Chapter 417: The boss is a girl 17

At this moment, the car door was opened by one of the men in black.

Put on a please pose.

Xuan Yun raised his brow and got out of the car.

Behind him, Zhao Xiu was worried and wanted to follow, but was stopped by the man in black.

She walked to the other car step by step.

When I was about to get to the car, I saw Tang Yi getting off the car.

He is dressed in a straight suit and has a kind and restrained smile on his face.

"Xuanyun gang leader, admiring his name for a long time."

The smile on Xuan Yunzhi's face was stunned for a while, and suddenly it cracked bigger, but it was different from the way she was when she was murderous, her bright eyes were also stained with a smile, really happy

"Mr. Tang Yi, admire your name for a long time."

Tang Yi was so surprised by her sudden sentence that she didn't know how to answer it.

Then I listened to Xuan Yunzhi

"Your boss asked you to come to me?"

Tang Yi glanced at her calmly, then nodded, just about to speak, when Xuan Yunzhi followed her and interrupted.

"What did he ask you to come to me for? Have something to say, or a letter for me?"

Tang Yi

"The Patriarch asked me to pick you up and want to talk to you."

Xuan Yunzhi thoughtfully,

"When did your Patriarch meet me?"

Tang Yi smiled introvertedly, without speaking.

Xuan Yunzhi chuckled lightly.

"Well, let's go and see your Patriarch."

When I said it, I got into the car automatically.

This reaction made Tang Yi stunned again.

Obviously there was no reaction.

Xuan Yunzhi leaned on the seat, wondering

"Didn't you say that your family mainly sees me? Still not leaving?"

As soon as the voice fell, she closed the car door on her own.

Tang Yi stood there for a long while before he walked around to become the co-pilot.

Follow Xuan Yunzhi's words

"Tang Yi, I just let the two people in the car let them go and told them that I would be fine."

Don nodded

"I will help you communicate."

After speaking, he beckoned to one of the men in black and confessed a few words.

Then the car started, followed the road when it came, and left.

Xuan Yunzhi leaned on the edge of the car and fell asleep after a while.

Although in the car, it was the first time she slept so soundly after coming here.

Unprepared, without any vigilance, she believed in that person more than the people around her.

Even in this world, I have never met.

After coming here, although it was different from when she used to trespass in the Delta, she never let go of her vigilance from start to finish.

Even if you go to bed at night, you can wake up instantly with a little movement.

Even if there was Pang Lei next to Zhao Xiu, she couldn't believe it.

Tang Yi didn't expect that the Xuanyun gang leader who met for the first time would actually fall asleep in the car.

So that when he arrived at the destination, he stood outside the car, not knowing whether he should wake up or wait for him to wake up.

The car drove outside a single-family apartment.

Tang stood there for a while, and then woke up Xuan Yun aloud.

Xuanyun opened his eyes and regained his clarity in a flash.

She walked out of the car, looked at the apartment in front of her, and smiled crookedly.

There was not a trace of fatigue or fatigue on his face, only a playful smile came out from the corner of his lips.

"Lead the way."

She speaks.

Tang Yi put on a please pose, and then the two of them walked inside one after another.

Pushing open the door of the apartment, the bright light inside made her unable to open her eyes for a moment.