Chapter 10: Dark night boss, slowly pick 8

Da Da Da footsteps came, and someone stood on her side and happened to block the dazzling sunlight.

Opening her eyes, she was taken aback when she saw that person, and the memory quickly returned.

She was shot for saving Si Yunxie.


This recognition made Xuan Yunzhi couldn't help regretting for herself. Why did she fly to save her?

As for the prompt given by the system, she could prompt Si Yunxie to be vigilant and avoid it.

Why do you want to save yourself? ? ? ! !

"woke up?"

A slightly lazy, magnetic voice rang in her ears.

She opened her mouth, her throat was so thirsty that she could not make a sound, and she could only nod her head as a response.

Following a pair of knuckle-knotted hands appeared in her sight, holding a glass of water in his hands to her mouth.

When drinking the water, I didn't think so much. After drinking the water, Xuan Yunzhi looked at Si Yunxie blankly, this guy is so abnormal, would he pour water for her himself? ?

Just as she was thinking about it, someone had already smiled, and raised her hand to wipe off the water stains from the corners of her lips.

Follow his faint voice

"Now that I'm awake, let's go."

"Uh...Where to go?"

Her mind was groggy, probably because of the sequelae of the anesthetic, and she asked without thinking.

"Go back to Si's house."

What he said should be, as if it should be.

Xuan Yunzhi shook his head, looked around at the white ward filled with the smell of disinfectant water, and tried to make himself sober.

My heart had begun to ponder silently, this body's own identity could no longer help her, her parents died, and Xuan's family was annexed by Nangongyu.

Nangongyu will definitely try his best to get rid of herself during this time.

And now the only bargaining chip in her hand seems to be this body injury.

She couldn't see through Si Yunxie, but she was also his savior no matter what, since he chose to save her, he would protect her at least during the period of convalescence.

When her injury is healed... the people who owed her should also pay their debts.

When thinking like this, Xuan Yunzhi nodded, opened the quilt with his left hand, stood up, and then suddenly sat on the side of the bed, bowed his head and said nothing.

Si Yunxie was only a few steps away from her.

She can see everything clearly.

She is very thin, and the hospital gown on her body looks generous when worn, which makes her more petite.

The delicate little face was weak, and the bottom eyelashes trembled and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He looked at her and spoke slowly

"Can't stand up?"

Xuan Yunzhi raised his eyes and blinked without speaking.

This body was too weak. As soon as she stood up, her whole body was weak and weak, and she almost fell to the ground.

After that, Si Yunxie took two steps forward, bent over, and hugged her up.

The thin lips curled up with a smile, and he hugged her in his arms with ease, and walked out step by step.

"Little things, good fate."

When he walked out of the door of the ward, Si Yunxie said such a sentence playfully.

Tang Yi, who had been behind him all the year round, saw a look of surprise flashing in his eyes.

Silently followed behind Si Yunxie, and walked forward step by step.

When she walked out of the hospital, Xuan Yunzhi keenly noticed that the sight of the tree not far away was staring at her.

Obviously Si Yunxie had noticed it too, raised his eyelids and glanced at it, then handed Tang Yi a look.

Tang Yi stepped back in silence and walked to the big tree. The man seemed to be a variety of veterans. He realized that he was found, and turned around to run.