Chapter 579: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 67

"If he can successfully transfer from the intensive care unit to the general ward tomorrow, please give me this call and report that he is safe."

The doctor nodded in response.


Tonight, this girl not only saved Zhang Ze, but also saved him. This is also a favor.

This kind of thing, if Zhang Ze is really dead, and if the final thorough investigation is a fax from his office, then this is a major medical accident. Not only will he lose his job, he will even go to jail.

The doctor nodded in response.

She smiled.

Then turned around and walked out.

I've been waiting here all the time, I don't know when Si Yunxie will make another move, so he sits and waits for death, there is always a time when he succeeds.

She has to go talk to him.

He took out his cell phone and realized that he didn't even have Si Yunxie's phone number.

When she walked to the entrance of the hospital, she stood on the street with the most people. The street lights and the lights on the roads illuminated the streets where the traffic flowed into like daylight.

Rubbing his eyebrows, he finally called Si Ji.

The phone rang three times and a gentle male voice rang

"Hello? It's so late, what's the matter?"

She didn’t mean anything, she asked directly

"Where does Si Yunxie live now?"

On the other end of the phone, I didn’t expect Xuan Yunzhi to call so late because of this. She still said

"At Si's house."

"Specific address."

Si Ji paused.

"It's so late, are you going to find him?"

She lowered her eyes, with a faint voice


"What happened?"

Xuan Yunzhi frowned slightly

"I'm asking, you can choose not to say the specific address of Si's family."

The tone of impatience, it seems that all patience has been exhausted.

"Linlu Street, number."

After listening, she hung up the phone.

Standing at the intersection, hired a taxi.

"Where is the girl going?"

"Linlu Street, number."


The driver's master turned the front of the car and hurried to the place Xuan Yunzhi said.

She leaned on the backrest behind her, relaxed herself completely, slouched and disheveled, asking the driver to turn around frequently.

These days, staying with Si Yunxie all the time, probably because she was so relaxed and defensive that she called her and forgot what she was supposed to do.


Do the task.

Her purpose is to defeat Xuan Yunling.

Instead of having a heart tied to Si Yunxie's body, staying crooked with him all day.

In the previous life, she and Si Yunxie lived in that plane world for a hundred years. They first came to this world, and because the darling of heaven has not appeared, they lived in this world for more than a year.

As a result, told her to slack off.

That kind of gentleness is just a life with him, which is not possible in her current state after all.

She lowered her head, raised her eyelids, and looked at her hands.

It was a pair of clean, white and weak hands, just because of tearing off the drip tube on Zhang Ze's body, there were traces of bruising, and there were still some blood stains on them.

She wiped it with the back of her other hand, not her blood.

Scars, bloodstains, fights, life and death.

This should be her life.

She clenched her hands firmly, Si Yunxie, this man, she spoiled him too much and let him go.

So far, I have been bound by myself and have got myself in such a dead end.

She knew that she couldn't do anything with him.

Even if he was so embarrassed, there seemed to be nothing more than a bit of annoyance and helplessness.