Chapter 762: Doomsday Zombie 24

While thinking like this, she raised her head and looked at the crowd gathered in the distance. There was a lot of discussion in groups, but it seemed that no one came to claim the lost child.

"Where are your parents?"

After the child scanned a circle of people, he lowered his head

"have no idea."

The child's voice was very small, clutching Xuan Yunzhi's clothes tightly, and closely following Xuan Yunzhi step by step.

Xuan Yunzhi looked at the child, but he was pitiful, but he couldn't keep it with him.

She turned around and planned to find her parents, but she heard a calm voice before she took two steps.

"where did you go?"

Xuan Yunzhi raised his eyelids and faced Long Ziyu.

"Since the battle is over, where should I go to report to you? Brother"

She was smiling, her voice faint.

One of the soldiers, looking at the situation, thought it was a quarrel between the brothers and sisters, so he smiled and ended the battle.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Ke, we came from the headquarters and happened to meet you, so we plan to go with you, so we want to discuss the zombies with you."

Xuan Yunzhi lowered his head and touched the child's head, thoughtfully,

"Related to mutant zombies?"

The soldier's face immediately became serious and nodded


In this way, she nodded


And the idea of ​​taking the child to find its parents was also stranded.

Long Ziyu narrowed his eyes, looking at Xuan Yunzhi as if he wanted to see her through.

Xuan Yunzhi's eyes were indifferent, and his brow raised

"Looking at me like this, don't you recognize my sister?"

The undisciplined posture, such a charming appearance became more and more dazzling in the sunset.

The sun is westward and the dusk is gradually setting.

Next to a villa ten kilometers away from here.

A zombie stood at the door of this villa. After standing for a long time, his arm was bent stiffly, and then knocked on the door.

After a long time, a man appeared and opened the door.

The man was not surprised when he saw the zombie. He looked around the zombie, his thin lips pressed.

"What about people?"

Then I listened to the zombie

"Gurulu, Gurulu"

Said a long list.

The man was silent for a while.

Ask aloud

"How long does she say will be back?"


The zombies made a weird sound.

The man was silent for a long time again.

Then turned around and walked into the room.

When he came out again, he was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. His handsome and serious look made people unable to look away.

He looked at the sky outside. Evening was approaching, and it was getting dark and dark.

Stepped out of the villa and stood there for a while to adjust.

Then he continued to walk out.

"Go find her"

Under such a handsome skin, his voice was hoarse and weird.

The zombies following him made a grunting sound again.

The handsome man was silent for a while,

"speak English."

Then the zombies showed their fishy teeth and thought for a long time.

"Gurulu, she, said, Gurululu, yes, come to look for it."

Strange pronunciation, coarse tone.

The handsome man pursed his lips,

"I know."

After speaking, he stopped talking.

Listen carefully, the pronunciation of this person and zombie is actually somewhat similar.

Going west, you can see groups of zombies from time to time.

It's just that this man has no obstacles to shuttle among the piles of zombies.

It didn't even attract the attention of any zombies, as if it was not an individual who came here, but a similar person like them.