Chapter 358: The Prince and the Dragon 47

Prince Harry's head was directly screwed off and hung in a doorway, and the tailor was so scared that he fainted on the spot.

This bad news spread even faster than the love story between the princess and the prince.

King Green was shocked when he knew this, and ordered a thorough investigation to find the murderer behind the scenes.

In the dark castle, Hess sat on the throne, dressed in a black dress, which made him look like an elegant prince. A wine glass swayed in his hand, swaying handsome, weird and arrogant.

The castle was quiet and scary, and there was no one else except Tang Yi who was standing behind him.

Obviously it is a personal castle, but I can't feel a trace of popularity.

The dark castle became more and more gloomy.

So gloomy that Tang Yi, who had been accustomed to living here for a long time, felt a little uncomfortable.

And the source of all this is because of his master.

A few days ago, after discovering the **** iron rope on the wall and a sword pierced into the wall, the owner stayed there for a day and a night, and after that, it became what it is now.

After the silence, Tang Yi stepped forward, respectful and pious

"Master, McHarry and Princess Yuninglin will have their wedding at the end of the month."

When the voice fell, I saw that the man sitting on the throne shook the glass in his hand.

Hess just gently shook the wine glass in his hand, with a weird smile on his thin lips

"Then, let him live until the day of marriage."

He seemed to make a laughing decision, but in an instant it was the fate of a kingdom to decide whether a person would live or die.

Under the black hair, there was no more warmth that a human should have in those dark eyes.

Just like an abyss, if you look at it, it will only make you feel uncomfortable and you will never be able to climb out.

In the middle of the forest far from the dark castle.

A little black dragon fell under a tree, and it looked like that, it could be described as bloody.

There is no dragon at all.

The little black dragon slept for a long time under the big tree. The sun rose and set at night, and the leaves covered several layers on it.

Seeing it motionless and covered in blood, I guess it was dead.

But five days later, the little black dragon moved his body.

A pair of eyes opened, and there was no trace of chaos.

It shakes the leaves off its body, stands up, the wound in its heart, and the blood hole on its wings have all returned to their original appearance.

Xuan Yunzhi did not leave immediately after confirming that she was intact. Instead, she sat under the tree. She needed to communicate with 001.

For example, the first time she ate the resurrection pill, she almost recovered completely in the next second, but this time she felt that she slept for a long time.

For example, when I came to this world, I just contacted 001 for various reasons, and the task has not been issued yet.

"001, how long have I been in a coma?"

"Five days."

"Why is this?"

"Host, you are testing the plane now, so there will be a lot of uncertainty. Moreover, you just unlocked the memory seal before dying, and 001 was just opened, so these five days of lethargy also caused the host to interact with 001 is fully integrated."

The voice of 001 machine explained it seriously.

She leaned under the big tree,

"What is my mission this time?"

001 was quiet for a while, said

"Host, your mission has changed, please wait."

She frowned

"The mission has changed?"

"Yes, originally according to the usual plane traverser, your task is to arrange according to the original plot story of the test plane, but you, the story of the fairy tale plane prince, dragon, and princess that you are in is coming to an end and is about to end. . So your original task can no longer be performed."