Chapter 362: Expansion

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 362: Expansion

While Ja Sun admittedly went on a spree of creating spatial artifacts because he has the funds and he loves tweaking with arrays, there are only a few artifacts of this nature left to the group. One is the barrel filled with a small ocean where their yacht, 'Honey' is parked. That's also the same one where all the Spirit Masters of the Spirit Empire are trapped with the remaining sea Spirit Beasts except the 5 100000-year-old beasts.

And other two artifacts are held by Ah Yin and Bibi Dong for the value it holds for them.

In the shape of a vat of vine, the Giant's Forest is held securely by Bibi Dong.

Meanwhile, most certainly a large margin away from Qian Xunji's already expansive domain is a deep-blue, skull-sized sapphire cut into almost 33 edges settled cozily on the bed of the sea thousands of meters deep without any sense of water pressure affecting the strange jewel.

This is Ah Yin's spatial artifact. But unlike Bibi Dong's artifact which symbolizes the hard work their group leader has put into her first step into achieving some form of autonomy back in the day, the space within Ah Yin's spatial artifact is special for two reasons that Bibi Dong explains to her husband's 'guest.'

With the silver beast of a yacht 'Honey' set on the ground, Bibi Dong is the only one who sits comfortably alongside Ah Yin on a large but cushy structure of Blue Silver Emperor acting as a wide chair. A Throne, in fact.

"The only reason I am explaining why this location is special is that I want the five of you to not do anything that would make my husband annoyed with me for a few days," Surrounded by a vast and dense forest of Blue Silver variants, Bibi Dong crosses her leg and smiles gently, "This is Blue Silver Forest but in the heart of this location is a blessed land. A location that has formed an extreme environment superb for floral specimens. Of course, I will not go into detail about how this works."

"You forced us to sacrifice our tribes!" The Elephant Tuna Monarch snarls with his protruding tusks making him look further menacing but not in the least bit intimidated, Bibi Dong nods, "I did. As I was saying, in this location, we are all alive because of Ah Yin here."

Smiling warmly and holding Ah Yin's hand while the bluenette could only follow along with Bibi Dong's antics... which are just her actual, cold personality, the spider spins her webs of cruelty, "The blessed land I mentioned is amazing for plants, yes. But it is poisonous for every other being. There are exceptions, of course. Those with an affinity to poison like me or Sovereign Sea Python over there can survive. My husband, too, is one such exception. But most of you... the moment you stepped into this world, you became Ah Yin's."

Subjecting all the five beasts to her new and superior killing intent which she polished in her cultivation session using the Divine Scythe within her, Bibi Dong narrows her eyes, "And this entire forest is her's to control. Not as in mortal's domain. No. This forest... reveres Ah Yin. She is their goddess in every sense figurative and literal. I will go as far as saying that in this location, particularly, even Ja Sun needs to have the resolve of sacrificing quite a bit to put Ah Yin down."

"And that's what we all love about our husband. His mental fortitude." Bibi Dong leans forward.

The Blue Silver Goddess' eyes twitch while all five beasts release sighs of relief once Bibi Dong releases her killing intent.

Behind this makeshift throne stood all the beasts, Xiao Bei, Feng Liu, Yuehua, Erlong, Oscar, and Xie Xan. They understood their role. It's to show their might in a united front and fully control the five sea beasts finally that Ja Sun, himself, isn't interested in. But that's the thing. Ja Sun is the one inside a room and high as fuck on cultivation while Bibi Dong is awake.

And Bibi Dong likes to keep things in her favor even if there are many resources that may never be used in her lifetime.

But while looking intimidated, Xie Xan and Oscar undergo a rather fruitful conversation.

"Do we really love that bastard's mental fortitude?" Xie Xan questions while compressing his voice. With Bibi Dong gripping the entire attention of the beasts, he isn't worried he'd get caught.

"Mental fortitude? More like mental sickness. The dude LOVES pain!" Oscar emphasizes.

With her lips tugging into a wicked smirk, Bibi Dong comments, "But do not assume that you will find release in death."

The phantom of the viridian green Soul Devouring Spider Emperor emerges behind Bibi Dong, "Your soul will be mine to consume."

The expressions of the five beasts turn a bit more severe.

Finally, the Flood Dragon Beast responds, "There is no middle ground?"

"Either you will eventually become part of my former master's ever-expanding army as a general or as a spirit bone and become a hindrance to us or you accept to fall under my line," Bibi Dong smiles, "But I promise you this. Choosing my master only means dying earlier."

As for how they will die, Bibi Dong knowingly leaves that part out.

"You mean we work for the Beast God," The Elephant Tuna speaks suddenly. Despite looking honest and burly, none of their intelligence can be questioned.

"I mean you work for me," Bibi Dong clears it up, "Technically, my husband still 'works' for me. So does Little Yin and everyone behind me."

Their eyes twitch. Never have they met a woman so controlling.

"What... do you need from us?" They question.

"For now?" The entirety of Bibi Dong's eyes turns purplish, "Accepting my venom should suffice."

"I bet she says the same to Ja Sun but in a different context," Oscar begins this time and almost makes Xie Xan snort a chuckle out loud.

"More like Ja Sun using that weird gooey stuff. Ugh, thinking about it makes me hate sex itself."

"Unless you two want a taste of it, better start recalling your discipline, or I WILL train the two of you once more," Bibi Dong's plain voice breaks their conversation as their expressions remain unchanged despite other girls throwing exasperated glances in their direction.

Give the duo a rest! Even they can get bored without Ja Sun so weird conversations in weird places during weird moments are all they have!


Alternative Title: The Goddess in Making; Spider Mistress of God and Goddess; Accept My Venom That's What She Said... or He Said?