Chapter 609: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 97

However, relying on the efforts of our bureau to grasp the clues of its transaction, Xuan will face imprisonment lawsuit with a fine of 5 million life imprisonment. "

Xuan Yunzhi leaned on the sofa.

Move the neck.



"Xuan Yunzhi has been locked up in prison, and he will never get out of it for the rest of his life. Why is there a good luck value of 39?"

The most important thing is that she can no longer attack her, how can this task be completed?

001 The same voice as a robot

"Host, everything is possible."

She curled her lips, then fell to one side and fiddled with it.

As soon as the ten o'clock bell rang, she sat up all of a sudden,

"Troubled, made an appointment with Abai, want to play hegemony together"

She quickly got into the eggshell and started the game.

As soon as she entered the game, she hurried to the Red Leaf Valley.

Seeing the red figure, I immediately jumped on it

Si Yunxie hugged the person steadily, his handsome face and thin lips made a small smile.

Without saying anything, he hugged her and flew to Phoenix Qi Cai.

Qi Cai made a long beep, flashed its wings quickly and flew up.

Xiao Hong followed Qi Cai.

The phoenix beast is rare in the game.

In the entire battle for supremacy, there is just such a pair of lovers phoenix beasts like Qicai and Xiaohong.

So that every time these two sacred beasts are seen, they will always be brought to the world forum and be discussed for a while.

Hawthorn: Look at the beautiful feathers, look at the haughty eyes, look at the arrogant aura, playing a game nowadays is being caught by a pair of **** dogs, is there any reason? ? ! !

Teacup broken: hahaha, what can you do? Is it possible to kill them?

Little chicken eats rice: Frightened, don't you guys see who the owner of this beast is? Killed them? ? ! Thanks to the great **** Baiye not watching the forum, otherwise, we will die! !

Poker: God, it turns out that there are thousands of people who love it in the game! unfair! ! !

Grandpa: Unfair? If you had the method of the Great God Baiye, maybe those two phoenix beasts belonged to you.

Sure enough: Super powerful strength and super invincible luck, Baiye Great God, please be respected by me!

Slowly, the words on the World Forum continued to be worshipped by everyone, and they all fell under Baiye's powerful strength.

It seems that the law of the jungle has never changed, and has never changed.

Strength, value, existence and competition of all people revolve around these four words.

This is true in real life, and it is also true in games.

Xuan Yunzhi didn't go to the forum to talk about anything, she was looking at the man who pressed her on Qi Cai's back.

Si Yunxie squinted her eyes, with a well-knotted hand, touching her from top to bottom without saying anything, and was now tearing her black assassin's clothes.

She was crushed, with nowhere to put her hands, she could only pull the colorful feathers.

Look at this ambiguous, spring scene.

Look at this drooling, scented shoulders exposed.

These two comrades were stunned to play a high-sensory experience war grabbing game into a restricted yellow game.

Xuan Yunzhi didn't want to run, and let him make trouble.

Although it is a one-to-one restoration of real sensory stimulation, it is not real enough to be able to do the endless thing of rolling the sheets in the game.

Since she can't make it to the end, what is there to be afraid of?