Chapter 601: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 89

When the negotiation between the two people was fruitless, Xuan Yunzhi leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. This was the whole room watching.

She blinked her tender eyes

"Can this work?"

Si Yunxie raised his brows, and the sullen flames from the beginning of the road were completely wiped out by this kiss.

He even stood up generously to make room.

The stingy and harsh look just now was completely gone.

Just before leaving, he glanced at Zhang Ze with no trace of his gaze. The maggot-attached bones instantly occupied Zhang Ze’s heart, and even at that moment he only remembered the fear and forget the unrequited love. pain.

When everyone had gone out, only Zhang Ze was left in the house.

The atmosphere occupied by the force finally eased a lot, and the silence surrounded the two people.

She smiled at him,

"I heard your mother say that if you do not eat or cooperate with treatment, do you really intend to remain negative like this?"

Zhang Ze looked at her, pale and smiled sadly

"Since you don't like me, why should you care about me?"

Xuan Yunzhi played with the Weeping Blood Zhuzhan in his hand, playing with him.

"I don't want to care about you, but your mother called me and cried miserably, so come and see if her son is going to live better than die as she said."

Faint tone, indifferent way.

Zhang Ze clutching a corner of the quilt, his smile became paler and paler

"Yun Zhi, you are so cruel. Wouldn't you even want to say a word of comfort to me?"

She propped her chin with one hand, looking at him with bright eyes,

"Zhang Ze, you don't like me that much, so why bother to express your unwillingness in this way?"

Zhang Ze suddenly raised his head, with bloodshot eyes, and looked directly at Xuan Yunzhi. It seemed that her words had stepped on his thunder, and his voice suddenly rose eight degrees.

"Xuan Yunzhi! You can dislike me, but you can't insult my liking for you in this way."

Xuan Yunzhi tilted his head and looked at him quietly.

Zhang Ze smiled in a daze like a demon

"Is it because of that man? I can see that he is very rich and handsome, but I can guarantee that I love you no less than him, but you still chose him, Yunzhi. For you, Money, fame and fortune, these vain things are so important?!"

Xuan Yunzhi blinked, blinked again, chuckled suddenly, so, did he think that the reason why he didn't choose him was because of his greed for power and wealth?

"You said you like me, what have you done for me?"

Zhang Ze held the phone in one hand and looked at her blankly

"Your phone number was set as my lover the first day I got it. In my heart, you are my most important person."

She lowered her eyes and asked slowly


"The day I confessed to you, I spent all my savings for you and bought that gift. I know he has money, but I did everything I could for you! Isn't that enough?!"

He looked at her bloodshot with fear of anger.

Her attention seemed to be attracted by the hairpin in her hand. After a long time, she suddenly asked

"What's my mobile phone number?"

Zhang Ze was stunned for a moment. She looked up at him,

"I'm asking, what's my mobile phone number?"

Zhang Ze didn't answer, Xuan Yunzhi chuckled slightly.

"Is it because I asked too suddenly, so I forgot?"

The voice fell and the smile on her face gradually faded

"You don't know anything about me and you don't know anything, but you open your mouth and say you like me, what do you like me?"