Chapter 322: The Arachnid's Web (1)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 322: The Arachnid's Web (1)

Feng Liu looked into the mirror and carefully adjusted her violet hair. Her fair face sported an excited flush as she let her hand wander down and adjusted her clothes a little. Making the collar of her robes a bit wider, tightening the belt around her waist to tug the shorts under the tunic to stick tighter to her butt as she leaned towards the mirror and in turn, pushed her butt up slightly as a grumble resounded in the office.

"Firebird Douluo, I'll really stab your ass with a spider lance if you don't get it together!" The irritated grumble barely had any intent to do just that, making Feng Liu, or better known as Firebird Douluo pout with her husky breath echoing, "Master should just punish me if I'm being a naughty subordinate~!"

"You and that guy are cut out of the same cloth... report. You didn't come here to waste my time, did you? It's been a month. How is the consolidation of the three new Elders coming along?" Read latest chapters at Only

Letting out an irresistibly tender sigh followed by a throaty, needy moan, Feng Liu turned on her heels and looked at the picture of perfection in front of her as her body felt eager and warm once again. There she sat, so hard working and tired. Her bubblegum blonde hair was tied into a bun with her pontiff hat set on the table. Her pink pupils revealed her exhaustion but satisfaction, too. And her beautiful face looked radiant as always.

"Yes, master... the situation is a little troublesome. When She Long along with other Titled Douluo leveled individuals almost took out that 100000-year-old Ice Titan, the surprise ambush from the humanoid 100000-year-old beast and the 100000-year-old scorpion repelled them easily while inflicting a wound on Bone Douluo and White Tiger Douluo. As of yet, the counterattack of beasts in the Extreme North reveals that they have come under the command of a Sentient spirit beast. The army from the Heaven Dou and Star Luo Empire has suffered quite a disaster, too..."

Firebird Douluo smirked coyly while brushing her violet locks behind her ear and added, "As for the three elders brought in by the Priests... they are fully acclimated to the Spirit Hall completely."

Bibi Dong inhaled deeply and leaned back on her chair before questioning, "And any news about Master?"

Feng Liu shook her head slightly, making Bibi Dong hum in reply and wave her off, "Prepare for a meeting in the Heaven Dou Empire and invite everyone. Oh, and don't let me see you presenting your butt in front of my face again."

Feng Liu pouted and stared at Bibi Dong stubbornly until the woman narrowed her eyes coldly with indifference flickering in her pink pupils and a touch of crimson as she reminded the Firebird Douluo, "You can leave."

Feng Liu's heart shuddered before her pout shifted to a coy grin as she chortled, "Yes~!"

Bibi Dong rolled her eyes.

'Perverts... perverts everywhere... I should just tie her up and send her to his den as a punishment but both bastards would love it instead...' Bibi Dong scoffed internally.

Many things happened this month that shook the continent as a whole. First, enticed enough with the chance of having their breakthroughs, three priests from the Elder's Hall brought in 'new' blood in the form of aged Titled Douluos that were the hidden masters of a few plain clans that wouldn't have roused any suspicion before but now had been assimilated into the Spirit Hall. The priests were all at or above rank 96 so their 'persuasion' made it an easy task.

Needless to say, the addition of the three more Titled Douluo elders scared the pants out of the two Emperors but that was just the beginning. With all she had, Bibi Dong would find it very regretful to not hasten her plans and welcome her family back to their... Empire.

One of the priests who brought back a Titled Douluo was none other than Golden Crocodile and he appropriately received immortal ginseng to further his cultivation like the remaining two priests. Of course, Bibi Dong wouldn't reveal where they can find other immortal herbs. Ah Yin's ability to support a domain remotely allowed the plant to hide the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well from the world and that either left the priests to find the herbs based on their luck...

The Clear Sky Sect.

Tang Peng was given leniency because of her daughter but he and his affiliation with Dai Laohu were of no concern to Bibi Dong. It was their potential that had her bothered...

'Tang Peng is already a Titled Douluo but almost all elders are making slow and gradual improvements. Give or take 20 years and all the higher-ups will reach the realm of Titled Douluo. And then there's the Dugu Family and their Jade Phosphorus Serpent Martial Soul, although not as great as the Death Spider Emperor, has its uses... and the Tang Twin Stars Yuehua's brothers. That's a rough estimate of seven Titled Douluos with Dugu Bo already searching for his ninth spirit ring...

And Dai Taiyin... something is wrong with him. He feels like... Ja Sun, well, a tiny bit at least. He doesn't get annoyed at insults now, too. Is it a God Inheritance? I can't think of other ways even if Ja Sun said that master has used some different method to aim at godhood while he himself is musing about his own options. I have an inheritance with trials starting once I become a Titled Douluo myself.

Firebird is absolutely loyal to me, and all the beasts bow their heads to him. Overall... our side does have an advantage but such a large number of expected Titled Douluos means that the battles later on, if any, will easily escalate to that stage. And to combat this... we need to have a higher level of strength... godhood...

Ideally, I would want everyone to get an inheritance but Ja Sun seems intent on destroying one inheritance already known to him... sigh, well, nobody told the tribulation to target Ah Yin, too. The divine cunts, the lot of them...' Bibi Dong's mood grew sour, too as she left the office and made way to the exit of the palace, intending to leave for the Heaven Dou City.

'And Master has made his position as the kindest Supreme Pontiff known. So gathering faith energy, as Ja Sun calls it, isn't possible. But this isn't an ideal world. So, it's either inheritances to get a quick path to godhood or... the harder route. He was informed by the Lady of the Lake about this path but the conditions are insane even for Ah Yin if she wants to achieve godhood herself.'

"Hmm, who would have thought that there'd be harder decisions than conquering the continent... ah, such is life," she snickered smugly in the end.


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Shoutout to Paul, GentlemanMad, Dylan Craw, Asura, and Faultlesselm16!

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