Xuan Yunzhi opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

What to say?

Want to say, she really is about to leave and go to the next plane?

Or should he just coax him into a sentence, and he will know it naturally when his body is silent?

It seems that each of them is not what she wants to say.

Reached out and grabbed the corner of his wide sleeves, raised his eyes and looked at him.

The smile on Si Yunxie's lips faded, and his eyes were deep, as if red surging in the depths.

She put her head on his chest and sighed slightly

"I'm leaving."

Si Yunxie's movements stiffened with his arms around her, and suddenly used force.

The red in the depths of the eyes is getting bigger and bigger.

So far, there is no more word between the two people.

I don't know how long it took, the hand holding his sleeve completely dropped and hung in the air.

He bowed his head suddenly,


The extremely gentle voice seemed to be cautiously humming, for fear of disturbing a precious treasure.

The body of the woman in her arms was still warm, her eyes closed, and there was no sound anymore.

He hugged her tightly, harder and harder.

Standing there, it seemed like I didn't know the day and night.

When it was dusk, the corpse was cold.

I don't know when, Si Yunxie's eyes are also scary and scary.

He snorted.

A breath of extreme darkness and malaise emanated from his body.

The well-knotted hand was cold to the bones, stretched out a finger, and touched Xuan Yunzhi's forehead.

"It's dead."

The voice was strange and long.

The intense pressure exuding from Si Yunxie's body swallowed his surroundings almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the intense pressure and darkness on his body faintly filled the entire palace.

And this is still going on.

Tang Yi didn't know when he appeared in front of Si Yunxie.

Kneel on one knee, pious and loyal


Si Yunxie's long and narrow eyes lifted up, his red eyes were full of gloomy cold, and the corners of his lips curled up with a weird smile.

"You are, Tang Yi"

He speaks slowly, slowly, word by word.

Obviously he looks so charming, stunning and handsome, but it makes people look at the body cold.

Tang Yi put his hands on his chest, pious and respectful


Si Yunxie cast his eyes down and glanced at the woman in his arms, the memory seemed to be thinking.

The woman's residual temperature had cooled, and now she was a cold body.

He watched, his red eyes exploring.

And the intense darkness and oppression radiating from his whole body continued to spread outward.

Until, a white light seemed to pierce through thousands of worlds, shining into this world.

Holy and glorious.

Si Yunxie moved his eyelids, lifted up, and looked at the white light.

The red eyes are full of fun.

I don't know why, the white light inspired the massacre in his heart.

Until the white light suddenly gathered, it straightly enveloped Si Yunxie.

He closed his eyes subconsciously and frowned slightly.

The darkness and oppression centered on Si Yunxie disappeared instantly.

When he opened his eyes again, the crimson in Si Yunxie's eyes disappeared and the original deepness was restored.

Tang Yi raised his head and looked at Si Yunxie.

Understand that Si Yunxie has returned to normal.

Still respectful


Si Yunxie pressed the corners of his lips tightly, picked up Xuan Yunzhi and walked outside the palace.

Beyond the world

The five people in Qingpao sat on the ground all of a sudden, wiped the sweat from their heads, looked at each other, and saw each other's relief.

One of them speaks

"Why did he wake up so quickly? Didn't it mean that there are still 50 million years left?"