Chapter 729: Rebirth Daughter 107


Because Si Yunxie arrived in time, the crying maids in Xuanfu escaped the tragedy of being killed.

It was originally a big cheering event, but this moment.

All the maids were trembling, and the Xuan Mansion was guarded by heavy soldiers, protected by three layers inside and outside.

In the courtyard, almost all the doctors who could be ranked in the imperial city were invited.

All of them were looking pale and waiting outside.

Xuan Yunzhi’s boudoir seemed to be shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere, and from time to time I saw a doctor who looked pale and helped it out, and I could even hear a gloomy sound inside.


One group left, and another group went in. An imperial physician stepped forward to check the situation and looked at the excessively bleeding and gossiping women on the hospital bed. Not to mention them. Even if this great Luo **** is alive, he is afraid that he will not survive two. It's time.

The injury was too serious, and at first glance, there was no good place on the whole body.

Even if they had treated so many patients with the deep bone wound on the back, they paused as soon as they saw it.

The girl was lying on the bed unconscious, and the three princes sitting in front of her had a gloomy and scary face.

Tang Yi stood at the door and sighed.

Girl Xuan Yunzhi is probably in danger this time.

The five doctors who entered are the last one. If these five doctors can't do anything, then.

Tang Yi's expression was serious, how much the prince cares about Girl Xuan Yunzhi, others don't know, he can't know better.

If girl Xuan Yunzhi had some shortcomings, Tang Yi wouldn't dare to think about what his master would do.

Xuan Yunzhi closed his eyes, his breath getting weaker and weaker, as if he would lose his breath in the next second.

She just feels tired, really tired, she wants to sleep, don't disturb her.

I don’t know when, there are voices coming from my head

"Host, host, wake up."

001 is also anxious at this time.

If the host dies without completing the mission, not only will the host's soul be obliterated, but 001 will also disappear.

Xuan Yunzhi heard a buzzing voice in his head.

001 also knows that his host's vital signs are dying and are about to die.

Xuan Yunzhi suddenly felt a tingling pain in her head, which made her wake up for a moment.

Then listen to the anxious voice of 001

"Host, your vital signs are passing, you can choose to take healing pills. Does the host take healing pills?"

001 cannot make any decision on its host without authorization, and every decision must be approved by the host.

Even now, it is very likely that his host cannot answer it.

Tick ​​tick tick, time passed bit by bit, 001 waited more and more anxiously, the host has never given it any response.


It asked aloud.

Then after a long time, I heard a very soft and weak sound


001 got excited,

"Beep, the healing pill is in use. After the healing pill is used, the host has already recovered the fatal wounds for you in order to avoid people in this world from causing suspicion, and there will be non-fatal wounds on the surface of the body."

The function of the healing pill is to heal all the damage caused by weapons as long as it is not a virus or death.

This healing Dan Xuan Yunzhi had been bought several planes before and had never had the opportunity to use it, but it was very busy.

In front of the boudoir, when the last doctor stiffened and put his pulse on Xuan Yunzhi's wrist, he originally thought that he would come to the same conclusion as the first dozen doctors that he could not be cured.