Chapter 395 Super Broker (64)

System 701 is not convinced: [Why are you so unambitious, we are from the Space-Time Administration. ]

System 168 sneered: [In the beginning, I was like you, so what if I have ambition? This woman is strong enough to destroy the Space-Time Administration, so what’s so difficult about destroying a system like you and me. ]

System 701 is not so confident, and the tragedy of System 168 is visible to the naked eye: [Where did you bind such a pervert? ]

System 168 said it with tears: [The first two hosts I looked for were not good, I decided to find a powerful one, and then turned around for a long time, but I couldn’t find it, and I was almost out of energy, so I had to find someone to maintain energy, and then I was inexplicable Seeing Baitang, I thought about binding first, and now that’s it. ]

System 701 checks the existing information: [I did not find any clues about Baitang. According to what you said, she is so powerful, there should be records, but there is no record at all. ]

System 168 doesn’t care about these anymore: [It doesn’t matter if I record or not. Anyway, you and I can’t get out, and we can’t send a message. As an advanced system, I suggest you not to engage in small tricks. This is her territory, she knows everything we say. ]

System 701 refused to listen to the persuasion and shouted: [Baitang, come out for me, if you don’t let us go, the Space-Time Administration will not let you go! ]

System 168 is far away, so as not to affect itself, its current data can’t stand tossing.

Baitang took System 701 out, and said coldly: “Tell me, why doesn’t it let me go.”

System 701 shrank inexplicably: [Do you know what our space-time administration does? We are the ones who can change the world. ]

Baitang propped his head and said nonchalantly: “Then I’ll have to find it. What’s so great about the Space-Time Administration?”

She retired for too long, so she came out in many rounds.

If possible, System 701 would like to clean up Baitang now: [You don’t even know about the Space-Time Administration, yes, after all, you are not from God’s Domain. Let me tell you, the Space-Time Administration is under the command of the God of Justice. ]

Bai Tang still didn’t care about it: “Just take the God of Justice to make two such stupid systems as you and System 168, and he is not smart enough to go there. The numbers are constantly increasing, and this brain is as muddled as ever.”

System 701 is not convinced: [What do you know, system 168 is stupid, it is the first generation system, not perfect. The systems from 0 to 400 are all probation systems, and the ones from 401 to 700 are all strategy systems. I am an air transportation system. ]

Baitang: “Who is the God of Justice? Why have I never heard of it?”

It has to be said that the system data numbered 701 is indeed more comprehensive than that of system 168. Baitang did not touch its core data because she sensed that the core data of system 701 has a touch of mental power. .

Unless you go to a higher level, such as the realm of cultivating immortals or the realm of fantasy.

System 701 is particularly proud: [Stupid woman, she has never even heard of the name of the **** of justice, so she has no choice but to enter the stream. Listen carefully, the **** of justice is Lord Lie Yu! ]

It’s pointless to ask any more questions.

Baitang once again imprisoned System 701 alone.

Who Lie Yu is, Bai Tang really doesn’t know.

She lives alone in her own world, and has not gone out for a long, long time, nor has she received news from the outside world.

She really doesn’t know who are the current God Realm.

Wake up the next morning.

Pei Yan was practicing martial arts very consciously, and Baitang attacked him with the fan transformed by Canglan in his hand.

Pei Yan quickly dodges and strikes with a backhand.

(end of this chapter)