Chapter 700: Rebirth Daughter 78

I don't know why, every time I watch her eat, I always feel good.

Even if she looks a little stupid now.

Since Xuan Yunzhi came here, all his attention has been drawn to him, and he has no longer been distracted by the other two people.

Such an attitude, and the only intimacy that is different to her.

Anyone can understand what Si Yunxie means.

But the more this happened, the emotions tumbling in Shangguan Qingxue's heart became stronger and stronger.

She had tried her best to restrain herself, but still couldn't help staring at Xuan Yunzhi tightly, as if to see her through.

Originally, Shangguan Qingxue thought that the person she had fallen in love with in the last life was a heartless and ungrateful person.

She knew that Si Yunxie didn't like herself, but she was also sure that he didn't like Xuan Wenshan, and the concubines who were brought into the palace together.

Everyone is the same, but it feels much better in my heart.

But suddenly, a five thunderbolt was placed in front of her.

Si Yunxie would show other emotions to this woman besides indifference, annoyance, love, scorching, intimacy, and all the places his sight touched were the figure of this woman.

It turns out that he is not heartless, but the person in his heart is not her.

Such cognition made it difficult for Shangguan Qingxue's heart to balance, and an emotion called jealousy spread from the dark side of the heart to every corner.

Xuan Yunzhi.

This woman who she had never contacted since she joined the palace in her previous life could easily get Si Yunxie's heart.


Why is she? ! !

No matter how she convinced herself, she couldn't restrain the waves of jealousy in her heart.

Xuan Yunzhi picked up a piece of meat and held it in his mouth, probably because Shangguan Qingxue's eyes were too tight and sharp when she was staring at her, and she raised her eyes to face it.

Then there was a harmless smile.

She seemed to have no idea about her jealousy.

Si Yunxie moved his eyelids and scanned Shangguan Qingxue's lips without any change.

I don't know how long it took before Shangguan Qingxue finally restrained her emotions.

Her calm appearance returned to the same as before.

The plain white handkerchief in her hand is wrinkled because she has held it for a long time, so she chuckled slightly

"Look at me, the first time I had lunch with the two princes, it was too nervous."

While speaking, he folded the handkerchief once and put it on the stone table.

Situ Feng originally didn't understand why Shangguan Qingxue asked him to have dinner with the Third Emperor.

But now it seems that Shangguan Qingxue seems to have some connections with the third emperor brother.

He always knew that Qingxue's heart was filled with a love and hate person.

Now, he already knew who it was.

Except for Shangguan Qingxue's loss of state on the night when the emperor's brother forced the palace, this is the second time she has shown such out-of-control emotions.

The origin turned out to be because of his own emperor brother.

After a lunch, some people feasted, and some people spent time like a year. As for what they think, only their own hearts know.

It's just that since this meal, the turbulence between Situ Feng and Si Yunxie seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

Within a few days, some terrifying rumors were circulating in the streets and alleys.

At the beginning, it was rumored that the third king, Si Yunxie, liked to eat raw meat. Within a few days, the rumor spread that Si Yunxie was bloodthirsty and cruel and liked to eat human flesh. "

Good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.

After a few days of work, the whole capital was spreading vigorously, and the people were panicking.