Chapter 388: The Prince and the Dragon 77

001 said that if the task is completed, there will be a gift, which will not be mentioned for the time being.

But what it calls the second side mission,

Help everyone break through the shackles, restore the freedom of the people of this world, and maintain world peace,

What does it mean?

Shackles, imprisonment, and freedom.

These words suddenly made her unable to find the clues to accomplish the task.

After that, she heard what the wizard said

"Mike, you have the responsibility to protect the safety of your people. This is what you should do."

The kind words seem to suggest something.

After Mike was taken aback, he looked up at Hess who was standing on the steps.

There was a quick flash of light in his eyes, and he suddenly understood what the wizard said.

Quickly and swiftly, Mike took out his saber from his waist and pointed it at Hess, his pale golden eyes firm.

"I, McBarry is going to challenge Hesbarry, do you dare to challenge?!"

The sharp saber was cold and sharp in the sun.

Hess was standing on it, playing with the silver crown in his hand, and his thin lips were smiling. With that careless gesture, it seemed that he had never put Mike in his eyes.

He lifted his eyelids, and the sound of sneer overflowed from his thin lips


He agreed.

What seemed to be such a boring challenge, for him, was a waste of time.

But the person who challenged him was the son of a **** who was predicted by the wizard to represent justice.


This made him couldn't help but want to strangle the son of the god.

As soon as he spoke, he was declared evil, and there was no need to refute it, because the wizard had never made a mistake.

So he was abandoned.

And the reason why he can keep his breath and let him linger is nothing more than waiting for the son of the gods to grow up and then defeat him, to tell the world that evil will never win justice, no matter how powerful the evil is, the light It will always come.

The truth seems very exciting.

But he, why is the evil that is eliminated?

It is like having an invisible hand planning his life step by step. His existence is to walk on the path of evil. Even if he is not evil, the people of the world will persecute him to become evil.

Because, prophecy.

His eyes were half drooping, and his thin lips wore a weird smile.

The wizard coughed heavily and looked old

"Since you are going to a duel, come with me."

She leaned on a cane, and the other hand held Yun En, step by step, walking outside the castle.

Go all the way to the Colosseum.

Hess and Mike stood up, each wearing a black dress, black hair and dark eyes, a lazy and noble posture with the ultimate arrogance and dazzling, just like a night king who despised everything.

One person is wearing a white dress, black hair and golden eyes, holding a saber in his hand, and the noble prince frowns and is very serious.

The people in the auditorium just did not want to miss this wonderful scene, and they followed behind.

Xuan Yunzhi walked around to a higher place, standing on it, leaning over the crowd.

The cake in his hand hadn't been eaten, the dazzling eyes focused on Hess's body, but the light swept past the wizard without ever moving away.

The wizard took Yun En and stood in the middle of the two people.

She coughed,

"Now that you two are ready, let's start."

After speaking, she walked out of the circle step by step.

Yun En was dragged by her and couldn't help but look back three steps to watch the battle.