Chapter 372: The Prince and the Dragon 61

The light shines in the garden of the Kingdom Castle. In the garden, there is a pair of bi people, and they are very well-matched and hug each other.

It's just that it's unclear whether the two people have more love in their hearts, or whether they are thinking about other things.

Time passed quickly, and seven days passed in a flash.

Celebrate the whole country, why?

Because Princess Yunenglin and Prince McBarry are getting married today.

The voices of happiness, joy, and blessing are everywhere.

On the beautifully decorated carriage, Princess Yunenglin wore the most beautiful white wedding dress, and sat on the carriage to receive cheers and worship from the crowd.

While McBarry was wearing the same white prince dress in the largest garden of the Kingdom Castle, waiting for the princess with a gentle smile on his face.

Until looking into the distance, the carriage came slowly, and the two people looked at each other.

Mike was holding flowers in his hand, smile and tenderness in his golden eyes.

Yun En Green clutched the armrest of the carriage and tightened it tightly, and then a smile appeared on his face.

The scene where the two looked at each other caused the girls on both sides to make exclamations and envy.

"Prince Mike must love the princess very much."

"The princess is so happy. She is married to the warrior who rescued her from fire and water. If one day I will do the same, I will really be willing to die."

"Wow!! Prince Mike is so handsome!"

"They are really a match made in heaven."

"Yes, what else is more romantic and touching than this?"

Sentence by sentence, envious and lively discussion.

Yun Englin stood on the carriage and looked at the people standing on the two sides, lowering his head to hide the wry smile in his eyes.

Tonight, she will become a couple with Mike Barry.

From then on, she will also bear Barry's surname and become Yunen Barry.

But only she knows that she herself does not have so much joy in the face of the cheers around her.

As for the reason, probably only she herself knows.

The carriage stopped slowly from the center of the square.

She walked down the carriage step by step.

With tender love on his face, Mike took her hand, bent over, and dropped a kiss on the back of her hand.

After the banquet tonight, she will be his bride.

Everything after that will be a foregone conclusion.

He thought, there is nothing more happier than this.

There was a smile on Yun En's face, and the same gentleness.

It is as if the two are really tender and sweet, and love passionately.

King Green stood on the highest step of the castle, watching Yun En and Mike walking hand in hand, nodding his head, his face was full of love.

Then a couple of newlyweds walked to the king's castle amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd.

A dark castle thousands of miles away.

The sun shines on this place that looks harsh on the outside.

It's just that in the bedroom inside it, on the white bed, two people hug each other and fall asleep tightly.

Until the dazzling sunlight shone on the bed through the curtains, the man who held the person tightly in his arms woke up first.

With a smile, he looked at the woman in his arms, bowed his head and kissed without hesitation.

The woman whimpered, woke up slowly, and hit the man's chest with her hand.

Then, the two looked at each other, followed by a fiercer fight.

Everything is because of love, because of love, everything seems to be normal.