Xuan Yunzhi raised his brows, tusk.

What kind of rare and precious is she? The Lord of the Xianlan Principality intends to take this path of seduction?

Zhao Shun, the envoy on the side, clasped his fists

"I hope the prince will smile."

Si Yunxie was very close to Lingxue, even with a gold-thread mask, but with his arrogant and noble aura and thunderous reputation, Lingxue blushed.

If she devotes herself to such a man, she is willing.

Lingxue raised her eyes timidly, and the blush on her face became thicker.

The small soft hand stretched out to grab Si Yunxie's skirt and acted like a baby, but he avoided it by one step, knowingly or unconsciously.

Si Yunxie's eyes were half drooping, and his thin lips pursed his smile getting thicker and thicker.

"It's stunning."

His careless words rang with lethal laziness.

Then he paced and sat back in his seat.

Lazy words sounded

"What do you think of your suggestions?"

"In the end, I thought that since the Xianlan Principality has made such a big gift, if the prince is satisfied with it, the Lord will be fine."

With his rough voice, coupled with his five big and three thick stature, he looked like a tiger.

His name is Zhang Kuan, he has a big nerve, but his performance on the battlefield can be described as vigorous.

After he finished speaking, the room was silent.

A soldier sitting on his side couldn't help but glanced at Xuan Yunzhi on the side, and then pulled him.

This means that he needs to say a few words less.

But the tiger general seemed to see that the prince did not speak, and thought he was thinking, he hehe smiled

"My lord, your harem should also be fully charged. At the end of the day, this beautiful lady looks good, and it is not unreasonable for you to accept it."

Si Yunxie's eyelids were half drooping, and he gave him a cool glance.

The smile on the lips has not fallen.

There was silence in this tent again.


The coquettish voice came from Lingxue's small cherry mouth.

She only wore a thin white shirt, and it was always cooler this night, even in the big tent.

The voice trembled, as if frightened.

Xuan Yunzhi pinched a piece of cake on the table and took a bite. She raised her eyes and happened to meet Si Yunxie's gaze.

"What do you think of Zhi'er?"

Si Yunxie was not in a hurry or panicking, his voice was long.

Xuan Yunzhi ate all the pastries in his hand, but didn't smile.

"If the prince feels good, accept it."

While speaking, he stuffed another piece of cake into his mouth.

Si Yunxie's chubby smile sank, and his gaze patrolled her face carefully, as if to study something, but she could only watch her eating cakes calmly, completely irrelevant.

The sloppy smile faded a little.

"come over."

The long and narrow eyes swept across the trembling Lingxue, and the words contained inaudible emotion.

Ling Xueying bowed, covering the happy tremor in her heart.

He glanced at Xuan Yunzhi calmly and sneered, thinking that he was an opponent, but he didn't expect that the prince would treat her like this.

She walked forward swayingly step by step.

Everyone also thought that the prince was called Lingxue, until another voice followed closely.

"Could it be that the king is going to invite him in person?"

Lazy, sloppy, seven-point playful and somewhat helpless soft color.

At this time, everyone followed Si Yunxie's sight and realized that the prince had been talking to Miss Xuan.

As for Miss Xuan, er, the appeal of pastries seems to be greater than that of Wang Ye.