptible to change in emotions as they would either shrink quickly or just widen in a predatory stare... for instance, now.

While her face was previously without a scale, it wasn't like that anymore. Two horns grew out from the side of her head, each of them too dark and purplish to call that and looked only black to the unobservant individuals. And they weren't particularly small or slightly fleshy as Erlong's with a fiery tip but full-on horns that should have branched out in Ja Sun's humble opinion for a better flair. The center of her collarbone still had a slightly shifted skin color, revealing that a scale should have been here but was no longer present, and then her body was enveloped in her inky-purple scales for the lack of a better term. And their placement is why Ja Sun realized that he and Ja Yin were the major sources of Zi Ji's inspiration.

The center of her torso was wholly uncovered, revealing her pale and soft flesh, her breasts resting down but still managing to look perky and in his expert gaze... Ja Sun realized that Zi Ji must have increased their 'potency' because god, she wasn't as juicy as before! And he knew that Zi Ji didn't change the size... but it was more of a fine-tuning, something he would love to get his hands on... and give them a practical examination. There was, however, a concentration of tiny scales right above the entrance of her devouring dungeon in an effort to imitate pubic... scales?

Puns aside, scales extended from her shoulders to her back and arm as if she was wearing a jacket and reached down the to the edges of her hips close to her abdominal muscles. Her hands, however, weren't turned into sheer claws but a mix of fingers and slightly sharper nails. A mix that aroused and simultaneously scared him at their potential in some activities.

"Pin her down?" Ja Sun inquired with the most hopeful gaze. He didn't mind jesting in such a situation. After all, the two were fighting for a chance at his booty... he held THE power to humor himself!

"Whose side are you on?!" Erlong shot Ja Sun an indignant stare while he shrugged as Zi Ji's words made Erlong's head snap in her direction.

"Indeed. That is what will happen. As enamored as I may be with your potential, it is tiring to deal with your antics. So, I will pin you down and have you see who amongst us is superior and you will find J- Ja Sun's reaction quite... honest." While Zi Ji looked a little awkward speaking the full name of her soon-to-be mate, she kept her prestige on point. In fact, names and titles meant little to her... at this stage now that she had made her mind. It's not like she was a human and needed to know her partner... she's lived for thousands of years. They will get to know each other better ONLY if she finds her own reactions to him honest and pleasing, too.

Looking like a cat who had her tail stepped on, Erlong grew alert and was ready to enter battle when Ja Sun snuck behind her and hugged her out of nowhere. Her scales were tough but warm, he realized, and with his strength, they may as well be skin itself.

"Hey!" Erlong yelped in surprise when Ja Sun rested his chin on her crown and chuckled, "Well, I'll be honest because uninterrupted sex is the best kind," she blushed while he continued, "You don't have to force yourself but you already knew things as they are. So... you can take time and come to terms with it, you know? Or... just find another handsome bachelor? Bibi told me that another dragon under her forces has been the most annoying... maybe you could tame him?"

And that made Erlong scowl while she snorted furiously, "As if! But she needs to know I came before her," she glared at Zi Ji, "And I'm more important!"

Zi Ji and Ja Sun blinked. So it truly was a dick-measuring contest from Erlong's side...

"Sure you are..." Ja Sun suddenly cackled and that did not make Erlong feel secure at all. If anything, she felt she fell in the arms of a man fully intent on doing the opposite... and wasn't that the truth?

"Ahhh!" Erlong's gasp resounded when the world blurred around her for a second.


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