Chapter 785: Doomsday Zombie 47

She walked into a simple makeshift tent.

Long Ziyu, Long Xiaoke, Bailiyan, Kuan Lie and all his subordinates were sitting there.

Seeing Xuan Yunzhi's arrival, Kuanlie laughed loudly

"Xiao Ke is here, do it quickly and sit with your brother."

While speaking, he pointed to the only spot that was vacant beside Long Ziyu.

Xuan Yunzhi raised his eyes and looked at Long Ziyu with a smile.

Go over and sit down.

"Captain Kuan, don't know what's the matter with me?"

When it comes to business, their expressions become more serious.

"In the past few days, we have not left for the sub-base. After staying here for seven consecutive days, the protected masses began to have some dissatisfaction, so I would like to ask you to discuss it. Our next step is to continue to wait here. I'm still going for it."

Xuan Yunzhi raised his eyebrows

"Forced? Why? Sub-bases are not allowed to pass?"

Kuan Lie was also taken aback when he saw Xuan Yunzhi knowing nothing, then looked at Long Ziyu and smiled.

"I thought your brother would tell you, but you never knew it."

After finishing speaking, he said to Long Ziyu meaningfully.

"At the time when the enemy is present, don't pay too much attention to some internal differences. After all, in the face of human life, what are these small contradictions?"

The words blaming Long Ziyu for not telling Xuan Yunzhi of the real situation are very strong.

Long Ziyu's face became darker, but he didn't say anything.

After that, let Kuanlie introduce the current situation to Xuan Yunzhi

"We contacted the sub-base seven days ago, but the answer from the sub-base is that we will go back in a few days."


"The zombies around the sub-base have undergone an abnormal change."

When he said this, his lenient expression was solemn.

"Anomaly? A zombie with a power?"

"And there is more than one. Not only that, some of the zombies around the sub-base have very strong toxicity. As long as they are scratched, they will become infected, die, or mutate into zombies. Moreover, this toxicity is not untie."

Xuan Yunzhi listened carefully. Because of this, they stopped on this mountain for seven days.

"So, what are you going to do?"

She speaks.

Kuan Lie and Long Ziyu looked at each other

"Before you came, the result of our discussions was to push hard."

After all, they can't afford it here.

The people are restless, and the food in their hands has basically been eaten. If you delay here, something will happen sooner or later.

It would be better to fight.

She leaned on the chair, lazily


It seems that she can make any decision.

When Kuan Lie heard Xuan Yunzhi's response so readily, he felt more confident in his heart.

"If this is the case, then we will divide the work. After all, the people who accept our protection have no power to bind the chickens. It is easy to say that we enter the sub-base, and more importantly, protect them from injury."

After half an hour of business discussion.

In the end, it was decided that Kuan Lie, Long Ziyu, Xuan Yunzhi, the three of them would take the lead, and the others would follow in other people's cars to protect the safety of the people.

Xuan Yunzhi has no comments on this.

Long Xiao can endure and endure, still speak out

"I want to be with Ziyu."

Long Ziyu looked down at Long Xiaoke, rubbed her head, full of affection

"It's safer to stay with them, and it makes me feel more at ease."

Long Xiaoke opened his mouth and wanted to ask why Xuan Yunzhi could be with his brother, but in the end, he still didn't say it, although he was a little unwilling.


She raised her head and glanced at Xuan Yunzhi who was sitting on the other side of her brother, her eyes flashing darkly.