Chapter 526: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 14

Although it was released, this hand was still holding his shirt, and then he asked naturally.

"Where are we going next?"

Si Yunxie raised his head, with long narrow eyes, deep eyes, thin lips like a smile but not a smile

"Are we familiar?"

Nice voice, glowing with magnetism.

Xuan Yunzhi's hands gripping the skirt of his clothes tightened, she split her lips and said dryly

"Because I just saved your life, let me follow you?"

She didn't have much confidence in what she said.

According to her current level, she is a little rookie. Although she can reach out her hand, if she confronts a figure like Baiye, then she will be completely abused.

In other words, she followed Si Yunxie, just dragging her feet.

However, she ran in the game for almost a day, and her legs were about to break before she was found. If this breaks up, she doesn't know when she will see her.

The dark eyes are playful, and they look up and down, lazily.

"what can you do?"

Xuan Yunzhi bit her lip, what can she do?

"I can't do anything."

After speaking, she wilted herself instead.

Si Yunxie looked at this woman, holding a blue nose and swollen cheeks, grabbing a corner of his clothes and not letting go.

Inexplicably, the smile on the corners of his lips became a bit rich.

The smile was even more evil and dangerous, and he didn't say a word.

Lift your foot and walk forward.

When he moved, Xuan Yunzhi was standing there stupidly, but he was also pulled forward with his hand clutched at the skirt of his clothes, and his body moved forward subconsciously.

From a distance, I just watched, a handsome man in a red dress walked forward step by step, a woman in black who was two steps slower, holding a corner of his clothes with one hand, and following at the same step, just if this All the traces of the swollen nose and swollen nose on the woman's cheeks disappeared, and the beauty was even better.

When the two walked, they walked back to Hongye Valley again.

She looked left and right, a weird thought appeared in her mind, she couldn't help but ask aloud

"Abai, won't you come to sleep when you come back?"

When they heard their first meeting, the man was lying under a tree, almost blending with the red scenery.

Si Yunxie didn't speak, but he really returned to the tree again. The place where the fighting scene was damaged just now has been restored to its original form.

He fell under the red-leaf tree, closed his eyes, and his eyelashes quivered.

Xuan Yunzhi also lay down, lying on his side.

"Abai, how long shall we sleep here?"

She asked boringly.

No one responded.

She was there for herself, and after a while she actually fell asleep.

Sleep for two hours.

When she woke up, she found Si Yunxie still asleep.

She counted the time, it was time to go out by herself.

But this person didn't wake up again, she leaned under the big tree and glanced at him from time to time.

I watched it like this ten times eight times, and when she turned her head to look again, the narrow eyes suddenly opened, and the dark eyes were indifferent and clear.


Faint, lazy and nice voice.

Xuan Yunzhi smiled

"You're awake, I'm leaving, and there are still classes to go, you, you, I will come back to go online at night, okay to wait for you here?"

Si Yunxie looked at her quietly, without speaking for a long time.

"Just for this?"

The woman had been awake since half an hour ago, and then kept looking at him, he knew she was waiting for him.