Chapter 369: Perfect Response Doesn't—

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 369: Perfect Response Doesn't—

Ja Sun walks out of his cabin and instantly notices something.

"An intent suppression array?" He muses in a low tone and looks down at his feet, "And this is a trap array with a link outside... hmm, will have to break the previous array to see where this is going."

But Ja Sun doesn't do that. The arrays are not meant to harm him. In fact, these basic arrays not only fail against him but anyone stronger than the creator of the array. That's why top-notch materials are required in the creation of an array as they can supplant the creator's deficiency.

Revealing his might in the array, Ja Sun's divine intent mingles with the array around him without breaking any of the rules and raises an eyebrow, "Why would Violet draw these arrays outside of my room... she's too obedient for that. Must be someone else. Ja Yin? Nah... I think she was pretty tame after we did it... but I barely remember all that."

Yawning loudly and stretching his arms, Ja Sun begins walking down the route he remembers and soon steps on the deck of the ship.

There, his eyes widen for a moment. Since his friends and family wants him to suppress his divine intent. He does so without raising a ruckus. After all, he misses them a lot and even if they might not share his sentiment, Ja Sun was never the kind to complicate his emotions unless sharing things is involved.

So, one can imagine his surprise when he comes face to face with a youth as young as 15 with a dashing face, sharp gaze, frivolous grin, and swept-back black hair. Ja Sun considers the youth dashing because he looks way too similar to him. However, his eyes don't own a viridian shade but are stark blue like sapphire crystals.

He even has HER lips.

Ja Sun watched the boy with a look of sheer... awkwardness.

"Uh... did Lana think that'll get me?" He calls out.

The boy tilts his head slightly and rubs the back of his head, "Uh... Dad? Are you alright? Mother said you are an eccentric one so I didn't want to meet you alone. I believe that a person can be crazy strong but a crazy man shouldn't be strong."

Ja Sun chuckles quietly, "Now I get that after me, Lana is the only one who can pull pranks of the most devious nature and I am not using my divine intent so you're in the clear, Xie Xan. But... let me tell you something. While only a few months passed here, I spent... thousands of years in another world. I am mentally tired. I am horny. And if I also get irritated, I will use the Golden Wardrobe ring to peg you once more."

The 'Boy' purses his lips and groans, "That's fucking unfair."

As if a layer is peeled and absorbed by the youth, another face emerges from within. A face that is more familiar to Ja Sun.

"How'd you know it was me if you didn't use your divine intent?" Xie Xan questions with a suspicious stare while Ja Sun grins, "I can always count on you to volunteer and give me reasons to have nightmares."

Both of them share a good bout of laughter at this as Ja Sun walks up and bear hugs Xie Xan who lets out a muffled 'Oof.'

"Hey? Are you alright?" Xie Xan questions hurriedly, fearful that his good looks finally attracted the wrong attention, "Remember! Oscar is the most handsome out of us three. Fuck him instead!"

"Hah," Ja Sun pulls back and smirks, "I just missed you all."

"Why not gift me another spirit bone then?" Xie Xan chuckles.

"No duration of parting will make me miss you guys THAT much," The Beast God scoffs in return.

"But I'm not the only one in on this," Xie Xan reveals while using the Golden Wardrobe to cover himself to look like a youth similar to Ja Sun once again, "Bibi Dong made us fully experience the texture of the skin, eyeballs, and other stuff to form such copies. Na'er's first plan was to make you think that years passed before you got out of that room and your kid grew up already."

"That's good," Ja Sun nods. It's a ruthless prank. The kind he loves.

"But it wouldn't have worked if I don't suppress my Divine Intent," He adds.

"We all thought the same but your wife... wives, felt that you'd play along nonetheless. I guess, even with your claim that you spent thousands of years in another world... you didn't change much."

"What's the point of telling me all this?" Ja Sun questions curiously.

