She grinned, really didn't want to say more.

About to cross him to find a place to change clothes.

Tang Yi looked at Xuan Yunzhi's skinny smile, and then saw that the prince was not with Xuan Yunzhi, as if he had learned something.

He raised his eyes to look at the gloomy sky outside, his face still calm and restrained.

"Miss Xuan, the prince’s temperament is always a little uncontrollable in the rainy night, and I hope you don’t mind too much, girl."

Every time I see Tang Yi, he is always calm, not slow or slow.

Xuan Yunzhi stopped when he was about to leave.

"What does this mean?"

Tang Yi smiled kindly

"The prince has never said to Miss Xuan. According to reason, Tang Yi shouldn't talk too much."

Xuan Yunzhi looked at him, wondering

"What's wrong with him?"

Tang Yi looked at the rain outside, clattering like he could wash away everything.

If the prince's past can be washed clean, maybe the rain will not make people feel bored.

"On the day the prince was born, the dark clouds covered the sky and the red moon was on his head. His red eyes not only frightened the doctor, but also a lot of people. At that time, they said it was an ominous sign and that he was a wicked evildoer and should not have been born to the world, so the prince He was raised in a small dark room."

He sighed lightly. In this rainy sky, it always makes people feel dull.

Xuan Yunzhi leaned on the wall, his clothes and hair were still ticking with water, making it difficult to see the expression on his face.

"and after?"

"Later, the prince was brought up, but he was still locked away from the sky. Until one day, it was a stormy night when the door of the little black house was knocked open, and a woman with disheveled hair yelled frantically, He pinched the prince’s neck and asked the prince to die. That person was the prince’s mother and concubine. After that, the woman died and was shot to death by the prince’s father. When he was dying, his mother and concubine fell into the prince’s arms. In the midst, I don’t forget to curse the prince with one last breath, curse him like a ghost from life to life, and be abandoned like a grass, cursing him not to die."

After speaking, he paused.

Then there was a relaxed smile on his face

"It's strange that after the death of the prince's mother and concubine, for some reason, the prince's eyes turned dark. Later, the prince was released by his father, and since then he began the battle on the battlefield. ."

Speaking of this, Tang Yi raised his head and looked at Xuan Yunzhi, with a restrained expression.

"The prince abandons everyone like weeds. For him, there is no difference between killing one person and killing ten people, killing a hundred people or even slaughtering a city. Killing or not killing is just a matter of thinking."

This is just the truth when I think about the beautiful mountains and rivers, and when I think about the piles of dead bones.

"But Miss Xuan, you are different in the Lord's heart."

It's not the same. If you want his life, he will probably give it to you with a smile.

Tang Yi didn't say the last sentence.

He looked at Xuan Yunzhi who was leaning on the wall in a daze, smiled and looked down at the thick soup in his hand.

"The subordinates are going to deliver soup to the prince, let's say goodbye."

"Wait, the soup stays."

A pair of plain hands blocked Tang Yi's path.

Xuan Yunzhi blinked at him.

"Tang Da, you worked so hard for him."

Tang Yi smiled and said nothing,

"Girl Xuan wants to know too, doesn't she?"

Xuan Yunzhi curled his mouth, holding the soup, and walked into the empty room on one side. The clothes were soaked, and he had to change his clothes anyway to coax people.