A small guard dared to threaten someone with a sword blade on the neck of a general.

Simply bold!

Yu Chihao's face became more and more ugly, but now he had no other choice.

"His! It hurts"

Xuan Yunzhi lay on the bed with a thin quilt covering his waist, with a few pink cords tied around his waist, exposing smooth and delicate skin.

If there were no **** scars on it, I am afraid that this scene alone would be enough to make people burst into blood.

But now.

Xuan Yunzhi's head was buried in the pillow and gritted his teeth.

It seems to be very angry, but there is no way to lie there and suffer.

A pair of well-knotted hands held a white kerchief and wiped her wound.

Seeing the strength of the hand, it also exerted some strength.

Si Yunxie half-closed his eyebrows, and shouted pain to her shrinking body as if he hadn't heard it.

He kept washing the wound, applying medicine, and bandaging it.

quite a while

"Why don't you stay in the house, go out and suffer this crime, are you still wronged?"

His throat rolled up and down, and pleasant words came from his thin lips.

Xuan Yunzhi put his hands on the pillow and said nothing.

Is she wronged? ? ?

She hurts! !

Knowing the injury, knowing that the water was inflamed, and cleaning the wound so hard, and using the sore medicinal sore medicine, was simply to deliberately want her to suffer.

Si Yunxie looked at the woman's thin appearance, lying on the bed softly without saying a word.

The look of wanton indifference in the ring is completely gone.

As if knowing what she was thinking,

"Don't let you hurt any more, you won't have a long memory."

When he finished taking the medicine, Xuan Yunzhi pulled over the thin quilt, wrapped himself cleanly, and rolled into the bed.

He hugged her firmly with a pair of arms, and was hugged by others even with quilts, and hugged her in his arms.

The hair was hanging down, and she couldn't move left or right, so she was forced to face the person.

She hasn't spoken yet, someone is the first to speak.

"Xuan Yunzhi, this king is very angry about today's affairs."

The long and narrow eyes carried the depth and darkness that she couldn't figure out.

Xuan Yunzhi dropped his shoulders and shrugged his head.

"I will exercise restraint in the future."

Today's fight with Duan Muyue, she is really too excited, even the task, even the rules of this era, all of them are ignored.

Duanmuyue is the daughter of the prime minister's family in Duanmu, and although Xuan Yunzhi is now crowned the name of the future princess Si Yunxie, Xuan Yunzhi is a sinner who perished the country.

No matter which one of her identities is taken out, she is eye-catching enough, and with Si Yunxie, the powerful regent, her wisest approach at the cusp of the storm is to keep a low profile.

She had a fight with Duan Muyue, that weird and fatal move, I am afraid that some of the discerning people at the scene will remember her, how to keep a low profile? ?

Si Yunxie looked at her with low eyebrows and pleasing to the eye, and the hand that hugged her waist suddenly used force, pulling it even harder to his embrace.

"Do you know what this king is talking about?"

Although the thin lips are curved, they are inexplicably stained with anger.

She blinked and looked at him with gleaming eyes, a daze and bewilderment flashed in her vision.

Isn't it a matter of the ring? what is that?

Obviously, the corners of the servant's lips were smiling, and there was danger in this lazy breath that made her aware.

"Also, please let the prince express it?"

She thought of a safer phrase, at least this phrase shouldn’t be angry, right?