Xuan Yunzhi smiled with red lips, the wind whistling in her ears,


Weakly dropped these two words, but no longer had any strength.

She wanted to say, if you didn't find my corpse, you wouldn't be allowed to be married.

Or, dare to marry another woman, until I live, I will kill you and that woman.

It's just that the poison was too powerful, and I didn't have any strength at all. I felt my wrist slip from the palm of the person, and the wind blew on both sides, and finally closed my eyes.

On the cliff mountain, Tang Yi grabbed Si Yunxie's arm hard and lay down on the cliff

"Lord! Please live!"

At first glance, it seemed that I couldn't understand what he was talking about.

Looking closely, Si Yunxie actually jumped down the moment Xuan Yunzhi released it.

However, Tang Yi tried his best to hold his arm tightly.

The guards behind him were also frightened, and came over to save others.



Si Yunxie's eyes were stained blood red almost at that moment.

Those eyes became more and more coquettish, more and more hostile.

He was standing on the cliff and was about to fall an inch behind.

Long and narrow eyes swept across the pitch-black bottle, and the liquid flowing out of it made a large swath of grass black and withered.

It is enough to see how toxic it is.

At the moment when he saw the black bottle, Si Yunxie's extremely dangerous aura disappeared.

He half raised his eyes and looked at.

"What is that?"

The slow voice, the monsters that are very close, are like tea sprawling out of hell.

"Yes, it's heartbroken poison."

Intestinal-broken poison is extremely strong, and it will be fragrant and damaged after a short while after drinking the broken intestine.

Bai Qianqian was crying weak and aggrieved. Seeing Si Yunxie's dangerous and scary appearance, her heart trembled for a moment.

"Wang, prince, the concubine did not expect that Miss Xuan would be so temperamental. Not only would she drink poisonous wine, she would also jump off this cliff mountain."

At this time, even the Immortal Daluo couldn't save her.

When thinking about it, a smile appeared under Bai Qianqian's placket.

Si Yunxie's eyes were fascinating red, with dangerous and seductive temptations, as if the next second would make people fall into hell.

"I want to see people when I live, and corpses when I die."


Tang Yi took his command.

The people who brought it rushed down.

Tang Yi ran out of no more than a hundred meters, and suddenly smelled a violent fragrance of flowers.

He paused, his face condensed,


All the soldiers didn't know what was wrong with Lord Guard.

He didn't speak, just followed him quickly down the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Si Yunxie raised his eyelids and looked at the five hundred elite soldiers and the poor Bai Qianqian.

Thin lips opened a very glamorous smile,

"You **** it."

The nice voice has a stupefying charm.

The blossoms of tea are extremely blooming, and the extremely enchanting flowers of the other bank are blooming all over the place.

With him as the center, it was almost instantaneously dyed red by the blood-colored flowers of the other bank as if swallowed.

Hearing a sorrowful scream, it formed a sharp contrast with the bright red swaying in the wind on the other side of the flower.

After a while, the stern noise finally dissipated cleanly.

The blooming flowers of the other side also disappeared in the blood all over the ground.

Bai Qianqian sat on the ground paralyzed, pale and terrified.


She only felt a sting in her eyes, she could only feel the warmth on her face, and her eyes were completely dark.