Xie Xan points behind Ja Sun and he suddenly senses many others appearing behind him. While his divine intent is suppressed, his other physical senses aren't so weak that he cannot sense others approaching.

It means they fully hid from his senses.

'Ah Yin's domain,' Ja Sun smirks and turns around only to find...

Four Ah Yins standing behind him. Not only them, but Oscar was also leaning against the railing beside them. Hu Lana and Jun'er, well into their Third trimesters, stand in front of an equally 'large' group of Ah Yins.

Snow, Ja Yin, Bi Ji, Zi Ji, and others stand behind as grinning spectators while Xiao Wu holds up Xie Yue in her arms and watch with an eager expression.

"Hey guys," Ja Sun smiles and looks at Violet, "You got better at arrays but not as much as you could have been under my teachings. We'll train more than before once we hit land... wait..."

Ja Sun looks around and questions, "Why did we move in from the Sea Spatial Artifact to Ah Yin's Blue Silver Forest?"

"Oh, that's because" Ja Yin is about to answer when Hu Lana scoffs and speaks up, "We'll have time to share stories. Now listen here!"

"I am," Ja Sun shrugs, "You're getting harder to ignore like the time you got pregnant with Xie Yue."

Rolling her eyes and much more resilient to taunts during her pregnancy now that she's up to her second one, Hu Lana points at the four Ah Yin behind her, "You can get out of this test if you just tell us what you have planned for the rest of the voyage!"

This Ah Yin stares at him silently for a couple of seconds until she reveals a smile, "I never doubted you for a second but you being able to identify others does surprise me. Almost makes me jealous."

The other trio smiles as their 'skin' peel away. Their pregnant bellies, too, are nothing but a construct of Golden Wardrobe ring to feel like a pregnant belly.

Yuehua, Bibi Dong, and Erlong. Each of them had a short smile while Erlong questions, "How did you know?"

"Because only Ah Yin is carrying my child," Ja Sun leans forward and holds the real Ah Yin before hugging her gently yet firmly.

He did have many things planned but just this moment... just this interaction satisfied him quite a bit.

"And only Ah Yin makes the shittiest jokes."

Realizing what he means, Ah Yin scoffs, "You'll never let me live that down, right?"

"That's one thing even death will never make me forget so... no," Ja Sun laughs and questions, "Where is Master? Is he still sleeping?"

"Yep," She mumbles and hugs him closer, "But... focus. This ain't about him."

Meanwhile, farthest from that, Violet suddenly feels something off.

She created three arrays.

A trap array that would inform them that Ja Sun has woken up and reveals to them that they need to start their act.

A suppression array that suppresses Ja Sun's intent.

And an alert array that would notify them if Ja Sun broke the second array.

Yet... she suddenly senses something else.

'And array... that overrides it all?' Violet's eyes widen and she suddenly hears Ja Sun's divine intent.

"I did say you would have gotten better if I was here."

She looks at Ja Sun and sees him winking at her.

"You can tell them... but you can also choose to be quiet and earn a well-deserved training session."

Of course, Violet is more accepting of the incentive and lowers her head with a giddy yet embarrassed smirk.

Now, Ja Sun does love all his lovers but...

He did spend thousands of years away.

This, however, does not stop him from giving each of them a satisfactory response because deep down Ja Sun understands that they will not understand what he went through and he hopes they never do.

It's like a simple man coming home from a job and instead of offering him a cold or hot beverage, his wife decides to throw a Do you really love me or football?

Now, an average man only has two options usually.

Lie and ruin his game.

Be honest and still ruin his game.

But Ja Sun is not an average man.

And even if his wives are pretty chill, they can pull stunts like this. Nobody is perfect, after all.

Yet... one can still cheat and produce a response close to perfection without getting caught, right?

That's why Ja Sun humored others before getting down to the main task.

He was setting an array to override Violet's work... through his feet and divine intent alone.


Alternate Title: The Prize and the Punishment!; Daddy's Home!


A/N: I admit... I don't watch football but anime...