Chapter 1060: boss, lightly pet 75

"Do you want me to be with other women so that you and Si Yunxu can be perfected? I tell you, as long as I live for one day, you are dreaming!"

His voice was cold and slow, and there was anger suppressed in the depths.


The two of them said something completely wrong with their lips.

Each is jealous for each other's ignorance of the so-called rumors and misunderstandings, but they don't know it.

Xuan Yunzhi was angry with his words.

He even felt that this smelly man dared to say that to her because she liked him.

If I had known it earlier, I should bear it again, no, I had known that she should have left him early and went to a happy life on her own.

The provincial ones will be angry when they see him like that!

"Don't think that I like you so much that I must like you. There are so many men in the world, without you, there are still others."

I don't know when, Si Yunxie pressed her at the top of the stairs and sealed this chattering mouth.

As Xuan Yunzhi scolded him, he was out of breath. When he was kissed suddenly, he didn't breathe well, and his cheeks suddenly flushed red.

After a long time, the kiss finally came to an end. She had been holding a sigh of breath, so she softened her legs all of a sudden, and leaned on him to gasp.

Si Yunxie hugged her, as long as she didn't say the words that made him feel irritated, and let him hold her arms quietly, it was still very good.

The chatter that was noisy just now has suddenly quieted down, and it seems a bit silent.

After a long time, Xuan Yunzhi broke free from his arms and brought the medicine kit.

Take out the disinfectant water and band-aid, after careful disinfection, put the band-aid on his face.

She lowered her head and said nothing, and the two stood at the top of the stairs.

Xuan Yunzhi was about to close the lid of the medicine box, her hand with distinct joints pressed against the lid.

Take out the cotton swab and disinfectant inside,

The other hand took her arm, she was stunned for a moment


Looking down, he was holding the cotton swab and applying the disinfectant to the injured arm.

His movements are very slow, and every move is sloppy and expensive.

It seems that what is done is not an application of medicine.

The way Xuan Yunzhi looked at him, his eyes looked at his handsome face, and his brows twitched slightly.

"You look down on me so much, don't you worry about getting your hands dirty when you give me medicine?"

The words were half irritated and half sarcasm.

After all, I was still mad at what he said from the car.

Si Yunxie raised his eyes and glanced at her. The long and narrow eyes couldn't tell what he was thinking.

But I have been eating and not talking.

Xuan Yunzhi was taken aback when he saw him, and rolled his eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

Si Yunxie threw the cotton swab in his hand, his thin lips revealed

"You haven't been right since you came back."

Xuan Yunzhi hummed softly, without speaking.

Si Yunxie continued to say slowly

"I thought you were because of Si Yunxu, but think about it carefully."

When he was talking, he suddenly pressed to Xuan Yunzhi's ear.

The whole body is pressed over, very ambiguous

"Are you because of what I said in the car?"

Along the way, Si Yunxie was annoyed by the scene he saw in the courtyard garden.

I thought this woman was arguing with him because of Si Yunxu.

Until just now she said "Don't think I have to like you"

Suddenly he calmed down all his anger, and finally began to slowly analyze the reason for her anger.

After thinking about it, she was the only one who asked curiously in the car.