Chapter 366: Gods and Monsters

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 366: Gods and Monsters

"Four trials?" Wrapped in loose black robes that cover her face, too, a young Bibi Dong silently stands in front of a shrine. Only her red eyes fueled by slaughter intent can be seen through the dark shroud. Like many survivors of the Slaughter City, the intent of slaughter infects and poisons her killing intent but after 100 wins and surviving the final trial that formed her second domain Deathgod Domain, she should have left the city's space altogether yet here she is.

The temple is a small one with a unique charm to it. Purple tiles cover the roof and within the small wooden shrine within an unknown space, she silently observed the purple scythe.

But in between this scythe and her stands a woman.

Calling her a woman is slightly wrong, too.

She is a construct and the material she chooses to be formed from is none other than pure white slaughter intent but her phantom holds a sense of chaos and poison. The same kind that infects her own killing intent.

"Four trials. Each has a time limit of ten years," the ravishing woman smirks and points at the scythe, "From mortal to a god. You desire it, don't you?"

The killing intent in Bibi Dong's eyes grows as she silently views the figure.

"But you will only be rewarded for the final award," The woman continues, "I lost it all before setting a proper inheritance and this was just... last hope. But heavens clearly favor me"

"I refuse," Bibi Dong snarls.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)


Bibi Dong did not expect such a quick reply but the woman continues, "Have fun staying here forever after surviving such troublesome trials for a mere domain. What I offer you is a chance at gaining a TRUE domain where you are the God!"

Bibi Dong falters and looks around only to find nothing but white space. It all feels like a fever dream but before approaching the temple, Bibi Dong had already tried many things including the use of her skull bone to see if this is an illusion or not.

Snorting under her breath, Bibi Dong unleashes her Deathgod Domain but the figure made of white, chaotic slaughter intent seemed unimpressed. The sharp keen from the scythe suddenly created such pressure that Bibi Dong almost fell over but the woman snaps her finger and stops the scythe.

"Deathgod Domain. This nameless domain formed when a mortal successfully slaughtered a god. A mortal..." Her gaze flickers, "My mortal enemy. A hypocrite steeped in death and blood but eventually throwing it all away for peace! This domain should have been created by me!"

Snarling softly, the white eyes of the woman glint in purple, and Bibi Dong finds herself in an illusion of a chaotic sea of blood and purple storm brewing all around her! A pair of large purple eyes view her from high heavens as a voice so sharp it could cut steel mocks her, "What do you know about Domain? You haven't even made it yours with more understanding much less understanding its essence! A Domain is not an attack! A Domain is not something to be fueled by spirit energy alone!


With her voice getting increasingly louder, the figure screeches, " Expression of might!"

As if this did not happen and a switch has been flicked, the world turns plain white and Bibi Dong finds herself standing in front of the woman once again.

But this time her grey robe sticks to her body covered by cold sweat.

"Apologies... I can be temperamental," the woman smiles, "But don't use that domain as long as the last of my divine intent exists."

Bibi Dong gulps while the woman continues, "And unless I activate my inheritance and ease you into it, not only will I persist in existing but even keep you in this space."

After hours of silence, Bibi Dong finally questions in a hoarse tone, "What are you?"

"My name is lost in history," the woman grins wickedly, "But my enemies and victims alike call me... Rakshasa, Goddess of Negativity."

Bibi Dong frowns while Rakshasa continues, "Choose this path and your memories of me will be altered. You will believe that the scythe chose you because of your Soul Devouring Spider Emperor."


"To not attract more divine attention, of course."

"Worry is appreciated in the right moments, which isn't now."

Shutting up, Violet and Ja Yin work together to send Bibi Dong out.

"I feel a bit bad saying she doesn't care about us..." Ja Yin mumbles.

"You think?" Ah Yin's mockery certainly isn't appreciated.


"I believe this is yours."

Bibi Dong is greeted by a soothing voice that welcomes her warmly but the unimaginably large domain of blood says otherwise. Instead of wasting her strength and using her external spirit bone to fly, Bibi Dong chooses to stand atop the sapphire spatial artifact that is pulled to the sea by Qian Xunji but not broken through. It takes some balance to pull this off but she would rather do this.

Looking up, she notes Qian Xunji in his divine albeit skimpy attire with a broke barrel in his hands.

"This was educational," Qian Xunji admits, "It has broadened my horizons."

Choosing not to be her man and inserting an inappropriate joke here, she instead nods, "My husband has that effect. And I appreciate the courtesy of not breaking the artifact we occupy. These things are expensive and even with his wealth... he would get annoyed and nobody wants to see that, right?"

Qian Xunji's smile widens when a roar breaks the peace between them, "Where is my master?!"

Not far from them are the last members of the expedition from the Spirit Empire floating through Qian Xunji's divine assistance.

Yu Xiaogang glares through the group and clenches his fist.

"Golden Crocodile... Huang Jin Tong is dead. Like your father and brother. You are looking at the person who caused all of it," Bibi Dong smiles sincerely but her current appearance makes her look hauntingly dangerous.

Yu Xiaogang and others feel Qian Xunji's pressure stunning them out of consciousness. Not even Titled Douluos are spared.

"Now that distractions are out of the way, why don't we have a civilized chat? I am a God and you aspire to be one since you already have an inheritance. I believe I can be of some help. It does fall into my duties as your master."

"Master, eh?" Bibi Dong smiles coldly, "It seems appropriate. Nobody else does have the qualification to raise a monster other than a monster himself."

"I prefer the term God," Qian Xunji gives an equally cold smile.

"I still fail to see the difference."

The Divine Scythe lets out a sharp keen as it blocks off the moment of divine intent from Qian Xunji trying to sneak around her.

Chuckling at this, Qian Xunji sighs, "I believe an honest conversation would be simpler at the time."

"Are you sure you wouldn't want to have a more fruitful conversation with Ja Sun?" Bibi Dong questions.

"I am your mentor, not his."

Bibi Dong nods calmly.


Alternate Title: Bibi Dong Be Like Time to Get My Oscar; Oscar Trophy "You mean Oscar the Spirit Master, right?"; Bibi Dong *smiles*