Chapter 337: Godly Beating (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 337: Godly Beating (2)

Ja Sun never wanted to use it... sure, attacks worked in a relative manner and NOTHING is absolute unless one held absolute strength itself. Yet... THIS stretched such boundaries of absoluteness.


It's not an act of immorality. It's a rule. A law that does not exist under the canopy of THIS heaven and some other governing body. So, what is 'Evil' in this world would be a simple law in another world and what happens to be a simple law in this world may be Evil in another. But things aren't this simple. 'Evil' laws that remain... are akin to viruses for this world that Heaven itself couldn't remove after so many years. So, any 'Evil' attribute that remains by itself is extraordinary and Ja Sun held two such attributes.

One through his martial soul Evil Title.

And the other one Through the domain embedded on his Evil Title by Evil, Blood, and Slaughter Eggs

Innate Domain: The Battlefield of Madness.

"What... is this?" Qian Xunji, the recently ascended God who was slowly getting in sync with the very heaven he wrestled away the rule of Blood from, felt that very connection cut off. He was still a God... but not in the realm he was supposed to 'govern.'

His slitted bloodied pupils gazed at Ja Sun cautiously. The experience itself showed that the 'mortal' in front of him was 'vile' and 'evil'. Just the manner in which Ja Sun manipulated spatial laws wildly exceeded Qian Xunji's expectations as he had spent almost five years in a single cave and prepared for his ascension whilst contesting with Redstar! Had he been around... he would have known better.

God or not.

Crown or not.

The battle with the Sage should not be picked easily.

Instead of replying, and more than eager to set the God with a jeweled Bloody Crown on his head straight, Ja Sun let a creepy throne of bones, with hundreds upon hundreds of sharp bones fanning out from behind, rise next to him and looked at the Throne with a sick smirk over his lips, "You still can't feel it?"

Ja Sun questioned instead. While Qian Xunji observed his surroundings. The world had turned... grey. It was surely a domain and Xunji could even feel an overflowing lust for the blood from his surroundings but he could not wield this intent due to the sheer slaughter intent... and an enigmatic force... that 'judged' him. As if a higher authority was present in the surroundings that...

Xunji's eyes widened slightly while Ja Sun sat on the throne. His torso leaned forward and his cheek rested over his clenched fist as he continued to observe Xunji's expression.

"What... law is it?" The God questioned again as Ja Sun, aware that 'Evil' wasn't a law but a category of outside laws hummed. A part of him wanted Xunji to flail around after the remarks he passed for his wife... but Ja Sun burned that gentler side of his. The three of his eyes narrowed and he remarked, "Equality."

"Impossible!" Xunji growled yet the words made sense.

Heaven within heaven.

A law claimed only by the highest authority and fought for by Heaven itself for Heaven alone shall remain just and fair...

Within the grasp of a mortal's palm. If that wasn't the definition of sin and evil then Xunji didn't know what is. Yet, the laws of blood and slaughter that erupted from Ja Sun and felt so detached from him at the same time threatened Xunji further.

"Go ahead," Ja Sun smirked, "Make a move. At this moment, you aren't a god and I'm not the Beast God. The Both of us... are weak, puny humans at best."

It was as he said.

Despite his control over laws, this Domain remained true to its name Madness!

Not only did it deprive the enemy of all their physical, mental, and spiritual strength but the user, too. A battlefield with absolute fairness.

Yet, letting out a mocking sneer, Qian Xunji gripped his God Tablet tighter and replied, "Evil attribute or not"

"SHUT UP!" Ja Sun's roar thundered that very instant with the domain itself shivering and the countless strands of slaughter intent suddenly threatening to erode Qian Xunji's senses. Seeing the man's petrified expression, Ja Sun snorted coldly, "Bitch, if I wanted to hear your explanation of God Tablets and see you fail... then I wouldn't have whipped this sweet stuff out. Sure, in the divine realm this domain may not be as appreciated but this here is my world. Cunts like you..."



*Thu Pch*


His furry, clawed paw was warmed up by Xunji's brain matter in no time as his foot crushed his skull and let the dark red and greyish brain matter splatter out. The material itself seemed alive and wiggled and twisted on the ground while Xunji's headless body spasmed but betting on the fact that even after becoming a mortal in a relative scheme of things and losing his head Xunji would hear him, Ja Sun cackled, "I wonder what should I do next? Tearing what's left of your balls and shoving them down your headless throat? Skinning you and then roasting your body? Ooh~ Storing your brain matter and body parts as an unending source of divine material... sounds nice. It's not always a God can be so easily trapped in my domain, after all!"

Things like these would have been next to impossible because of Xunji's divine armor but it was entirely useless at the moment. There were ways to escape this domain, of course. Due to the sheer ridiculousness of this ability, the perimeter of Ja Sun's domain didn't reach past the mark of 1 kilometer. Heck, he didn't even use this ability on Di Tian because the Dragon had a body surpassing kilometers in length itself!

But as he said. Xunji got himself trapped and would pay dearly.

Ja Sun wasn't stalling Xunji.

This God was merely one in the long list of bastards that Ja Sun had made use of and true to his words, Ja Sun continued to dismember Xunji every living second of the day and let him regrow only to continue the process again while making sure to mark these 'living' materials with sealing inscriptions because Ja Sun was well-aware that a god of Blood would surely have many tricks to make use of these body parts once he is out of this domain.

With three days passing similarly, Ja Sun hummed at his handiwork as a small structure of flesh silently wriggled. Having fully vented himself out, he had a pleased smirk over his face. After all, Ja Sun had loads of divine material at the moment but he wasn't foolish enough to leave just yet.

Gods are dangerous if their recovery is anything to go by even after forcing to become mortal. They are simply organisms on a different level!

Thus... Ja Sun stabbed his hands into Xunji's recovering from before tearing out a crown and a bloody tablet from within as a high-pitched vibration evoked a shriek similar to a pained beast from the structure of flesh.

"Oh, don't be a bitch. I left you with these three toys for three days, right? But... I feel that Bibi Dong would want to have a 'word' with you later. Given how you're so fucking logical, I won't put past you that you would run off to the divine realm... not without your God Tablet now you won't be running anywhere."

Laughing, Ja Sun smacked the structure of flesh which had gotten noticeably slower in regeneration after losing its divine artifact and the God Tablet.

"See you around, Qian Xunji. Oh, and welcome to the Douluo Continent once again."

With that, Ja Sun disappeared and so did his domain.

And the moment Ja Sun disappeared, even without his Divine Artifact and God Tablet, Xunji regained the connection with the Divine and recovered in a few seconds still too slow to be called a divine regeneration, but looking more haggard than ever, Xunji raised his head and let out a sharp and tremendous howl


He was no longer calm or 'god-like' and looked more human than ever as divine strength flourished around him and hundreds of kilometers around Xunji, including famous sea-port cities, were covered in the poisonous bloody miasma that left... nothing alive.

Too bad Ja Sun was no longer present to collect the soul origin and spirit bones from the surroundings once again.


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Shoutout to Impunity, Alan Adames, and Daniel Thomsen!

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