Chapter 606: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 94

She shook the glass with one hand and leaned on the back of the sofa, unaffected by it.

Xuan Yunling appeared here holding Si Ji's arm, and the two of them came over, talking and laughing.

"Si Ji, I'll introduce to you,"

When I looked at the scene, all the words stopped abruptly.

Xuan Yunzhi stood up, clicked the glass cup and fell on the ground, and walked to Xuan Yunling step by step, not knowing whether he was speaking to Xuan Yunling or Si Ji.

"Xiao Ling, do you want me to know such a person, or do you want me to be such a person?"

Si Ji's face was also ugly, and the gentleness on his face disappeared completely when he saw this scene, especially when he saw Xuan Yunling invited Xuan Yunzhi over.

He is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart.

Seeing Xuan Yunling's face froze, she looked completely unexpected.

Si Ji's face was even more ugly.

The relationship between Xuan Yunling and Xuan Yunzhi is not good, it can be said to be extremely bad.

What did she want to throw Xuan Yunzhi into such a group of people alone?

The idea is clear.

Si Ji stared at Xuan Yunling closely. After a long time,

"You let me down."

001's voice suddenly sounded in Xuan Yunzhi's head

"Ding Dong, the good luck value of the beloved of heaven has dropped by 10, and the current good luck value is 60"

Xuan Yunling also had no idea that things would develop unexpectedly.

She wanted to explain, but she stopped listening to the music on the dance floor.

"Never move!"

I don't know when, the police have already arrived.

"We received an alarm saying that drugs were secreted here."

Originally, for such a thing, the police wanted to protect the information of the reporter to protect her safety.

Xuan Yunzhi raised his hand and walked forward

"Comrade police, I called the police."

While speaking, she pointed to a group of people on the table.

"Just drinking and drinking, they became like this."

Xuan Yunling subconsciously clenched Si Ji's arm when he heard the words of illegal drug possession.

Si Ji's body froze, he looked at Xuan Yunling incredulously, gritted his teeth and opened his teeth.

"Don't tell me, you are also involved in this matter."

Xuan Yunling hurriedly looked at Si Ji, shook his head with sincere eyes

"I didn't, how could I do such a thing?!"

Xuan Yunzhi walked up to Xuan Yunling and pressed one hand on her shoulder

"This bureau is organized by you. If you say it has nothing to do with you, who will believe it?"

Xuan Yunling sharpened his eyes and looked at Xuan Yunzhi.

That's right, she organized this bureau, and she really wanted to give Xuan Yunzhi drugs to ruin Xuan Yunzhi in front of Si Ji.

Since Xuan Yunzhi had an ambiguity with Si Yunxie and Si Yunxie's uncle, it was absolutely impossible for him to call the police for a thorough investigation.

Then she can act as a whistleblower to report Xuan Yunzhi's harboring drug trafficking.

But I didn't expect that all the plans in a blink of an eye were not only in vain.

And the situation has changed.

Before she knew it, she was like walking into a huge game, but she became a prey instead.

Xuan Yunzhi leaned into Xuan Yunling's ear, his voice was faint

"Look at the outside world more, I'm afraid I won't see it in the rest of my life."

The indifferent and arrogant voice, with sarcasm.

Xuan Yunling looked at Xuan Yunzhi's eyes and couldn't wait to shatter his body.

All drug addicts present were taken away, and Xuan Yunling, the initiator of the wine bureau, was also taken away.

As the whistleblower, Xuan Yunzhi sat for a while and took the transcript, confirmed that it was correct, and was sent home. He was not allowed to cross provinces within 72 hours. The phone stayed on and he waited for the summons.