Chapter 369: The Prince and the Dragon 58

A little expectation and a familiar voice.

He rubbed her back, her apple tussock rolled up and down, his handsome appearance, the eyebrows and the tails of the eyebrows seemed to be stained with some unquenchable emotions, the ambiguity was mixed with love, and he wanted him to hold people tight and couldn't help but fight, as if Only in this way can I suppress the urge in my heart.


His throat was so hoarse, and he responded aloud.

She laughed, then her arms around his neck tightened

"Then let's go now. OK?"

He watched this woman smile like a flower in front of him, her throat rolling even harder.

She was all reflected in the dark eyes.



Then Xuan Yunzhi stretched out his hand and took his arm

"Then let's go."

There was no hesitation, the words were full of interest.

Hess raised his brows and smiled on his handsome face. His dark eyes glanced at her lightly. His whole body exuded extreme laziness and sloppyness, but he allowed her to move.

Everyone thought that Hess ate Yun to death, even with Tang Yi.

Yun's degree of indulgence towards Hess was simply to the extreme.

But in fact, it happened that Yun held Hess in his hand, and he opened his heart, even disdainful of the act of protecting himself, so he was naked in front of her for her to play with.

Xuan Yunzhi understands, the one who understands his decisiveness doesn't even leave a trace, either get it or die.

It was because of this that she was reluctant to let him hurt, she tried her best to protect it, so that everyone seemed to be in Hess's hands.

But if Xuan Yunzhi told him to die, it would be too simple. It was as simple as hooking a finger, and it would be impossible for him to be overwhelmed.

In the palace thousands of miles away from the dark castle.

Everywhere is filled with joy and joy.

Because seven days later, Princess Yunengrin, the most beloved daughter of King Green, will get married.

And the person who will marry her is the warrior who rescued Princess Yunen from the sinister dragon, Prince McBarry.

Everyone is very happy, and all the people sincerely wish this pair, the talented girl looks like a good match.

Not long ago, Prince McBarry’s family was slaughtered to death overnight. This cruel act caused grief and mourning for all the people.

However, the wedding did not have any delay, because the people believed that a lively and blessed wedding could wash away the pain and the gloomy luck and usher in a beautiful tomorrow.

So everyone is looking forward to it, and wish Prince Mike to be strong and stand firm, and absolutely not be able to be defeated by bad guys.

In the garden

Yun En, dressed in a princess gown, dressed exquisitely and beautifully. He was sitting on a swing with two maids waiting beside him.

The sun is shining, birds and flowers are scented, and it is a nice weather.

But Princess Yun En seemed to have something on her mind.

She has been in a daze as long as she sits here, and this situation has been going on for several days.

One of the maids who had been serving for many years came forward and smiled kindly beside Yun En to relieve the princess' boredom.

"Princess, what are you thinking about?"

The other maid smiled

"The princess must be thinking of Prince Mike, does the princess miss him?"

Yun En froze for a moment, then came back to his senses, concealing the doubts and incomprehension in his eyes, a reddish cheek appeared, and he smiled.