Chapter 519: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 7

After the female teaching assistant had finished speaking, the male teaching assistant was stunned for a moment, and did not speak any more.

Those who can come here to be teaching assistants are all prestigious universities and top-notch ones.

Just mention it, and you can understand it immediately.

Xuan Yunzhi sat in a corner, and she did not participate in their discussion.

For about half an hour, the man in black opened the door and assumed a pleased gesture.

Signed that it was time to go out.

Xuan Yunzhi was at the end. When she went out, she raised her eyes and saw only a slender background.

It was a man, he was surrounded by a group of people in black and protected in the middle.

After just a glance, he disappeared in the corner.

All the people in black also evacuated, and Doctor Ji walked out of the treatment room with a tired face.

Every time he showed such an appearance, it was an explanation that the patient's treatment results this time were not ideal or even poor.

Doctor Ji beckoned to Xuan Yunzhi

"Yunzhi, come here."

"Okay, Doctor Ji."

Xuan Yunzhi responded and followed Doctor Ji into his office.

As soon as he walked in, he didn't say anything, just busy himself with the things in his hand.

After a long time, Doctor Ji raised his head and smiled at Xuan Yunzhi, the mood on his face has returned to normal.

It's no longer the decadent and tired look just now.

"sit down."

Xuan Yunzhi nodded, pulled the opposite chair away and sat down.

Doctor Ji did not directly enter the subject but asked a question first

"Yunzhi, I asked your assistants to experience the game of hegemony before, how are you playing?"

"It's not bad."

Doctor Ji smiled

"You are more than okay. The play is really great. I heard that you were admitted exceptionally to become the only maintenance staff inside who can go online and offline at will?"

Xuan Yunzhi blinked, did not answer, but said

"Doctor Ji, just say anything if you have anything."

The man opposite nodded.

"I am looking for you about the treatment of a difficult patient. I think I need your help."

Xuan Yunzhi did not speak, nor nodded.

"What kind of patient is it? Is it related to the game of hegemony?"

Doctor Ji smiled.

"Not only is there a relationship, but there is also a big relationship. The patient has an obvious antisocial personality disorder. And more than that, his psychological characteristics are very complicated, and he is defensive to point out, if not for him when he was very young He had undergone a professional psychological test, and everyone thought he was a normal to perfect person."

When talking about this, Doctor Ji sighed again.

He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyebrows.

Looks very worried.

"What does Doctor Ji need me to do?"

Xuan Yunzhi yelled and asked with a smile.

Doctor Ji said it seriously.

"Because it is impossible to observe all his mental activities in real life, I want you to approach him in the game to help me heal and comfort him."

In fact, the game for hegemony has a secret that no one knows.

This is a game launched in conjunction with hundreds of professional psychologists.

In the game, people's depressed emotions will be released, and even relieved and vented.

However, due to the current hegemony game, it has only just reached the maturity stage.

So far, no psychiatrist has used this game to treat patients.

Xuan Yunzhi looked at the doctor on the opposite side, bewildered.