Chapter 913: Villain, I raised 64

Let her trim the embroidery lines according to her own requirements.

In ten days, six embroiderers started working at the same time, which was enough.

She thought.

She is busy here, but 001 can't help but mumble

"Host, you are too partial to the villain."

Xuan Yunzhi just smiled after hearing this, without refuting.

Is she eccentric?

Sometimes it feels okay, or even not enough.

Why is this happening?

It might be the person who showed her love nakedly and told her to feel so directly.

It was as if that person would give her life whenever she wanted to.

He showed her the most vulnerable part, which made her always be careful with him for fear of hurting him.

Because I was too reluctant, I was partial and didn't know it.

On the other side, in the back mountain of the Skyfire Sword Sect, Si Yunxie held a bamboo leaf in his hand, and gently touched and played with his distinct hands.

Lazy posture, long narrow eyebrows drooped to hide the coldness in his eyes.

Beautiful appearance, thin lips pursed with a smile.

He was dressed in coarse cloth and black, and he was obviously a humble outfit, but at first glance, he felt noble and untouchable.

A man in a cyan disciple suit walked up to Si Yunxie step by step, clasped his fists in both hands, and knelt on one knee.

"Devil Domain Protector Chi Ying, pay homage to the Lord."

Si Yunxie raised his eyes, no emotion could be read in his pitch-black eyes, and a magnetic sound came out from his throat rolling up and down.

"Get up."

"Thank you Lord."

Look at the face of this man named Chi Ying, his face is fair, and he is still handsome.

Compared with those strange-looking demons, this person is extremely good-looking.

Especially those eyes, star brow and sword eyes, looked quite cold and harsh.

"Lord, everything is ready, just wait for the feast ten days later, everything will be clear."

Si Yunxie replied, playing with the bamboo leaf in his hand, it seemed that he was not paying attention to what Chi Ying said.

The Lord didn't order, Chi Ying didn't dare to make more opinions on her own.

Outsiders only know that the Demon Realm was not peaceful a few days ago, but they didn't know that the Demon Realm had already changed its dynasty and changed hands.

And the person who shot was the one in front of him, who looked handsome, and at first glance thought he was a beautiful and kind person.

But a year ago, the bloodbath followed the shot, and the thunder was too fast to cover his ears, killing the right guardian, and abolishing the cultivation base of the previous demon ancestor, and the mighty one who originally planned to die for the previous demon ancestor. After that, the loyalists were completely clean in his blood.

On that day, the blood in the main hall of the Demon Realm could converge into a stream on the steps at the door, trickling down.

He only relies on the power of one person to make everyone fearful.

It was not that too many people he slaughtered were frightened, but the people he slaughtered were originally prestigious and vicious demons.

The demon cultivator who slaughtered a village was disdainful, and even embarrassing, to the real master of demon cultivator.

Bullying unarmed ordinary people can only be done by the humble and disgusting demons.

But Si Yunxie slaughtered the Demon Domain Heaven of the Demon Domain Main Hall, which is known as the strongest gathering power.

All the magic repairs are crazy.

Not wanting to oppose him, but everyone admires, admires and recommends him as the new demon ancestor.

In this way, Si Yunxie was pushed to the highest position of the Demon Realm by undisputed or even very loud voices.

However, he did not accept, but left.

But that position was recognized by a group of demons that only Si Yunxie was worthy.