The system thought she hadn’t heard clearly, and repeated: [0. 】

Ye Chuijin put down the chalk in his hand and was silent for a long time.

She still remembered that she joked with the system a long time ago and gave it the nickname.

——Then call you Dandan.

——What is missing is what you call it because you don't have one.

Ye Chuijin: [You... are not Danny? 】

The indifferent system sound of the system sounds familiar and unfamiliar: [Hello user, "Dangdan" has not been detected. Do you want to retest? 】

Ye Chuijin took a deep breath and remembered the scientific name of Dandan: [Are you not the boss rescue system? 】

System: [Hello user, the missed BOSS rescue system is a branch of the world rescue system, I am the world rescue system. 】

Ye Chuijin's mind became a mess of porridge, and many previous details came to mind one after another.

No wonder the system is broken and come back again, the whole system seems to be changed.

It turned out that it was not a system at all.

Ye Chuijin asked: [Where did my last system go? 】

The world rescue system is still professional and calm: [The user's previous system was damaged in the previous interface, and the main system is still being repaired. 】

Ye Chuijin breathed a sigh of relief: [It means that Dandan is still alive, right? 】

World rescue system: [Yes. 】

Ye Chuijin had a false alarm. At this time, some faceless muttered: [Your system is also too fragile, and it can be crushed by the natives of the fast-crossing world when you travel through the world, scum! 】

After muttering, Ye Chuijin was still a little unconvinced: [Why didn't you tell me? 】

World Rescue System: [The user did not raise relevant questions. 】

Ye Chuijin spoke, and then continued to stubbornly: [You change the system silently, can't you blame me for this? How did I know you changed? Besides, if the previous egg breaks, isn't it only after it is repaired that we will continue to travel. 】

The icy reply from the World Rescue System: [Previously, most of the failures of the BOSS Rescue System were caused by data disorder after being overwhelmed by fright. As long as they return to the system space, they will be sorted out automatically. But this time the damage is devastating. It cannot travel back to the system space autonomously, and can only be collected by the main system and rearranged. 】

Ye Chuijin: [...Where can I tell how bad it is? Anyway, it's all Dididi...]

She just said casually, but she didn't expect that the World Rescue System would continue to correct her statement: [The BOSS Rescue Plan System ‘Didi’’ represents a data disorder and has not been damaged. After damage, there are only fragments in the system, and no sound can be formed. 】

Ye Chuijin frowned: [Nonsense, I still communicated with Dandan at the end of the last world. It had already been crushed, and it was still dripping. 】

World rescue system: [No. 】

Ye Chuijin: [What's not? 】

World Rescue System: [The system that communicated with users at that time was this system. 】

Ye Chuijin's face was blank, so he didn't understand: [What did you say? Wasn't the system that followed me always a dandy? 】

World Rescue System: [In the previous interface, because your system was crushed by the original characters who were quickly traversing the world, it was broken into fragments and could not be returned to the world of the system, so the former user of this system Gu Mingzhen gave this system as a gift you. 】

Suddenly hearing the three words "Gu Mingzhen", Ye Chuijin couldn't recover.

She was at a loss: [What are you talking about...]
