Chapter 241: Batman becomes Thanos's subordinate, Spiderman orders the Zerg army

"Tony, what are you planning?"

Director Bald glanced at the smiling Captain America, "The Captain is also cooperating with you. It seems that you two are hiding all of us."

The United States team in this time and space said with a smile: "Sorry, guys, I did have something to hide before, and I have to."

Iron Man gestured behind him: "Let them explain."

When everyone looked curiously, they saw a few people walking out of the dark shadows. The leader was Batman Bruce Wayne, followed by two Spider-Man, Peter Parker.

Then came the player Tony Stark, and the player Steve Rogers.


Seeing this, the black widow couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is really... unexpected."

The two Iron Men, the two Captain America, everyone looked at each other and were very surprised.

Colonel Rod asked Iron Man curiously: "Tony, what's going on, are they all clones?"

Player Tony Stark answered: "No, I'm not a clone, Rod, your imagination is still so scarce, can't you diverge more?"

Player Steve Rogers simply stated his identity to them: "Everyone, we come from another parallel world!"

With the certification of Iron Man and the US team in this space and time, other members of the reunion naturally believed this fact quickly, so when Bruce Wayne showed them the video of the future Thanos and explained his plan , Everyone also expressed their support.

But there are still some doubts.

"Crisis acting is a good idea, but if this crisis can't be linked to Thanos, it won't have the effect of warning!"

Nick Fury looked at Bruce Wayne suspiciously, a little worried about whether he could play the role of the villain in the crisis play.

Bruce Wayne didn't hide himself either. A blue light flashed past his body. In the next instant, he disappeared before everyone's eyes and appeared beside Vision. His fingers had touched the soul gem on the forehead of Vision.

Vision subconsciously made a counterattack, but was easily blocked by Batman, and at the same time introduced to everyone:

"Thanksgiving wants to collect six infinite gems, and I have a space gem in my hand, so in the crisis drama, I will play the role of Thanos's subordinate, and I came to the earth to **** the vision gem. "

He showed his hand slightly, proving his strength.

The members of the reunion present did not notice how Bruce Wayne made the move, and the vision failed to react.

At this time, Batman, under the blessing of Super Saiyan descent, coupled with space gems, can not underestimate his combat power, and he is fully capable of performing the oppressive feeling of a powerful villain enemy.

Everyone began to perfect the plan of the crisis rehearsal. Natasha said: "There will be more than one person under Thanos in the future. He controls an alien army, Bruce. If you follow your plan, we should make this exercise scene. The bigger the better, maybe we should find a way to get you some subordinates and cannon fodder?"

Bruce Wayne shrugged: "Of course, I'm also prepared."

Turning his head to look at the player Peter Parker, "Let's show them."

The little spider nodded, and immediately took out a black irregular crystal from his arms, emitting a weird and unknown light, "This is the heart of the swarm, as long as it is placed in a humid and dark environment, it will be a source of energy. Constantly multiplying an alien zerg monster, probably with the combat effectiveness of an elite soldier, with a very vicious appearance, a proper villain!"

The Heart of the Swarm was rewarded by completing the task of the player panel and getting some special colorful blind boxes.

He only tried to use it twice, and all the Zerg monsters hatched from the Worm Nest looked horrible, and showed amazing reproductive ability and aggressiveness.

If it were not for the limitation of the Swarm Heart, the little spider wanted to destroy it at the time, and had been left in the system backpack. This time it would have come in handy.

Player Peter Parker gave them a demonstration. It happened that this base was located in an underground air-raid shelter, which met the conditions for the placement of the Heart of the Swarm.

I dug a hole in the ground and buried the black crystal, and then I saw a black blanket of fungus growing out, creeping and expanding around as if it had life.

In the blink of an eye, the black-purple fungus blanket occupies a lot of space, and a large amount of turbid liquid began to be secreted from the fungus blanket, emitting a foul smell.

At first glance, people know that this is a weird and evil creation.

Fulian and others all stepped back and gave way, watching curiously, and soon they saw tumor-like pustules growing on the fungus blanket. Something seemed to be conceived in it, as if the heart was beating slowly. Shrink one by one.

The stench permeated the purple fog barrier, the first pustule exploded, the viscous liquid splashed all over, and an alien zerg who was close to the size of a small calf jumped out of it.

This alien worm is like a mutated spider, and the more you look at it, the more infiltrating it becomes.

Especially when the pustules burst open one after another, the green sap flowed across, and the dense alien bugs jumped out one after another, making a creaking sound, rushing toward everyone at a very fast speed.

This scene immediately made the black widow, Hawkeye and other superheroes vigilant, ready to do it at any time.

But the little spider snapped his fingers, and all these insects stopped. "Don't worry, these alien zergs will obey my control, and they will only last for about an hour. They will burst and disintegrate in place. The Heart of the Swarm will also fall into a deep sleep for a period of time."

The Black Widow shook her head: "Frankly, for a moment, I began to wonder if you are really Thanos' subordinates These bugs seem to be more powerful than Thanos’ alien army. Disgusting!"

The United States team frowned and said: "Is this also a reward from a quiz game? It doesn't look like a good thing."

Nick Fury and the other reunion members nodded, feeling that this quiz game was not serious.

However, players who have experienced the baptism of the quiz game are already used to this. Bruce Wayne said pertinently: "This reward is actually not bad, and it can help a lot."

Player Tony Stark said: "Actually, these bugs can be regarded as robots, but they are very vicious, but the appearance is not important."

Player Peter Parker disbanded the Worm Nest, and the dense Zerg monsters exploded into green juice one after another, looking disgusting, but in fact there is nothing, they are all organic matter that can be decomposed by nature.

Anyway, it will only act as a cannon fodder next to the villain BOSS. The more brutal the appearance, the better, and it is easy to control, and there is no need to worry about any accidents.

The plan was gradually perfected, and in the end there was only one question left-where is the stage set up?