Chapter 355: The Prince and the Dragon 44

Really, there are no more people alive.

In this land, many, many years ago, a very noble wizard, like the Harry family of the Prince’s Mansion, and King Green delivered two prophecies.

King Green will have a beautiful daughter. She represents happiness and peace. She was born in this land. Her life's destiny is related to the country's destiny. She found her beloved and lived happily until she died. That country also It will prosper and last forever.

When King Green knew this prophecy, he happily announced to the world and loved her daughter very much.

People all over the world call Yunen the lucky girl.

Soon after King Green announced the prophecy, Lord Harry also announced the prophecy conveyed by the wizard.

Prince Harry's son, with black hair and golden eyes, is a son of a **** who is good in nature. He will be able to overcome obstacles and guard the world and become the existence that everyone looks up to.

Yes, this person who represents the Son of God is McHarry.

When these two predictions came out, everyone was extremely happy.

After all, no one likes to live in dire straits, and the son of **** who represents justice, the daughter of luck who represents happiness comes, this land is full of laughter.

Except for the Harry family.

The prediction is not wrong, this is the prediction announced by the wizard, but they only said half of it to the outside world.

Because the Harry family does not have only one son, but twins.

The other half of the unannounced prophecy is that destiny twins, black hair and black eyes, evil in nature, are the sons of demons, and all creatures in every inch of the body will tremble.

Hesh Harry, the son of the devil.

After the Harry family learned of this, they were afraid that they would injure their family because of this, but the wizards warned that they should be treated equally when they were born, and the world must be in chaos.

The son of the devil and the son of the gods originally restrained each other and lived together.

If one party is obliterated, the good fortune of the other party will not follow the trajectory.

They couldn't kill, but they couldn't calmly treat the demon's child.

Ever since, the Harry family thought of a way. Hess was taken by a servant to live in this dark castle as soon as he heard it, but at that time the two of them were in this castle, just borrowing They just live, the owner of the castle is not them.

Every year, the servant would take Hess back once on the birthday of King Harbari, and even if he returned, he would be ignored and shut in the room for fear of being seen.

Later, Hess grew up and grew up in an environment that everyone hated.

Coincidentally, Hess and Mike met at the Lord’s birthday party by chance. When the two saw each other, they were shocked because they looked exactly the same, except for those eyes, one was the shining sun. The ordinary golden color, one is as dark as the night, the same appearance, different treatment.

A star holding the moon, one foot in the mud.

It was probably a natural mismatch. Mike didn't like Hess the first time he saw him, and of course Hess didn't like Mike.

After hearing the prophecy from the elders later, Mike felt that Hess's existence was a shame to the Harry family.

He wants to find him and fight him endlessly.