Chapter 591: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 79

She didn't even hesitate to answer, and the smile on Zhang Ze's face suddenly froze.

Although he had guessed the result, seeing Xuan Yunzhi's indifferent answer, he was still heartbroken.

The lip color turned pale suddenly, and it eased for a long time, the eyes were a little gray, but the firm expression remained the same.

"I, I will not give up. Before you get married, I think I have an equal opportunity to pursue you."

Probably the remarks made by Xuan Yunling before he left worked, causing Zhang Ze to bite his teeth and not give up, and it could be seen that it was completely intended to be desperate and pursue the end.

She frowned slightly

"You won't have a chance, it's better to give up early."

That faint, without a trace of friendship, completely broke Zhang Ze's heart, his pale lips were trembling, trembling and weak.

"You, you don't even want to give me any extravagant hope?"

She kept her eyes low, unmoved.

"Give it to you, it will hurt you."

She said this from the bottom of her heart.

Zhang Ze stopped thinking about her early, so that she could get married early, and she could be completely relieved, and she didn't have to worry about his life all day long.

Zhang Ze's whole spirit was wiped out.

Lying there decadently,

"Yunzhi, your heart is so cruel."

His eyes were red, and he was about to cry.

She looked at Zhang Ze's shocked look and wondered, this time the shock should be enough.

Give him some breathing space, he will want to understand.

Finally, I closed my eyes and lay there without saying a word.

She moved her eyes as she listened to him, but she didn't look at him again.

"You rest, I'll go now."

Originally, these words she planned to wait for him to cultivate for a while.

But Xuan Yunling broke the plan suddenly, and looking at Zhang Ze’s cup of Xuan Yunling’s renewed hope, if she said later, I’m afraid he will be more determined that she has his place in her heart and won’t be killed. Let go, it will be embarrassing then.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Good for each.

Xuan Yunzhi walked out of the room and walked outside the hospital.

But when she was about to walk to her car, she saw Si Yunxie standing there.

She halted in her footsteps.

Just looking at the man, he was still wearing the peaked cap she had given him, lowering the brim of the hat to cover most of his face.

It seems that she has sensed her arrival.

He raised his head and stared at her.

In the long and narrow eyes, it is deep and thin.

Unable to explore the slightest feeling of his, the eyes he projected were as if two people were strangers who didn't know each other.

Xuan Yunzhi raised his brows, and walked over, before he spoke, he listened to him first.

"Have you finished watching him? Still alive?"

The nice magnetic sound brought a layer of shade inexplicably.

Xuan Yunzhi almost couldn't hold back his laughter, this man, is he here to provoke his feelings?

She nodded

"Blessed and fate, escaped a catastrophe."

Si Yunxie's face became more gloomy when she heard her

"Worry about him so much, why don't you keep guarding, so you are not afraid that he will die of breath as soon as your front foot is gone?"

Thin lips confided cruel words, an unabashed threat.

She choked and turned into a smile, every word

"I left with the intention of going back to cook soup for him and take good care of his body. I will take a few clothes by the way. I will stay with him in the hospital for a long time, accompany him, and wait for him."

While talking, Xuan Yunzhi suddenly fell silent.