Chapter 1079: BOSS, lightly pet 94

And being able to hold a birthday party here is a manifestation of influence and strength in itself.

Xuan Yunzhi walked in holding Si Yunxie's arm, Tang Yi followed behind him, holding Xuan Dazhuang's hand.

As soon as he stepped into the Luosheng Hotel, the sights spread from all directions.

Surprise, envy, jealousy, doubt, all eyes were shrouded.

Originally, Si Yunxie in this life was wearing a gentle outer skin. Although the inner shell was black, what everyone saw should be the image of a gentle and handsome man.

She thought that even if she came to the banquet, it should not attract too much attention.

But I didn't expect that when I walked in, it almost became the focus of an eye.

The hotel of Connaught University, playing soft music, exquisite cakes, fine wine, and waiters who nod and bow in the crowd.

It is not so much a birthday banquet as it is a gathering between celebrities organized by this famous head.

Among these people, Si Yunxie became the object of everyone's curiosity.

Xuan Yunzhi was a little surprised at this phenomenon, but not surprised.

According to Si Yunxie's temperament, wherever he goes, he can attract everyone's existence at a glance. He is very powerful, and the audience will worship her.

However, according to this life.

Although the Si family is also in the ranks of the top rich, Si Yunxie is the adopted son of the Si family. Anyone with a little brain knows that the old Si will definitely not be handed over to Si Yunxie in the end.

It is even possible that there will be an economic war with the Si family. Under such a volatile situation, the best choice is to alienate Si Yunxie, so that Chi Yu will not be harmed. Why do these people stare at him and rush over? ?

Xuan Yunzhi smiled, holding Si Yunxie's arms and shuttled among the crowd. She could feel the heat and flattery of these people staring at Si Yunxie, but finally stepped forward to meet Si Yunxie. There are only a few people.

They seem to understand Si Yunxie’s temper very well, knowing that he doesn’t like to have too much relief from others. Those who come to say hello just hold the champagne glass, flick it, say a few words, and follow. Attention will turn to Xuan Yunzhi's body.

"Who is this"

One of them approached, the man who looked extraordinary, asked aloud.

"My wife, Xuan Yunzhi."

Si Yunxie's thin lips pursed with a smile, and a pair of narrow eyes slowly introduced.

Then you will see the people coming, and look at it calmly while surprised.

Finally laughed aloud

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Si already has a wife. I'm afraid it hurts many daughters, hahaha."

After that, the question will always inquire about her if there is something like nothing, but it won't talk much, just a few minutes, and then they will separate.

Every once in a while, someone will come forward.

Si Yunxie is a rare patience, introducing her to everyone.

Xuan Yunzhi showed a decent smile on his face and greeted everyone.

Finally, there was a gap in the middle of rest, Xuan Yunzhi secretly ran to a corner.

Carrying a glass of red wine, take a lazy time.

With the speed of these people's broadcasting, as long as you tell one person, all people will know that she is Si Yunxie's wife.

Every moment, Huo Yuan walked out, wearing a white suit with a slender appearance. He didn't have stage fright in the spotlight. He always had an aura on his body. No matter how many people he faced, he could stand his face without changing his face. .