Chapter 366: The Prince and the Dragon 55

Xuan Yunzhi raised her brows, her red lips were smiling

"Where did you hear about this?"

"People outside all spread it like this."

After the old woman finished speaking, she still asked suspiciously

"Is it wrong?"

Xuan Yunzhi is meaningful

"Is it right?"

"If he is not such a person, how could the world pass him on like this?"

The old woman shook her head, trying to persuade Xuan Yunzhi.

Xuan Yunzhi bent down and looked at the drops of water on the crystal petals in front of him. It was very beautiful and beautiful.

After a while, I listened to her light words

"A wild beast brutally killed two villagers. Whose fault is it?"

"Nature is a beast."


"Beasts are fierce by nature and like to eat raw meat the most."

"The reason why the beast was aggressive and murderous was because the two villagers stole its newly born cubs and roasted them on fire. Whose fault is this?"

The old woman did not speak and looked up at Xuan Yunzhi.

She drooped her eyelids and fiddled with flowers,

"Everyone will only say that this beast is really ferocious and tyrannical by nature. If you see it, you should kill it. No one cares what's behind this thing, it's just because the beast deserves to die."

After the old woman froze, the folds on her smiling face piled up together

"What do you want to say to my old lady, just say it straight."

Xuan Yunzhi raised his head and suddenly laughed.

"I didn't want to tell you anything, just tell a story."

After speaking, he glanced at the broken bowl again, the water was already empty.

Go on

"Old lady, now that you have finished drinking the water, then go down the mountain. Knowing that there is a bad guy living here, it is not easy for the old lady to travel thousands of miles to come here to ask for water."

After the old woman heard Xuan Yunzhi's words, she was taken aback for a moment. She looked at Xuan Yunzhi's expression carefully, but Xuan Yunzhi only smiled with red lips, as if she had said something unintentionally.

As he spoke, Tang walked over step by step and walked to Xuan Yunzhi's side, seeming a little helpless.

"Yun, the master is looking for you."

Xuan Yunzhi put down the pot watering the flowers in his hand.

"Has he taken medicine?"

Tang Yi was introverted and unsmiling, but for a moment he couldn't laugh or cry.

He did not speak, but after Xuan Yunzhi glanced at him, he understood what he meant.

The smile on Xuan Yunzhi's face deepened, and he shook his head somewhat helplessly and a little funny.

This person, really relied on his own injury, to toss more and more confidently.

The old lady looked at Xuan Yunzhi about to leave, her voice became louder.

"Girl, maybe you have a bit of truth in what you said, but no matter what the reason for his evil, he is standing on the opposite side of the world, why not sacrifice him to make everyone happy, it is in the girl's heart, the world is full of things Human life can't even cost him alone?"

Xuan Yunzhi stopped, she turned her head to look at the old woman, her bright eyes flickered, and her head tilted, as if she had heard such strange remarks for the first time, fresh and funny.

In the end, her weird expression turned into a sarcasm when she looked at the old woman.

Nothing was said, an expression was enough.

Thousands of lives cost him alone?


What are the qualifications?

Obviously all beings are ignorant, but he has to pay the price for it.


She turned and left, leaving only a slender figure of the old woman sitting in front of the door.